《Bandit don't start as Bandits》Walkers are friends, government is the government, so what's next?
I drove up to the helipad and parked beside the black suvs with black tinted windows. There was no crunch of stepping on ice because it seemed someone cleared the area.
The rapid response team were standing in small groups, smoking and passing along chatter. If it wasn't for the menacing guns and modified body suits that made them look like a navy seal team. You might have thought you walked into a bar.
"Hey boss, when are we going to party?" A voice I didn't recognize off the top of my head but the man behind the voice looked like he hadn't had enough sleep.
Dark circles around his eyes and barely open eyes. Maybe it was the weed but who could truly tell.
"That is the plan unless you had something better to do." I step out of the car and pop my trunk.
"Mind telling us a little of what to expect?" The guy walked up to me like we were buddies.
I don't even remember him and he smelled like a smokehouse.
"Well, we are about to possibly disrupt some government stooge plan by killing their allies. However, I suspect this is a trap to get the heavy hitters out of the city, so they can have an easier time attacking and taking over." I grabbed a vest and put it on.
"So shouldn't we stay?" The guy shook a pack of smokes and held one out for me.
I waved him down and focused on making sure my vest was nice and snug. "We could stay and play defensive but then they will just try a different way to annoy us which might not be so good for our families." I snapped a clip into my glock and put it on my belt holster.
I closed the trunk and turned to the black out suv that just pulled up. Beatrice stepped out in her usual jeans and black shirt.
"We found where the cabinet member is but his place is heavily guarded. The satellite images make it look like a prison." Beatrice closed her door and handed me a stack of printed out photocopies.
I flipped through it and couldn't help but scratch my head. They were better fortified than we were. Their base was set upon a star format. Three gates that had watch towers on each side of the road. Everything else around them was open land. Inside was farmland then empty stretch and then the city proper.
In other words, these guys were going to be a hard nut to crack but it didn't really explain to me why they were seeking to take us down for food supplies when it seems they had their own methods. Or maybe they were just testing us?
If they were looking for allies, then they had to pick the best in each region. This sort of made sense but there was a better way of doing things. After all, they had shit we definitely would want. They could just set up a contribution system in which we did their work for those points to buy those items.
Even though I had my own research team, they couldn't compare with the work the government has been doing for ages. A lot of stuff they probably created hasn't been made public. My guys had to work from scratch and build the foundation which would increase the time invested.
"We also found out that they are exporting tech to a forward outpost. I think we should hit that instead of killing off their allies. Which would set a bad precedent for other people." Beatrice added after strapping on her gear.
I agreed with that assessment but let's put that off for now.
"Let's wait for a bit. If we attack first, then future scientists and awakeners might feel we are antagonistic. Our goal at the end of the day is just to restore society." I tossed the photos into the back seat of my car. "We got two fleets out. Send out another two teams to follow them from a distance."
"Yes, sir!" Beatrice saluted.
I climbed back into my car and drove home. There was too much out in the open. It seems like the walkers' threat is over but I knew those guys were just building up for a war that will determine who is the leading force. I'm sure the government stooges understand that as well which is why I'm confused about their behavior.
Or maybe they have designated someone to talk with us but seen Arthur.. which would explain why they designated us as an enemy.
Thinking about it wouldn't change anything. First, we must stand with the people and not against them. Idiots with power will be a dime a dozen. Idiots with a sense of morals will be plenty. Thus, everything we do from here on out must be clean on the surface.
I stopped at a stop sign and grabbed my phone, calling up Forgotten.
"No refunds!" Forgotten shouted the moment he answered the phone.
"O-kay. I'm not calling for that. I'm calling because I want to run a PR operation to promote our image. We need people to see that you aren't their greatest enemy but just like them." I turned left just as a lady biking decided to test her faith by jumping the curve in front of me.
Bitch even flipped me off.
I blinked a couple times before rolling on.
"I hear what you are saying but if I just come out and say this. Won't people feel like I'm guiding public perception?" Forgotten made sense.
