《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 35


- q&a ending, phew time to take a break -

hearing that, the goddess frowned

"eeh? thats two question yanno? didn't you said last"

i start to kick her solar plexus

goddess start to gripped her stomach in pain

"two, three, it doesn't matter. as long as you can answer even if its thousand or million is not important. even if your body stopped moving and only mouth and brain left is fine too as long you can answer"

"uu urgh.. i.. it's important! it's been a long time since i speak with someone else, truthfully i already reach my limit just speaking like this, desu~. also how can i still speak without vocal organs!" replied the goddess

ahh so she was a loner for 2000 years huh

then don't make such a smug face! it pissed me off

"WhaDyWEaA YOu DOinGh?"

i stretch the useless goddess cheek

"iT GhOnnA TeAr! IT GhOnnA TeAr, PLeASwh ShThop"


speak human you idiot

i still can't understand what youre talking about even with language comprehension

are you actually a fish? or maybe your intelligence is so low that you can't even understand concept of speaking

"uugh.. grr.. hiccu.."

goddess looks at this way while crying and looks begrudging

ah no good

if she start to bawling it would take a long time again to interrogate.. question her

can't be helped, i'll just go to question before that happened

just like that, she unconsciously treat this goddess as a troublesome child

"so why i cant hear my name? every time i heard it from someone else it become a garbled word without meaning"

"uuu.. i don't know.. perhaps it's because of extreme trauma you feel when you died, so that part is broken severely inside your soul.."

"ah wait, don't try to hit me! i really am not sure what's the cause, but given time it will be sure to recover as long you wish strongly for it! ...probably"


stopping my right hook, i start to accept it

hmm so it will recover eventually. well if thats not the case she doesnt seem to know much about it too. i can leave it alone for now

then for other question..

"what's with that world just now? did you create it?"

goddess seems to stand back a little, being in guard against my attack. tch, so she learns huh

"y.. yeah, i told you your soul and mind is badly damaged right? so.. i made you seeing a dream to made you recover"


"uhm, would you understand if i told you its like mother lullaby? basically it create an enviroment where you can relax the most"


so its like a relaxation spot where you do body massage and spa to heal tired soul huh

but that doesnt answer why its in earth

perhaps thats the place where i can feel in ease the most?

if thats the case why not just making me meet aimi in actual form instead? i would be healed that way

ahh.. aimi, i miss your scent. i miss your face. i miss your lovely buttock. i miss your lovely bottom..

"umm hello, why are you getting silent? for some reason your face scares me "

ah i end up in my delusion again. and i almost going to "c" with aimi too

*tickle tickle tickle*


shut up. thanks to you i miss aimi best moment! be grateful i didnt use violence

i keep tickling goddess armpit, and bellybutton


- a hour later -

*zhee haa..*

"i.. i thought i'm gonna died, desu~"

then stop distracting me. why are you having a face that makes one wants to bully you? go fix it to korea or thailand


"why are you blaming me!? to begin with i was born with this face, so its not my fault desu~"

goddess retorted

eh whatever, i ignore her and continue asking

"so its all only a dream? then why did they looked very similiar with the real ones? even people i barely talked is speaking to me like an actual person"

"because its a dream thats created with my power, theres a chance that it will makes another people with some connection with you dream the same thing. so everyone there have a high chance to be the actual people that you meet in the past"

goddess explained with a serious and stiff face

i guess she learns if she explained while acting smug she would get bullied again

ah, her legs are trembling. i suppose she's still scared

but more importantly

"thank you"

i honestly speak

the goddess looks scared instead

what are you doing goddess? shouldnt you said you welcome instead?

"w..what are you planning? are you trying to kidnap me? threaten me? just telling if you make me a hostage, my follower wont just stay quiet you know..!"

ahh i guess she understand about me so much in this short amount of time we're talking. relax, i have no intention to harm. i'm just telling the truth

"despite you dont need to, you saved my soul that almost dissapear somewhere, and spending your power to recover my battered soul. and letting me see my family doesnt feel bad once in a time"

"so i thank you. for saving me. without you i would be disappear already”

the goddess looks surprised, then start to looks away with red face. seemingly mumbling something

"h..hmph, it's such a trivial matter for goddess like me"

the goddess looks happy somewhat


usually i won't be even this grateful with someone that i never even meet before

is it the effect of separating with my body? i guess it made me tamer than usual

normally i would force her to get me back immediately, or failing to do that hand me over her body, and threaten to burn this whole place

i guess it's because i separated with my body, yep let's just think that

"okay, since all that done and dandy"

goddess looks this way

"hand over this place. ah, and serve me forever from now on. slave #2"


answered the goddess dumbfounded

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