《Bandit don't start as Bandits》The wisdom of media



I actually had nothing to really do. Wait, did Dr. Carson captured a wraith while I was out?

Quick search showed he did and they devised a way to potentially hunt them but the second day my domain expanded to cover both areas and a good bit of extra land. Which I didn't even feel until I really focused on it.

Scratching my head, I couldn't think of a single thing I needed to do. Hm, guess I can go buy some more suits.

The moment I pulled out the garage, Forgotten was staring at me like a piece of meat. I pointed at the passenger door and he hurried on over like he had something to peck about.

"So now that you look like a demonic cat, how about I become the face of our empire?" Forgotten barely put his ass on the seat when he began with the nonsense.

I didn't bother glaring at him as his skin was thicker than mine. Two clowns would always work well but in secret, one of us was always thinking on how to become the killer clown.

"I'm still more handsome than you are. If anything, People will generally feel more at ease with my current look than your silver hair and bloody eyes." I had to stop two ways due to my father jogging while pushing a stroller.

"Doesn't that make you a little jealous? These mundanes can have all the children they want. Shit, they even post about their happy lives while we are sitting here trying to figure out how to put sperm in someone's egg." Forgotten had that rare moment of seriousness.

I would not agree with his way of thinking even though I felt the same way. I tried everything I could think of to impregnate Izzy but I think it was the quality versus quality that prevented us from succeeding.

"Mm," I grunted.

"I have ordered a search for scientists or Doctors who can provide me with an answer but so far. They are utterly useless."

"Maybe because you are sleeping with the wrong species?" I turned down onto the busy market street.

"I tried my species too but I think it is a fertility thing. Which is why I came to you because a smart-ass said that you might be able to help since fertility plays a part with your power set." He gave me a look of desire that made my skin crawl.

"Plants. If you are a plant, then I can help you but you smell inedible." I parked the car between a row of bikes.

"Have you tried any human testing under the eyes of a professional?"

I decided to get out of the car based on that logic. Of course, I didn't think of that because I figured it would be hard to let him see what I see. After all, I see souls not innards.

"Bro, I'm not the answer to your problems. I'm just another immortal who is having the same problems. Which is why I was so excited to take your two year old daughter as a wife." I started walking towards the seamstress.

"My daughter has a normal mental capacity. She is just a little shy." Forgotten dodge a two seater stroller.

"Okay, whatever you say buddy."

"I'm serious!" Forgotten looks as if he really believes that.

"Okay, you are right." He's so not right. She is a child on her head or just a little off. Either way, she needs about thousands more years of schooling to adapt to her body age.


"Why do I feel like people are staring at you?"

Right as he said that, this lady in one of those shirts that barely covered her breast but with a little wind. It will fly up and blind everybody. Nice ass in those tights though.

"Hey, can I take selfies with you?" She holds up her phone like I would agree just because she was good looking..

Who am I kidding, of course I did. Even grabbed her ass in the process but she must have felt it was worth the trade because she snapped a lot of pictures.

The moment I left her behind, I felt a few other people wanting to come up and ask the same. Luckily for me, my store was right there. So I dove in like a fish seeking water.

"Why are you running? They just wanted a selfie." Forgotten exclaimed while cackling.

"Why don't you give them one then?" I made my way through the racks and shot towards the counter.

"How can I help you sir?" The blue eyed clerk looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here right now.

"I need some suits made. Is Grisella available?"

The clerk nodded and then his eyes widened as he took in Forgotten appearance. He mumbled 'walker' while taking steps back. Bumped into a chair, swirled around and disappeared into the back area.

Forgotten looked at me with a strange gaze. "You are entirely more inhuman than I am but he looked at me and instantly got scared. What a pussy."

I shrugged and rang the bell a few times. It seems Grisella was not in today or else, we wouldn't have been left out here for so long.

"So we are going to talk about the racist way he treated me? A potential customer?" Forgotten leaned against the counter with a smirk.

I scratched my head, could that really be considered racist?

"Um, let's talk about how I will be away for three days at the minimum and you will be left with enemies seeking to take advantage of that." I changed the topic like a pro.

Forgotten straighten up. "That scary lady taking you away? I'm throwing a party, my man! As they say, when daddy is gone, freaks come out."

I sighed, it was a good thing I had loyal smart subordinates.

"Since we are on the walker side. The government will want to make a statement. With me gone, they will probably feel more confident with raiding us. After all, they have people on your level but they don't have foolish people willing to die to see what I can't or can do." I glance at the door that just opens.

Giselle was a slender woman with amazing talent. She looked at Forgotten with a bit of killer intensity. It made me think someone she knows was killed by walkers but I find having a grudge against something like that to be foolish. They are obviously stronger than most humans to begin with and evidently are getting more and more beyond what we can handle.