"We will use Scarlett. She has a lot of fans out there now." I felt this would work but how.. let's pray.
"Okay, so why the need to promote me now? I mean, it certainly won't do us any good if I don't have results that are for the people, right?"
"True but you can shape their opinions easily if you are out there amongst them. Letting them see that you guys aren't all that different. We need a pr guy."
"I have one but he's a walker. I don't know if that would be fine."
I tapped the steering wheel. "It should be fine since he isn't the face of the operation but you and me."
"I hear you but is there a reason we are promoting utopia?"
"Yeah, it is to make it easier for people with certain skills to come to us. I'm sure you understand that people will flock to the better cities with the most potential."
"I can understand that but not all of my kind is peaceful. After all, some of us reverted to an empty slate and had to create a new persona."
"Empty slate with violent tendencies? Sounds marketable."
"So what about my daughter? You aren't going to take away my right to be mayor right?"
"You know America is all about elections."
"Yeah but that's four years or eight? I never really cared about how long a mayor or governor would last in office."
"We will let the people decide. Anyway, keep your guys in line. None of that fucking in the street shit like I seen online." I hit my garage button.
"That wasn't even us! We have more civilized manners. Plus I only brought along those with the best intelligence. The rest is back overseeing the mines."
"Great. I said what I needed to. So, I'm hung up now."
"Wait? You never said anything about Luna!"
"Who?" I pulled out the key and opened the door.
"Oh okay, it's like that. I'm going to get my baby girl!"
"Hurry up then! I'm charging you by the hour." I hung up and walked inside with a new smile.
I expected to hear chatter from the girls or the TV but the house was oddly silent. I went to check the main rooms and other than spotting a silver Luna, I didn't see anyone else. Ignoring her, I went to check the gym as I thought I heard light panting and the treadmill.
I opened the glass door and spotted Mary walking, well speed walking. Guess Jacob choosing a young skinny girl over her really kick started her insecurities. I was just about to turn around and go find something to do when Mary slowed down her walking before getting off.
"I wanted to talk to you." Mary fan herself which did a lot less than she probably hope it did.
"Go ahead. Say what you want." I leaned against the doorframe, expecting this to be about Luna.
"Do you think I'm not attractive?"
My mind froze. I was ready to begin understanding Luna's issues not to hear whether she was attractive or not. But it only took my mind a few seconds to switch gears and scan her body.
To be fair, she wasn't my type. Even Izzy was pushing the boundaries on that. If she hadn't been such a wonderful partner, maybe I would have done what Jacob did. So her belly poked out a bit, her breasts that were a lot fuller than all the women I slept with combined. Add on the size of her rear end, she just wouldn't be someone I call on but I would definitely look every now and then.
"What brought this kind of thing on?" I decided to do the most annoying thing, ask a question after someone ask you one.
Mary took it like a sport, she grabbed a towel and dabbed at her forehead. "I'm sure you know why but it would just be one thing if I was Jacob only. However, you also kind of don't seem all that interested in me. So I have to think that my body is unappealing or is it my face."
Oh, insecurities. I don't have those.
"I see but maybe it's just because I'm not a completely horn dog. After a certain point, I just don't feel the urge to seek out as many partners as I can get when the ones I have are more than capable of taking care of my needs. In short, it's not that you are unattractive but that my needs are satisfied." I chose not to talk about her body attributes which was like coming off shallow.
Mary gave me an odd look. "What do you consider a horn dog to be?"
I was just about to reply when I mentally counted out how many people in the house that I have bedded so far. The answer was one too many but in response to that. What else am I supposed to use as a replacement?
"So you are slimming down, huh?" I changed the subject again.
Mary just smiled and got back on the treadmill.
I watched her slow walk increase into a speed walking again. In those tight shorts, her legs didn't look like craters or had fat dripping over fat. She was pretty well rounded except the guy but most people have a gut nowadays.
Besides, I wasn't wife collecting. It might look like that but that isn't my goal.
