《The Raiser of Queens》April Fool's - Peeking Chapter: God in a wolf's skin... or a wolf in a god's skin...?


Peeking Chapter – God in a wolf's skin... or a wolf in a god's skin...?

Spoiler :

[… some time in the near future...]

Inside a certain person's realm, in a tiny universe inside a living being, four figures stand among the nebulae and the stars. The giant among them, a man of both incredible strength, and weight, has a thick brown pelt of fur covering his head and shoulders and ivory tusks embellishing his neck, he's a man that goes by the name Mamuf. The second tallest, a man that seems more sturdier and just as strong as the last one, has a dark brown pelt covering his head, he goes by the name Ursus. The third one is a thin and tall man, equal to Mamuf's height, if he would stand straight, that is, he has an avian skull with many feathers attached to it over his head, he goes by the name Agio. The last one, the smallest one, is in appearance just as strong but much more faster than the others, he has a light brown pelt, with fangs almost covering his face, he goes by the name Tighra. Those four spirits are currently inside the soul of the one who once was their chief and leader, Ra.

Recently the miniature Universe inside Ra's soul has been being enveloped by shadows.

“Oi, Agio, what the fuck is happening? Is Ra dying or something?”, Tighra was concerned.

“Just chill, he's sleeping, all right!”, Ursus chided the tiger-man.

“That still doesn't explain these freaking shadows, man!”, Tighra continued and was ready to strike at Ursus, which in turn was ready to do the same. They were looking fiercely into each other's eyes, although a bit playfully.

“Shush, both of ya! How can ya call yaselves Noctumai if ya can't even recognize our Mother's shadows!? Shame on ya!”, Agio hissed back at both of the warriors.

“Hm... Shouldn't we have noticed it sooner, Agio?”, Mamuf asked the eagle-man.

“Argh...”, he sighed, “I don't know, brotha.. It's not like we can perceive time and space properly in here, after all...”, the eagle man was scratching his neck. “I believe that may be part of her own schemes.”

“You mean?”, Mamuf shortly questioned.

“She has made shadows to protect him from being noticed. It's not surprising they prevent even us from noticing it taking place on his soul. We are here for so little time, and his soul is as vast as a freakin ocean, mon...”

“Little time? We saw him grow up and even manage to get two women!”, Tighra bounced back. “He's a fucking wolf.”

“...”, the other three remained silent.

“How did he do that...”, Ursus complained muttering almost to himself, but his brothers heard him.

“Fuck, I mean, both of them are beauties with no match...”, Tighra complained further.

“...”, Agio and Mamuf looked at each other.

“What are you two hiding...?”, the tiger man noticed the both of them being unusually quiet. Well... at least for Agio.

“Uh... nothin, mon.”, Agio nervously backed away.

“Yep, we know no thing.”, Mamuf stoically responded.


“Spit it. Or I'm gonna start training my roar singing in here.”, Tighra threatened the eagle man.

“Woah! Chill, mon! No need for dirty tricks!”, Agio spoke up.

“Than share with us some of your knowledge, eagle shaman.”, the tiger man teased.

“Argh...”, Agio sighed dejectedly, “Fine... we tell ya.”

“Agio, we should keep it to our graves.”, Mamuf said, concerned.

“Where do you think we are now, big guy?”, Agio side glanced the big man next to him.

“Hm...”, Mamuf was thinking over his kinsman words, “Okay.”

“...”, Agio was a bit nervous, these secrets, ones he should never even have known about are a bit...

“So...?”, Tighra was getting impatient.

“Me and Agio were remembering when Ra bedded Isis.”, Mamuf said, simply, without even a pause.

“Wait, WHAT!?”, the tiger man was startled.

“You could be more subtle ya know, mon...”, Agio dropped his head, while resting it on one of his hand's palm.

“Hang on a second! He cheated on Mother Nox?”, Tighra was a bit insulted.

“There was also one time he bedded those musical ladies from that strange place... Greek or Greecia, something like that...”, Mamuf said while touching his chin and looking downward.

“And there ya go, spitting it all out...”, Agio rolled out his eyes. 'Fuck, we could spare a few ones! Come on!'

“...”, Ursus was a bit slack-jawed, but he recomposed himself, faster than the tiger-man in turn, “Meh, I believe it. I heard he bedded that Dragon Lady, Tiamat once, too.”

“What?”, Agio was surprised, “Ok... that one I didn't know.”

“...”, Tighra just stared at them.

“I think he got to those northern ones, too, didn't he?”, Mamuf asked to the eagle-man.

“It wasn't just one of those norther ones, mon!”, Agio was joining the mood and talked while trying to get the whole attention of the group, “It was the northern one! That beautiful virgin girl who tended to the golden apple orchard of Wodan.”

“Hahaha! Fuck, I can't believe it! He did it?”, Ursus laughed it off.

“Yep...”, Agio was nodding while he replied proudly.

“How many children did he have, I wonder...”, Ursus asked, half to himself and to his brothers.

“Far too many to count.”, Mamuf didn't even flinch to respond.

“How come Mother Nox never had children?”, Ursus asked them.

“It wasn't for lack of trying I tell ya...”, Agio said, shrugging.

“She was worried about breeding monsters...”, Mamuf said in a depressing tone.

“Always hard on heself that one...”, Agio replied, also in a sad tone.

“No wonder she was worried with an unfaithful mate as the one she had...”, Tighra muttered insultedly.