Well, what humans can handle. I guess, their trick worked and I'm no longer human. Smart decision really. I can't be miffed that they tricked me when I willingly walked into the trap.

"You are here for more suits?" Her accent reminded me of the gypsy people that always starred as a criminal mastermind.

"Of course. Your suits are the best and most comfortable but as you can see. I have… transitioned." I motioned at my body that was more slender near the waist but wider in the shoulders.


Giselle nodded and she took out a tape measure. "I still have your priest outfit. You already paid for it, so don't leave it behind or I'll resell it."

"Bring them out. I'll play bishop this week." I grinned at the many images that came into my mind.

Forgotten raised his hand. "I would love to place an order as well."

Giselle didn't even look at him. "We don't serve your kind."

"Isn't that racist though?" Forgotten started with the race card again.

"Yeah, it is. What can you do about it?" Giselle responded without a hint of hesitancy.

"I'm the mayor. I can shut down your shop." Forgotten raised his chin.

"Good thing I am not in your city, now isn't it." Giselle's response had me amused.

"I don't see why I am being treated so unfairly when it isn't I who killed your family or friends. Besides, he is closer in bloodline to the big boss of my race than I am. And you are serving him." Forgotten changed tactics.

Giselle shrugs. "It's unfair, huh? Too bad I get to decide who I serve and who I don't."

Forgotten looked at me for help but I turned away. He shouldn't have imprisoned her when he was a rogue bandit.

"I'm done. You can take your pet out of my store before it leaves behind more stains." Giselle said without the joy I used to see in her face.

Forgotten, just sighing as he left. I felt bad for him, not at all.

"Are you really going to side with them?" Giselle asks the moment Forgotten left.

"Unless you wish to take my place and have your soul ripped out. Then yes, yes I am going to bend a knee to live another day. Just ask your boy about it, he was there and he felt the difference between a living God and the speck of dust that always wandered on the wind." I stretched and suppressed a yawn.

"He told me about it but I thought it was only temporary."

"Nope, it is definitely long term or as long as you are alive which isn't that much longer from what I see. Should see a doctor soon."

Giselle waved her hand. "Bah, I had cancer before this and it couldn't be healed. I don't want to hear that it still can't be healed now that cat people are walking around."

I scratched my cheek. "I'm a dragon-lion. Dragon first then lion second.. please respect my authority."

Giselle rolled her eyes and smiled cracked on that frosty exterior. "Let me go get your robes, cat boy."

I hissed playfully and waved my paw. Which brought a laugh out of her icy interior. She and the blonde guy came back with my clothes hidden behind a plastic protector.

"Here are your ten robes. Four black, four red, and two purple." Giselle laid them down on the counter.

I picked them up and headed for the door.

"You should check the forums when you are free. I think you have just become a certified celebrity." The boy shouted after me.

I figured I would be an internet sensation. I'm such a kind and benevolent dragon.

I still took out my phone and checked the social media site. Noticed how that one selfie was tagged and spreaded. Of course, there were more pictures that popped up that had been taken against my consent. Sigh, the phone age is surely anti-privacy.

"I don't understand why I am considered a pet when I am the mayor for god sakes. You are obviously more pet than me." Forgotten sounded a little hurt.

"Take it easy. After you do a bit of re-imaging, you might be more well liked but mayors tend to have a bad image anyway. Why I don't fight for power but am given it regardless." I waved at a crowd of camera wielding terrorists.

"Look at this shit! 'The former Mayor and revolutionary Founder is seen shopping in the market as a cat man. First ever seen human transformation into an unknown species but can we deem this man a horror to our race? Not with how dedicated to our lovely Queen, Queen Isabelle. Such a strong male role model has now become everybody's favorite cat man. It makes me wonder if his kids will be half-human, half-cat. Yet on the other hand, our esteemed Founder is seen walking the pet walker who has recently enslaved humans to work in poor conditions. Somehow, this bigot barbarian has become our Mayor. If this is not a stain on our history than I don't know what is but it seems every foundation must be stain with the disdainables.'" Forgotten waving his hand in helplessness. "How am I at fault for trying to rebuild society? They were safe and at least had food to eat. It's not like I killed them when bored. Just the ones that resisted but it was war time!"

I couldn't help laughing. Media is as amusing as always.

"Bro, you did enslave them though." I pointed out the facts.

"So? It's not like they were going to survive with wild dogs out there humping and eating everything!" Forgotten looks like he was really innocent.

I just shook my head and stood in line at an ice cream shop. "I'm just saying that you did it and thus, you can't complain if those who were enslaved, developed a different opinion."