With nothing better to do, I went and booted up my pc. Few minutes of surfing the web, I found a lot of online forums having similar discussions. Or more to the point, is that the online celebrities were discussing the future while the people who actually had a brain were refuting the celebrities opinions.
I took a sip of water and turned to look out the door at someone running up the stairs with high heels. Scarlett flew by.
I guess she wanted to put her input into the mass mess. .
Just as I was about to turn back to the monitor, I caught Luna scent and I was half curious why she was silently creeping forward. Was she having one of those inner debates and she was in the process of finding the courage to say something I might not like to hear. But then it would be useless as I already gave up on this idea of arranged marriage. Someone smarter than me will probably end up testing out the idea sooner or later.
After all, some of the walkers don't exactly look human. I saw pictures of walkers with cat ears or maybe it was actually a feline that evolved into a humanoid form.
She was taking too long and this thread called help wanted, caught my attention. So I clicked it and was surprised that it was basically a job site. There were people listing out things they needed help with. I backed out and saw another thread that wasn't as eye-catching but it was the opposite of the first thread. This one was people looking for communities and they listed out their resume. Whoever was monitoring this kept the page updated.
Scrolling down past the very basic people, I slowly began to find people worth pursuing. Inventors were given priority to restarting society, to self defense, and then improving basic needs.
The first one to catch my attention due to just talking about it recently. Was a lady who was studying the effects of reproduction from the normal humans who are immune to the awaken virus and those who aren't immune but best hosts for the virus. She didn't list out her results but did say she needed better facilities than what she had. Along with a few extra spaces for staff members and families.
I clicked her page and searched for a number or email. It was hidden under the profile tag. I would have overlooked it because she was flat chested.
The wait during the call process was probably the most irritating thing I ever had to sit through. After two rings, I usually pick up but it has been four rings already. If she waited any longer, Luna might make it here.
"Hello?" Her voice was pretty decent compared to her picture.
"Good evening, Miss Duncan. I am Kaden Hunt of the Summer God Valley. I was just reading your forum post and was interested to hear more on the subject. I can also provide you with a lab and housing for you and your staff. All I need to know is if you are interested or not." I clicked on a thread about a guy making a new mmorpg.
He basically had me sold on the concept alone.
"Oh, do you mind if I look you up first?" She sounded hesitant but it's understand9able.
"Sure, go ahead. Matter of fact, I can send you our website and direct you to a few online streamers who talk about our community." I went back to her page, clicked her profile, and typed out several web addresses. "It should be in your pm now."
I heard her pecking and decided to message the game programmer. The guy replied back insanely quickly. The gist of his long response was that he was forced to work under a local walker gang. He and his family were working under poor conditions without much food.
There was plenty of room down in the city for this gamer and his family. I didn't mind paying his salary for a quality game. So I sent his location details to my search and rescue team which was the same as my rapid response team.
I scrolled down and found the awakeners section. It was surprising how diverse everyone's abilities were. Just comparing those with abilities to those normally awakened was already enough to make you question the system but then you add in those with odd abilities that felt more like a complete system. It gets really strange.
For example, Jacob's ability utilized dirt and stone and that is it. He didn't change along with his ability and his growth factor was just playing in the dirt. His weaknesses are obvious, being nowhere near dirt or stone. Like locking him inside a steel cage would work.
Whereas, Tyler's ability was guardianship and he changed along with his ability. His moral compass became his guiding light and he felt terrible when doing something that went against his conscience. That being said, his ability wasn't focused entirely on protecting. His ability could summon a guardian similar to my angel to cut down his enemies.
"I looked through the sites you sent and did my own search. I'm more than happy to work for you." She interrupted my thoughts but I was delighted to hear her response.
"Great, I'll send a team out now. They will contact you when they are close by. Please make sure you have everything important ready when they call. They won't be waiting for you to run back to grab something." I sent out a quick text to Sophie and continued surfing the awakeners section.
"Thank you. I will look forward to meeting you in person." She sounded way too polite but I hung up and put my full attention into looking at the way they numbered their abilities compared to this scientific chart that the Government approves of.
