《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 36


- interludes found it-

"thirteen thousand and five hundred lambs, thirteen thousand and five hundred one lambs.."


i exhale my breath

it's been boring here recently that i have nothing to do..

- story of the world -

long time ago, before this world is created

in the distant star

there was an omnipotent group that reaches the inner peak of universe

said group of people already exhausted and bored with anything

creating world, making new plasma theory, black hole, new galaxy..

those people are already know everything that needs to be known

until finally

they’re exhausted.

they tried to do everything to make entertainment to themself

but it's no use

knowing secret of immortality and longevity, they have no need to worried about the passing time

and finally

they decided to "disappear"

one by one, they start to accept "death"

normally such being cannot be killed with any means

but that's different matter altogether if theyre the one asked for it

the last remaining one of them start to wonder

about joy of live

about the wonder of living

so it created "something"

a child with a part of their power but without their knowledge

the child still had some basic knowledge

however things that reach the truth of universe is excluded

after all, it won't be good if that child ends up like them and decide to disappear

after all, only without knowing anything that one is desperately wants to "live"

the immortals realize it too late

so it pray

it pray that the child isn't made the same mistake like them

by living with the child and teaching her about everything necessary for her the last immortal departed too

satisfied, he disappeared

after the creator gone, the child is alone

the child start to create a place with a living being

in order to fulfill the wish of her "creator"

to find out the meaning of living

she decided of the name of the planet

the planet name is named "horun"

however it's just something that child decide on her own

because the planet civilization level is low, she descend sometimes to teach them basic of survival

it seems like, something called magic exist here

so she decided to teach about them too

having received knowledge and power from her, they respectfully called her a goddess

without minding it too much, she accept it silently

time passes..

with knowledge that the goddess teaching them

the human grow rapidly

at the same time

some intelligent life form other than human is showing up from nowhere.

The human is teaching them about civilization and magic

the human accept them as their own and start to live together

but not all is good

some of the life form act on their own and getting greedy

learning about civilization, they start to want everything for their own kind

that race, will be known as "demons"

-few thousand years later-

having observed it for so long

makes the goddess happy


supposedly, she only need to observe the life form in here, and doing what her creator told her to

to find the wonder of living

however she grown attracted to people there

sometimes they cry, sometimes they happy, sometimes they curse, sometimes they spat

because she was immersed for too long it's already impossible to leave

by receiving their faith and loyalty, the goddess power increased

her being itself, is tied to this world already

of course, she don't regret it

after all she loves this planet already

but feeling lonely sometimes she wants a companion

so she made three creatures based on her observation of another world called earth

the three children have different personality

the dragon, argevalt is short tempered but care about their comrade

the phoenix, is hopelessly noisy if it's a talking about love like nagging girlfriend

while the gorgon, is a quiet and reserved child

goddess was happy

now she won't be alone anymore

of course, there's a time when she got that kind of delusion...

"to think, they all suddenly said " mother, we want to be free" mou!"

the goddess is playing with blocks inside her room

"and i already shower them with that much love! how-dare-they- leaving me alone"

"especially gorgon, i don't think she had the nerve to leaving me. especially since she always used to cry on my lap back then!"

goddess start to complained

"after that it really is a mess.. argevalt is impressed with demon race boldness for trying to conquer the world and giving them his blessing. now he's become their god and they got some nerve calling me an evil goddess!"

"phoenix.. uhmm, i didn't hear much about her lately, other than she said want to make the best brothel in the world? seriously what's that child thinking? i created her but even i don't know what she's thinking"

"seriously, aren't they too carefree? from where did they inherit that personality from?"

"while gorgon.."

reminding about her third creation, she start to made sad expression

"you trying to protect a single child and that makes you being hunted. you can even fight back easily but decides to not to.."


the third, gorgon is already departed from this world already

just by trying to protect a single kid that falls in front of king carriage she accidently destroyed the carriage

fortunately the king isn't there, but his beloved daughter charlotte is

furious, the king pouring every resource in his country to hunt gorgon

normally even hunting such a legendary being is unthinkable, but the reward offered makes people goes blind

being hunted down , gorgon didn't even fight back and accept her death

"after she was killed and her body part is taken by various people, that said country is the first one to disappear from demon invasion. it's probably argevalt doing, that kid won't forgive those who touch his kin. well, they got their own dessert i suppose"

"i heard the kid she saved now become called a founder holy woman and creating a holy city. umm what's the country called again? alexandria?"