"Here is one slandering you." Forgotten smirks. "Even though our founder has his bright spot as the man who stood out to lead us into a period of prosperity during the beginning of a change of era. We just can't cover the fact that the cat-man used to have an intolerable side. Directly killing those who were problem people to completely giving up on those who were useless to his objective. Lets not forget how he left Arthur and the Round table to die at the hands of the current Administration or how he so easily forgave the very beings that brought terror and death to our lives. Forcing us to accept them after they enslaved or hunted many of us. Forcing many of us women to become nothing more than sex toys for the brutal barbarians who have forgotten their humanity. But again, our noble founder did pull us into the new area where we are slowly able to find happiness but how long can this masquerade last? With this new walker who has abilities that far surpass what our military can bring to bear? Yet, our noble founder and this disgraceful Mayot submitted to the Faction that is the Walkers. This leads to the questions, will we be against our brothers and sisters who lived under the former Government shadows? Will our men and women be forced to raise their weapons against our fellow humans? How will this place us in the eyes of other humans? Traitors? Or aliens that are stealing the resources they were born to?"

I snatched his phone and saw that the author was one of Scarlett pen names. I opened up my phone and sent her a simple line, fired.

"We don't serve animals." A nasally voice pulled me from my moment of anger.

I glanced down at the foolish person who dared to call me an animal. The guy looked at me while pushing at his glasses. It reminded me of Brandon but this guy had a little more meat on him. The fucker even had the nerve to point at a sign on the wall.

It indeed said, no pets allowed.

I did what anyone would do when being challenged by someone you wouldn't even call a beta male. I grabbed his neck and pulled him right over the counter, slammed him face first into the tile floor, and turned to the other employees.

"I'm sorry, I forgot to place my order. Let me get a vanilla cone please." I spoke gently but my foot was rubbing the asshole face into the ground.

"If I did something like that. People would be calling the cops right about now. Animal people sure have special privileges." Forgotten shook his head while recording me.

"Bro, who side are you on?" I blinked a couple times.

"I'm not with this crazy psycho. Attacking people when they are just following the rules." Forgotten step back as I tried to grab his phone.

A female clerk held out my cone. "Here is your order."

I took my ice cream and let the dumbass get up. I passed over my phone and the lady scanned it to deduct the cost.

"Can I get a selfie?" A kid behind me said while holding up his phone.

"Are you serious? He just violently attacked a man and you guys aren't even responding or offering help!" Forgotten looks flabbergasted.

I squatted down and me and the kid took selfies while I licked my ice cream.

The kid mom snorted. "Is what he is doing worse than what you did? Kettle calling the pot black. He should have told you to wait outside with the rest of the dirt."

I chuckled which sounded a bit like purring, manly purring that is.

Forgotten mouth fell open but then he turned to the counter. "Can I get chocolate and vanilla with sprinkles?"

The same lady looked hesitant but she still fulfilled the order and charged him. Which was surprising.

"Sprinkles? Really?" I stood up and left the kid behind.

"Don't hate on the sprinkles. They are a bundle of joy." Forgotten licked his ice cream all weird like.

My head snapped to the northeast. I felt something weird entering my domain. I took to the air while sampling my ice cream.

There was an odd number of mountain lions, leopards, and what looked like an array of domestic cats. On the other side was an array of dogs and wolves. They weren't standing against each other but staring up at me.

It made me wonder if they knew I was a vegan not by choice?

Forgotten landed before me but he finished his ice cream before I did.

"Da fuck is this? Are you secretly raising your kind? But what about the mutts?" Forgotten waved off-handley at the dogs who growled in return.

When I landed the lead cat and wolf magically transformed into half-humans. It was as shocking as the fact that walkers eat regular food but I clearly remember them biting an old lady to death.

"We would like to serve under you, my lord." The female cat had that creamy golden brown skin with paws and a super light coating of fur in aesthetically pleasing places.

Not to mention she was a well endowed mountain lion. I tore my eyes off her and the wolf guy was decent but the lady I approved of.

"Is this all your kind and excuse me for asking but.. how do you know how to speak english?" I was deadly curious.

The lady tilted her head. "I'm not."

I glanced at Forgotten who looked amused and very on the edge to say something that might get him knocked out.

Instead of asking other random questions, I sent a message to have someone come handle this for me.

Forgotten answered his phone and spoke in rapid gibberish. He frowned and flew up.

Tilting my head, I noticed that his power still wasn't condensed but it was clear he was on the way to condensing it. Hanging around me seems to have its benefits but condensing it was just an application.

Out of boredom, I turned my mana into very thin tendrils and sent it into the car woman's body. It was clear she didn't notice it or maybe just was allowing me to do as I will. Her body was interesting as her power was all in her flesh and soul. There wasn't really anything else worthwhile but I felt a slight compatibility with her.

The sound of the cargo planes incoming had me pulling out my tendrils. The planes landed and a team of redcoats rushed out followed by Amanda and a blonde girl that looked new.

"Have your people turn into their human form and follow the lead of my people for now." I spoke to both the leaders of this shifter group.

Yawning, I shot into the air and headed back. I guess it was too early for me to have woken up. I got so easily exhausted.

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