As I stated earlier, there is no way to.. hmm let me go stream. I don't have much to do anyway. I jumped out of my chair and rushed down to the garage, right past Luna who was trembling by the door.
I searched a few boxes for that green screen and carried the thing upstairs. It took me a bit to set it up in the way that my room wasn't in the camera. Now to set up the background..
I needed something unique that said this was something you wouldn't see often. Hm, I grabbed my phone and went outside. There wasn't much of anything that said this is me.
I flew up into the air and decided to just pan the surrounding area. The natural up slope with the powdery snow looks pretty good. Add in the Grey stone walls and the watchtowers that juttes upward. The dark roads that squeezed through the snow compact yards. The glass spire that winked. It might not say Summer but it was a fascinating view.
I stopped the recording and headed back inside. It took a bit to get the image to continue replaying without a pause. Plus I had to get the camera angle just right. Then like the usual shameless scumbags, I dropped my link on a couple heavy traffic threads.
Just as I pulled the mic over, about thirty people popped into the stream.
The first post was by Nylon strapon. 'As the big boss, when did you have enough time to stream?'
DemonzRUs: the better question is, why isn't my salary higher?
My eyebrow shot up. Higher pay raise? For what?
"We can discuss a pay raise but I'm not sure you will like the outlook." I replied.
Chevy_with_top_down: What I want to know is why did you allow walkers to come into our homes?
Pink Bubbles: I second that.
"Because they weren't harmful to the community and I already established a trade agreement with their leader. After working with them on weapons, ammo, and then ore supply. I didn't see a big enough reason to deny them. After all, whether we like it or not, they used to be human. Like some of us, we used to be human. I'm not a bigot so…" I held up my hands in the, 'what can you do' gesture.
Chevy_with_top_down: So why did you allow them to become mayor? Even if you didn't want the job, there are better candidates.
"Like who?" I reach for a pack of smokes.
Pink Bubbles: Layla, Arthur, Tyler, Michelle, Adam, and I can keep going.
"All the people you name are pretty much weak. A weak leader is easier to bully than a strong dumb one. Which is why I allowed Arthur to become mayor before he allowed power to go above his ability." I lit a cig up.
Dancing_with_fairies: is that why you had him wack?
"No, I did him in myself when I saw a better candidate. Before I was just going to let him fuck you guys over so that the next election, you think smarter." I inhale the strawberry scent.
Chevy_with_top_down: so we can hold an election to remove this walker?
"Sure, in six months or if he actually does something against the public interest. Then we can discuss impeachment but he hasn't really harmed your self-interest now, right?"
Several more people jumped in and I raised my eyebrow. If streamers before the crisis knew how easy it was to get views now, I'm sure they would have done it sooner.
Fountain of youth: I noticed your title says you don't believe the Government way of systematic classification is accurate. Then what would be the correct way?
"Well there are three types of awakeners, what I call the humans who have mutated." I exhaled as I pulled up the Government chart. "The first type is what I call the normals because everything about them is no different than a baseline human. They are only slightly stronger, slightly faster, and have a better memory. These people aren't even put on the chart at all."
Fountain of youth: if they are no different than humans then why add them at all?
"Because baseline humans won't have the mental acuity to keep up with an awakener. So even though they are only slightly better, it is still better. In terms of war, they will still be the elite troops. Whereas, baseline humans are just cannon fodder."
SenatorCharles: if they are only useful during war as just another type of basic troops. Then there is no reason to add them to a chart that is based on overall utility.
"If you are only thinking in terms of abilities that are useful then surely, the T1's don't have much utility. However, if you didn't know about those awakeners with abilities, then the usefulness of T1's become that much more useful. They can easily fill in spots for just about any profession with minimal instruction. To find the same talent in zeros would be a woeful task."
Fountain of youth: that is just speculation.
"It is a fact in Summer God Valley. A lot of our buildings are built by T1's. We actually don't have many zeroes."
SenatorCharles: What about the T2's? How do they differ from the government assessment versus your assessment?