“OY!”, Ursus snapped out at him, ready to pack up a punch. Tiger only side glance the bear-man with disdaining eyes.

“Calm down, Ursus!”, Agio cried out, while also keeping Mamuf from stepping in, the mammoth man who was always so stoic and calm was brimming with anger, clenching his fists and gritting his teeth forcefully. “Look here, Tighra, we know ya. You always pounce before ya think straight!”


“I'm thinking straighter than I have ev-!”

“THE INFERNO YOU ARE!”, Agio was the one who yelled at the tiger man, startling even his stronger kinsmen who were at his side. “It was painful to Nox, yes. But Ra never. Ever. Lied to her about his feelings.”

“Then he should have stayed with her alone!”, Tighra shouted.

“You little bra-!”, Ursus was almost throwing himself on the younger warrior.

“He cannot!”, Agio cried out.

“...”, Mamuf was watching the situation silently, but his teeth were still gritting…

“What are you saying...”

“Nox herself set this up on Ra. When we were young and alive, when Ra first received her protection. One of her blessings were, 'And just like the Moon... you'll be surrounded by a myriad of stars, they shall be yours and you shall be theirs, to sow your seed unto them and give life to the children of the Night.'”

“Tch… Fuck you should have said what you first said to me back then, Agio...”, Ursus grumbled.

“What purpose? We are already dead, for good, this time… I have no patience ta wait out for him to make up his hea'd.”

“But… why…?”, Tighra was a bit stunned.

“Think properly, kid. It is not a difficult reason.”, Ursus was grudging, the younger warrior was no longer as worthy in his eyes anymore, to so easily spit at the memory of their warchief is simply outrageous to him. Especially when that warchief is him.

“She didn't think she would fall for him, too.”, Mamuf was the one to explain.

“Hehe… it is not everyday da spell bounces back at the sorceress… Especially her...”, Agio said nostalgically.

“Besides, it's a win for everyone. One like him should leave as much offspring as he can. He is a born Alpha, kid. Ever since he came to that world he was born to lead.”, Ursus was avoiding gazing at the tiger-man, he would make the younger warrior have chills up his spine with only an angry look at him.

“And he could have acted worse.”, Mamuf commented.

“Hm… that is discussable, brotha...”, Agio shyly spoke.

“I agree with Agio, he should have brought in every female he bedded into our pantheon.”, Ursus said, nodding.

“Hey, I wasn't saying that!!”, Agio spoke up tried to clear up the mess.

“What were you saying then?”, Mamuf asked.

“I-i… Damn, I don't know! I only had one wife, for the Hunt's sake! He was the one with more than two or three! Still slipping in and out of their beds in his Godhood wasn't too wise of him...”

“Mother Nox would have killed them, even indirectly, if he had brought them over.”

“Would she? I mean he could always sweet talk her over… That he mastered.”

“Don't you remember how she acted when he was down there in the mortal world? Every time he would meet a woman, she would destroy an entire sect of her Garden.”

“And we were the ones to tend and take care of it ta normal… Shee, my backs still ache from those stressing times...”

“Tighra was the only one who escaped it, because he would be cursing him beside her.”

“Tch...”, the young warrior chided himself.

“We already talked too much of him on his back. We should stop.”, Mamuf chided them.

“Oh come on, Muffy, let's enjoy it a bit more… What do you think about counting up how many he fooled and bedded?”, Ursus tried to tease on the stoic man.

“Hmrf”, Mamuf glared at Ursus who commented leisurely ill of their chief, “Warchief Ra always loved everyone of them to the core of his heart. He never fooled a woman before. Much more likely he was the one to be fooled.”

“That part is true… I can't believe how many times I had to rescue him from being absorbed into another Pantheon because he got tricked by a skirt...”, Agio was dropping his head and scratching his neck, as if it was in pain.

“Yeah, yeah, sorry! I didn't mean ill… it's just that, how can he do it, seriously? Truly love more than one person? Is that even possible?”, Ursus tried to right his wrong and sincerely asked.

“Look out there and ya got your answer. He loves women. They are an inspiration, goddesses in flesh and bone each one of them, in his eyes. He gives all of himself to dat feeling, that's how he can do it, I think. Or maybe it's just the aftermojo from the Nox's ancient spell.”, Agio tried to rationalize.

“Shush, you too. He is waking up. Maybe he will need us, it is better to be attentive.”, Mamuf warned them.

“Yeah.”, Ursus moved, he was still avoiding gazing at the tiger-man.

“You comin, too, Tighra?”

“...”, the young warrior was biting his lower lip, Nox has always been a mother figure for him, a woman stronger than anyone in the world and in the Heavens, yet she would always be caring and loving, well at least when Ra was around, when he was not she always seemed so sad… as if a part of her was missing. Tighra couldn't understand how Ra could truly love her and so many more women as his brothers were claiming he did, but still, he only knew of this now, maybe when he witness it he can understand a little. “Yeah, I'll be there in a bit...”


Author's Note: Just four dead people casually talking inside a spirit of a living ma- I mean wolf. Anyway, happy April's Fools everyone, chapter 6 is underwork, it got a bit delayed because I was filling up all of the skill tables (that have currently been developed as of now) and I also sketched the Map of Gaia! YAY! Well... Half of it. But it's the important half where the story is going on right now, I still gotta draw the zooming versions of where Ra is now and such, I also spent a lot of time sketching the lore of the other races and where they currently are now and things, so that's pretty much the reason that I didn't update the new chapter yet. But it will be soon. Happy weekend, everyone! o/

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