《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 34


-goddess q&a, gosh just end it already -

i heard the goddess explanation carefully

"so, gorgon actual power is to granting wish?"

"yes, but not quite every wish"

"what do you mean?" asked the girl

" to be exact, it grant the wish of everyone other than the user"

what the hell, such troublesome abilities

i spat

"and it needs to be strong wishes from deep inside the heart, otherwise it won't be fulfilled"

"ahh, then it was only useful for someone like me then. someone that almost died or in great danger " answer the girl

after all, faith is said to be increasing at time of war

and since gorgon is already dead, this is probably the last time a miracle like this is performed

"so, the gorgon abilities fulfill my wish to live, that's why it revives my body right?"

"yes" replied the goddess

"and since there's no soul, that's why it was an incomplete resurrection?"

"correct. even gorgon power cannot create what's not in there since the beginning"

then, how did my body.. ah right

she only remembers a bit after she died

that body clearly moves on their own

and, probably with a will on its own

"even without a soul, the body can still move on its own"

"but because it lack those, the memories and others are missing"

"because it's empty since start, some of gorgon residual thought might influence its movement or behavior a bit"

goddess continue to speak

the girl is quietly listening

"however no matter what's the influence from external factor does"

"your soul and body. all of them are undoubtedly "you" thats why its impossible to call them separate beings"

"because it's destined to be together after all"

declared goddess

following that, i try to keep my mind


it's all a bit too hard to comprehend

whatever it was, one thing for sure

"in order for me to return as the person i originally am"

"i need to kill that guy, right?"

goddess nod

"if your next wishes is granted, the manifested wish will most likely gone after fulfilling your wish"

"in that time, you can probably get back to your body"

"since its originally yours, with no more regrets hindering them"

"it's just gonna return to the place where it belongs"

explained the goddess

"i.. see"

feeling she knows what to do, she renew her determination

theres still hope left

as long as “i” am still alive

even in this form i'll survive

and this time..

i won't let anyone or anything to stopped me

"oh, but how do i kill that guy? i don't have bodies"

"it's okay. the gorgon abilities is probably moving your body to grant your second wish. considering its strength, if they meet it would be over in a second"

“sooner or later it would probably act by themself”

hearing that she feels relieved

"so i don't need to do anything and wait huh. feels a bit strange entrusting my will to my own body"

the goddess start to speak again

"that's it, are you clear?"

said the goddess

"ah right, one last thing"

i asked

"why, can't i hear my name?"

"also, what the hell is that world just now?"

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