"Well, first off, the government established that T1's are support class and T2's are combat class. Which isn't an accurate assessment to begin with." I pulled up a clip of a T1 fight against a walker. "This is one of the first clips of awakeners, this guy is enhancing his bullets to take down a brute or titan class walker. This fellow to me is a T1. He is reliant on the gun and bullets. This ability actually has very little utility in civilian life."
Chevy_with_top_down: if he had an Rpg or heavier caliber gun, wouldn't he be a T2?
SenatorCharles: I agree. Give him a missile or a tank and his ability is quite frightening.
Pink Bubbles: is he always going to have those around? What if the enemy attacks while he is off duty and not near the weapons that made him T2?
"As bubbles said, without those weapons his ability has very little effect on a battle. The larger the scale the more ammunition he will need, the more maintenance his weapons will require. My T1 is just as effective as he is without the need for specific weapons." I played a clip of a T1 fighting against T2 in training.
Dancing_with_fairies: is that an energy shield?
ReporterLisa: Is the one with the shield a T1 norm or is the energy shield his ability?
Pink bubbles: why isn't anybody asking about the fellow shooting lasers from his eyes? By the government standards, he is a T2.
Fountain of youth: Even though the T1 one could defend against a T2, it doesn't prove anything.
"But what if you had a squad of T1's just like this guy?" I played another clip where the T1's went up by one. "You can see that as more and more team up, the strain upon the T2 is higher and he's in a position to exhaust himself or flee."
SenatorCharles: We see your point but what determines a T2 and T3?
"The difference is in the ability itself. T2 ability is one-sided. Meaning they might only have laser eyes or can control flames to a certain degree. However, a T3 is entirely different. Their abilities are based around concepts that are more metaphysical than logical."
ReporterLisa: So you are saying that the difference between you and an ordinary community leader is the difference in your concepts?
"No, that is an unfair comparison. The difference between a T3 and T4 is how their concept related powers affect them. You can use me as an example. My eyes are much wider but also narrower than before. My ears are sloping into a point. My body used to be more bulky but I have slimmed down. My personality is a lot calmer but I can snap to a ruthless mindset very quickly. However, a T3 in comparison might only experience a shift in mindset. They might subtly take on a persona that is relative to their concepts."
SenatorCharles: but who is stronger in your opinion.
"Neither is stronger than the other. In real battle, a T3 can lose to a T2. Same with a T4 to T2. The reason for this is that T2 is still human and still has its singular worries. Whereas, a T3 to T4 will most likely be in leadership positions and their abilities will constantly be used to the advantage of that community. Which means that they will never be at full power unless they forsake their burdens. We all are social animals thus it's not too likely for that to happen. Or it would take the community to disrupt the T4 territorial instincts."
Pink bubbles: So the survival of a community depends on if they have a T4 or not? Will T4's become the standard and status symbol of a community or city?
SenatorCharles: It sounds like he is suggesting that but then again, he also listed out the weakness of T4's but how do we compare the advantages of having one to not having one? If a T2 can defeat them.
ChasingDreams: I think you misunderstood what he said. T2 can only defeat a T4 if the T4, I'm using game talk here, bare with me. If said T4 bound himself to a location and did not have any underlying or his superior did not take the effort to build a team around him. Then it is possible for a T2 to defeat him but killing him would be impossible. I'm speaking from experience as a T4.
RisingSun: As Chasing said, it is foolish to think that a T2 with a singular ability can top a T4 with multiple abilities that can blend together. We all know, Kaden here is the man behind Summer God valley. We saw him exterminate a base without even using his main abilities. We also know that this fellow can isolate an area into a single weather pattern. As a T3 myself, I would feel frightened to go up against him in his home territory. Let alone out on the streets somewhere. Even if I had a chance of beating him, how do you beat someone that can summon wind and rain?
This is interesting. Is this why Scarlett is addicted?
"I'm not advocating to test the theory that a lone T2 can defeat a T4 but with my personal experience. It can be done." I adjusted the mic as my butt scooted to the edge of the chair.
GovernorLincoln: So you are telling us we should scrap our preconceived notions and adopt your standards?
