《Am i a goddess? A devil? No i am a lizard》chapter 28


- welcome to the prison of society -

after that morning drama with my "family"

they suddenly become very caring, keep talking to me to not speaking with strangers on the road. to not get distracted by suspicious man bringing candy, and asked teacher if i accidently peeing in the class

of course i won't do that. am i a three year old kid..!!

feeling tired because my family didn't believe me at all, i start to go to school in bad mood


"good morning"

hearing my classmate greet each other, i feel like i'm seeing a scene i'm not seeing for a long time

of course, a loner like me won't have anyone greet me

thinking that, i start to sit on my chair and then..

someone slapped my back

"yahoo, morning~"

i got dumbfounded

who is it? i don't remember i had anyone ever greets me like this

"heey, whats with the blank look? usually you retort with "ah, villager girl a" or something. what's that supposed to mean anyway, ahaha"

said the girl cheerfully

i remember her from memories too

she was one of the classmate that called together from hero summoning

her name is..

"uhmm, arisa..chan right? do you have some bussiness with me?"

hearing that, the girl shown surprised look

"huh? huh? wait so you remember my name? eh? what happened? are you sick? did you feel unwell? let's go to doctor 'kay?"

yess i'm getting used for this treatment. and for the remedy.. let's see

"did you get half asleep or something, village girl a? i'm clearly as healthy as fucking buffalo"

"yay it's the usual you!" cheer arisa

i just need the usual retort i see..

"hey, you're coming to school? it's been a long time"

a ikemen coming to greet me


i remember him too

from that distant memories

one of the heroes with usual staple style..

he is

"ah, harmless jizou"

"who is that!?"

retort jizou, i mean ikemen.. no i mean

"narukami.. shuu-san correct?"

hearing that, he relaxed a bit

"why a complete name? just call me shuu is fine, i mean.."

"aren't we friends?" said shuu


certainly i said that in that dream world

but i never remember i said that in "this world"

to begin with..

is that a dream? or this world is the dream?


my head is thinking of things i'm not used to

at this rate, i'm gonna broken down

to cure it.. yes, i know one all-mighty cure

it is..


i scream from the bottom of my being

all people around me looked surprised, but i ignore them

"thats right! aimi chan! aimi tan! aimemon! aahh, to think such sublime being exist..! just a word is not enough to show my feelings.. just how long did you intend to torture me aimi-chan? BUT! if this pain is your proof of love, if it's become the proof that you exist, then i will, gladly.."



scream myself with a pose like praying to gods with all my might

hearing that, the class gone silent a moment.

i guess when human seeing something incompresible their brain is shutted down for a moment

after a silence that seems forever

someone laughing in hallway while holding his stomach

"pfft.. kuku.. hahaha, there's never a boring moment with you"

a blonde guy is there

different than the ikemen, he got a different type of handsome

seems like he's the type that bring his girlfriend with motorcycle or something

if not, how about a horse? ah, just like the one in conqueror of world end. now i want to ride one too


this guy too, is one of the horses. i mean heroes

"hey guys, good morning"

the delinquent-like guy is greeting us

the others are replying his greeting

except for me

"whats with that sour look? your face looks more interesting before"

"nothing, please don't mind this flea over here"

i answered without emotion as much as possible

for some reason, i got irritated seeing this delinquent

it's like speaking with unknown creature from another planet

no matter how much we tried to communicate, it's impossible to understand each other after all

huh? then did my classmate and family thinks of me like that?

no way right? i was someone full of common sense after all

while i got distracted with meaningless things

the delinquent stares at me with serious face

err what was it? i don't remember i offend him in any way

"are you.. fine?"

asked him without changing his expression

haa? what is this delinquent said?

did he think i died or something? hello, look here. body arm leg check, yup everything there. no problem with my stomach, breathing too..

hey don't say anything is wrong within my head! it's still healthy, full of my love with aimi-chan

seeing me seems like okay, the delinquent relaxed his expression

"well, if you fine then that's okay"

then he pats my head

"then, see you later"

and leaves like that

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