not interested with country affairs, the goddess ponders

"but really, it's been recently boring with me alone. sometimes i bring hero from another world to here because they offer me sweets and food unique from their world. but last time it's been called is already 50 years ago"

thinking about it would be the hero summoning time soon

"i guess i can relieve my boredom a little. they had many interesting things to tell, perhaps this time i’ll summon them to this place?"

at that moment

goddess feel something strange

"this is.. hero summoning? but why, it isn't the time yet.. ah, it's that country huh. they got the nerve ignoring my prophecy and summon heroes as they like"

actually, heroes doesn't need goddess permission to be summoned

however because the hero that offer sweets and food for goddess received blessing as thanks it was considered staple that only heroes permitted by the goddess receive the blessing

that's why the others thinks it's heresy to summon hero without her blessing

no, actually just offering good food and sweet is enough to makes goddess giving them blessing

but since she feel it's troublesome to explain she decided to play along

that's why she start to get carried away inside her head

"hmph, for stupid people that dares to defy me.. let's see, i'll make your country filled with fleas and every people will have a stone inside their shoes. feel the god wrath, ahahahaha!"

she start talking un-goddess like.

"whatever, i'm bored anyway. might as well seeing them. "

saying like that, she start to munch popcorn and creating big 100 inch-screen image

after watching for some time, she start to get immersed of it

the people in country is boring as usual, making boring scene and plan

goddess only thought to them is divine punishment probably won't work on those idiots

the heroes is typical like usual too, nothing seems different from usual

having a everflowing sense of justice and fighting to save the world

she had seen that kind of scene too much already

no matter who wins, the other side is the one thats gonna suffer

acting as observer, she start to look different people around like changing channel

and one of them

she can't turn her view from it

"uwaah, be careful on your above. ah there, incoming on side. ouch, that looks painful even though they’re just a low life."

she start to get excited seeing a fight

honestly it was a low level fight compared to the battle of sword saint and dragon king, when the hero's fight demon king. it won't match their level

however, seeing a single girl desperately clinging on her life while using everything she got

the goddess cannot avert her eyes

"ah, here comes the big one! ahh.. it's probably gonna be over this time. their status difference is too big. she won't be able to win"

the one coming out next is the strongest among them

normally thinking it probably won't even become a fight

like an adult fighting a child, it's not gonna be end up nicely

the goddess too thought it's gonna be over instantly. but

"eh, what that? to think magic scroll could be used like that. ah..!"

the explosion surround the big guy body

the goddess surprised

it was a move beyond her prediction


"did she win?"

reality is cruel

the big one still standing

having exhausted everything she collapsed

she still hurl abusive words and her spirit is high, but she won’t be able to fight anymore

like this, the result is clear

"unfortunately, in the end status is everything huh. i can't blame arge for thinking power is everything. perhaps he was correct at the end"

the big man already leave, and the girl is surrounded and started to getting mobbed by the hoodlums

thinking there was no need to watch any longer, the goddess leave and takes a bath

-after some time-

"pwah, drinking fruit milk is the best after bath"

after relaxing with un-goddess face, she said that

"mm, i guess i can just go to sleep but im still want to wake a little longer. so should i play ayatori? ugh but playing alone is kinda.."

actually she doesn't need to sleep and can wake up forever

however it's not like she can't. sleeping is like a luxury for her

just because you don't need to doesn't mean you can't

having too much free time, she was doing it like usual

after taking a glance, she remember she didn't turn off the tv yet

"ah how careless of me. mm? that girl is still alive? but her condition looks bad. ah? isn't that a piece of gorgon skin? probably some cave that kid used previously huh"

getting pretty interested, she decided to take a quick look


the remote is slipped, and the volume accidently turn on to max


she heard her voice


it was ragged voice

the voice looks weak, the sound is trembling


for some reason

it seems to touch something inside the goddess


a scream

accompanied by lightning, it adds the impact


a scream from her very being



the girl fall

the goddess getting quiet

honestly she doesn't understand what the girl is talking about

all of it, it's bizarre

if she didn't want to die then why didn't she run to outside of forest from the start?

instead of taking care of the hoodlum one by one, why not ignore them and running away?

if she knows fighting that big guy meant certain death, then why provoke him instead?

considering her appearance looks harmless, if she begs for her live since the start wont she probably spared ?

even if that means becoming their toys or plaything isn't that okay as long you're survive?


why did all of her action are opposite of that?

why did she stare at death heads on instead of averting from them?

why did.. she looks so beautiful?

i don’t understand

i don’t understand at all, but..!

a tears

it was a unconscious action

probably the goddess didn't expect it

that, after 2000 years

she can still feels what human called "emotion"

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