"Yes, yes I am. It is the most accurate if not a little time consuming. But extra work won't be on your hands and people themselves will be able to better understand their value to their communities."
SenatorCharles: What I want to know is what is the difference between the walkers you allow in your city versus the ones that are constantly attacking my city?
I scratched my chin. "Well, that is another bonus of having a T4. Just like us, the walkers have their own ranking system and the highest I heard so far is King level but I think the guy who told me that was just joking. However, if we go base of my scale then their power structure will be similar. The only difference is that they truly gave into the virus. Which, in some cases not all, wiped their memories." I took a sip of water and glanced at the door as an Izzy smell flooded my nostrils. She was excited about something.
GovernorLincoln: I fought with someone who calls himself the Prince of Night. Would you clarify if he is equivalent to a T4 with land?
My private message lit up and I clicked the link. It took me a second to bring it up on the stream. One guy was using lightning to attack another guy whose ability was basically invisible to the camera. But considering it was nighttime, that could be the reason. However, from the clip, you could tell that the walker wasn't having as hard of a time as the guy using lightning. Probably because lightning was considered as an aggressive ability.
The users just didn't think much of defense since they could smite everything.
Pink bubbles: The guy with the black hair and black eyes is definitely a T4.
Chevy_with_top_down: Bubbles right. The main thing that is different about a T3 to T4 is their stamina during their prospective time of day. For example, Summer God can curb stomp a team of twenty-five T3's while using just fire or light. If you keep adding up and he is also allowed to use more of his abilities. The more outrageous it gets but the best option is always to use number tactics versus an opponent of that degree or just tall with them. They are egotistical.
RisingSun: I agree with the number tactic. I have had six T2's hold me at bay but luckily they only had one T3 as a leader.
ChasingDreams: I agree with talking. I have stopped a lot of walkers just by talking to them like people. We also formed a sort of trade relationship that is oftentimes more beneficial than the one I have with other communities.
"The Prince of Night is a T4 and I can't tell completely from the camera but he doesn't seem to be held down by territory. It is more likely that he is just testing your defense." I put the cig down and click play back on the clip. I paused it then messed with the settings until I achieved a slow motion that depicted the hand gesture of the walker a little more clearly. "His ability might not have anything to do with night or it might just be one of his weakest options. For example, Fire and sunlight are the biggest things for Summer. Wind, water, and earth aren't that big of a deal. If I attack you with either of these, I would be using a prop more and more versus just my thought that can bring down spears of fire or light."
ForgottenMilk: Also, that is just a projection. You might not have noticed but when he moves, he is stiff. Which is why you are having a hard time understanding whether or not he's being serious with you or not.
GovernorLincoln: How many men on the level of the guy with lightning would you suggest to take down this guy?
ForgottenMilk: I happened to know that guy personally as he made me assist another team in a takeover. Kay was there but if he wanted to do more than train his ability. It would take seven Kadens to beat him. And that is if Kaden taps into the other facet of Summer.
I scratched my head, Seven of me? Wow, I know my ability is mostly supplementary but damn bro.
Izzy peaked her head in and I smiled.
"It's safe to come in. Just trying the streaming thing since I am 'sick.'" I held out my hands for a hug while scooting the chair back.
"Oh, I thought you were having a meeting or something. I can come back later." With that, she turned and left.
I felt slightly awkward as I turned back to the stream. Which turned almost silent but the viewership broke past five hundred.
SenatorCharles: Oh, is this the Walker who beat you guys for Mayor?
Pink Bubbles: you can't say he beat us if he cheated to get in to begin with.
RisingSun: How did he cheat his way in?
Chevy_with_top_down: Arranged Marriage with the big boss.
ChasingDreams: Don't you guys have daughters? Why didn't you think of it first?
ForgottenMilk: that is what I said!
Pink bubbles: do you know how hard it is to get a meeting with the top dog? About as hard as it is to assassinate the president and get away with it.
"It's not that hard to meet me. It's just that most of you don't have any real reason to meet me other than to complain." I defended my image.
