《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 30


-forcing them to talk is troublesome, ne?-

moom! moom!

i called my mother desperately

"what is it, you made such a ruckus. ah! that's right, why did you leave your brother alone! he cried while keep saying it's not his fault you know! you know how messy the kitchen now?"

ignoring her mother nagging, she continues

"forget that! more importantly, do you remember my name?"

hearing that, she makes a look like she had seeing a unbelievable child

"i see.. to think, your delusion is already this far.. this child, did you forget your actual name from that much nickname that you made? if i think about it, at middle school you keep calling yourself " prince of darkness right?" or was it dark antimatter? before that it's mighty blow?"

"why did you remember that..! no, it's my name. my actual birth NAME that you give to me when i was born! "

"a. ahh, so it was like that. i thought you're starting to speak incompressible things like usual.."

"yes yes sorry for being such unruly, wild, incompressible child. so, what's my name"

"isn't that $%$%?"


i seems to misheard it. but i can only heard it as strange sound

it's like, the sound that shown up when the tv signal is getting bad

"sorry, can you repeat that?"

"huh? like i said its $%$%"

its still same. i tried to ask dad

"dad, call me by my name"

"huh?, what's the matter? did someone bullied you again?

" i never get bullied, if someone tries though i'll make them regret even trying"

i.. i see.. "

dad looks intimidated, but i ignore it and letting him continue

"actually, i was the one naming you. your mother wants sakura but i thought simpler is better. its $%$%"



i clicked my tongue

"wh.. what? did you hate it? but.. i thought simple is better.."

nah, it's not like that dad.. hey! don't start to cry and speaking to mother "honey honey, our daughter.. our daughter is bullying me" you're supposed to be a adult, sheesh

i tried one more time to my little brother that getting sulked in floor


getting impatient, i start to pull his shirt and lifting him

no matter where you see, it's exactly like bullying right? well, lets ignore it

"sniff.. uh, wha..? what is it.. nee ..chan?

his crying seems start to get harder. come on now, are you really my little brother? at times like this you're supposed to glare back and biting their hand right?

man, i start to worry about the men in our family. well.. anyways

"say it"


"call my name.. with loud voice"

"sniff.. urgh.. nee.. ne chan.."


hearing that he got more intimidated

"sniff, ugh.. nee.. $%$%"

"louder" i said to him



some cracking sound is heard

i did it! it starting to work!


i start over with louder voice


*crack* *crack*

the sound is getting louder

though let's ignore the fact that my little brother trembling is getting louder too

ah, he peed

okay, one more push

"i'll kill you"

oops i guess it's too far. he looks pale and start to crying now..


*crack* *crack* *crackle*


it sounded like it was screamed

from the bottom of your stomach

it looks like you did it

good job bro, i'll treat you a chocolate when i get back

..or maybe not, you're gonna get toothache


the sound resounded all over

when i realized, everything is gone

my mom, father, little brother and house is dissapeared

when i finally saw the scene that changing

i was in a western styled room

alongside with a woman with pink hair and big boobs in front of me

"good morning"

she smiled while saying that

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