《Awakening in Ruins》01-Waking up


I wake up.

I wake up and am immediately overwhelmed by a flood of knowledge. Then it ends. I try looking around. I see a room with many objects made of metal. The walls seem to be composed of stone. Below me there is a large metal plate with a tiny glowing crystal and a small blue cube in some kind of metal construction on it. The word table comes to mind. Interesting. It seems I know the names of some things just by looking at them.

Then I think of something. What about my body? I had noticed that my point of view always stayed the same while looking around and I can’t see any part of my body. Maybe I don’t have a body? I try to move. The metal construction on the table twitches. I try again with the same result. Maybe this thing is my body? I haven’t paid much attention to it, but now I give it a closer look.

The blue cube is at the centre while thin metal bars run along the edges and keep it in place. At every of the cubes corners there is something like a joint that connects it with thin rods each of which is connected to another rod by a joint at the opposite end. These other rods end in what looks like a claw. Is all of that my body? No matter what I do, the only thing that moves is the cube, but since its encased in the metal construction the whole thing twitches. So it seems that I can only directly control the cube.

Frustrated with being stuck inside this hunk of metal I slowly move myself towards the small crystal that lies nearby since its obviously magical. When I come in close proximity to it, it suddenly moves towards the cube and disappears. And again I am being given knowledge, although this time I wasn’t overwhelmed and I could immediately access the new knowledge. Basically it consisted of three parts.


The first was information on how to take control of the metal body surrounding the cube and, if I wanted to, change to a different body. It seems that several of the metal constructs in this room are possible bodies or parts for these bodies. Interesting. However, it seems like I would have to ‘become stronger’ to effectively control bigger bodies with more parts. But since I don’t know what exactly it means to ‘become stronger’ or how I am supposed to accomplish this, I seem to be stuck with my current body. There also were some Instructions on how to fight with this body.

The next part is a message “The room you are in is located in the basement of a castle. The castle has been conquered by an undead army. Try to find a way out. If you can flee from the castle journey north or south. Don’t go east. There the main force of the necromancers will be. Survive.” Who is this message from? And is it directed to me? It seems like that’s the case since it comes with the instructions on how to control my body.

And then the thing about the undead army. According to my information most undead are corpses that have been resurrected to fight. However, there are exceptions such as liches, mages that turned theme self into undead to obtain immortality and special abilities. How am I supposed to fight through an entire castle full of these things? Maybe I don’t really have to fight them. I only have to get out of the castle. And maybe the army has already moved on and joined the ‘main forces’ mentioned in the message. I will just have to see how things turn out.

Now about the last part is a collection of descriptions on different types of undead. This will certainly be useful to judge the enemies strength and take appropriate action. After processing this new knowledge I should probably start looking around the room a bit.

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