GovernorLincoln: How do you guys like the fact that walkers are walking about your city?
Pink bubbles: honestly, they aren't that bad. The titans are somewhat funny. The mayor hasn't been in office long enough to make us hate him. Other than the fact that we ran away from his people to now shop with them.
Chevy_with_top_down: the biggest problem is that the gates are always open now. Just anybody can walk in. I have already seen a few red coats arrest suspicious people.
ForgottenMilk: We are doing security checks but it's not like we can tell if those guys are here for job stability or to cause harm. Plus we have cameras on every corner and helped the red coats pick out the insidious.
SenatorCharles: I'm kind of curious about if cohabitation is possible.
ForgottenMilk: Of course it is but just like you have humans who only respect strength or believe they can lead better. Same is on our side. So the first step is equal status of power.
ReporterLisa: What happens if one side is weaker than the other?
ForgottenMilk: War is inevitable if the weaker side doesn't want to surrender.
I was just about to reply when I felt an ickiness creeping up my spine. I spread my will outside of my house to the surrounding walls. I watched two of my men stop walking and just stare. Their lips turned blue and the sound of their hearts slowly quiet down. Yet, I couldn't see what caused it.
Frowning, I flew out the house and landed on the roof. I waved aside the thick clouds blocking the moonlight. It must have been the answer because eerie screams illuminate the night. I combed the city again and noticed something that resembled wraiths. My golden flames reached out their claws and crushed each one.
In response, I felt the skull around my neck absorbing something which transferred pure energy into my body… no, into my soul.
I did two more sweeps before checking the main city. I noticed more dead guards and a few crafty imbeciles. Four sweeps and I pinpointed the direction in which they came.
"What was that?" Forgotten landed beside me as I stood upon the wall overlooking white pastures.
"Some sort of dead spirit."
"I didn't feel anything until you showed up. Even then I had to focus hard just to understand what you were attacking. I doubt the guards will be able to sense something as well." Forgotten glance down at a guard that was frozen in shock.
"I'll be on watch tonight. I just wonder how everybody else will be able to cope with this threat." I turned away from the empty plains and headed back to my manor.
When I sat down, the first thing I saw was people discussing how inhuman I looked when I turned and left.
Why can't it be how handsome of a human I am? Don't they know that constantly telling me how inhuman I look will give birth to a different personality?
- In Serial6 Chapters
Weapons Don't Have Names
Replicants. Dogs of war, their leash held by greedy corporations. Living weapons with serial numbers instead of names. Genetically perfect soldiers, created for one purpose and one purpose only - to complete the mission at any cost. But what are they to do when the battlefield is far away, commanding officers are gone and they are on a peaceful planet that belongs to the enemy? Two replicants must not only escape the enemy territory, but also deliver two civilians to the HQ. However, their charges are doing everything they can to sabotage the mission and the orders are clear - they can't be left behind or killed.
8 160 - In Serial6 Chapters
Pirate's Desire
Traversing the oceans is only for the brave and courageousTraversing the oceans is only for natural leaders who can bestow powers to their crewTraversing the oceans is what Sabik, a thrill seeking adventurer, has always wanted.A world where only the strong can pioneer the ends of the mysterious ocean. Only people with an inheritance put upon them by a powerful leader can try and face the challenges of the sea. The goal? Riches and power along with the fame that comes with it and maybe something more.Want to have power? Want to challenge the sea and become a pirate? Swear fealty to a leader and only then can you have a chance to have an inheritance.Sabik, a powerless yet cunning and manipulative teen who wants to traverse the oceans, promises power to those who need it. But he is not a leader? How will he do it? Can he truly unlock the power inside them all along?Follow Sabik as he lies and tricks his way to the top while building powerful allies through a different way than the powerful leaders that govern the seas. Note: I do not own the pictures used while creating the cover
8 125 - In Serial14 Chapters
The World of Adventurers
Fuimiko Akazawa. A sixteen year old girl who became the leader of her father's yakuza group at the young age of twelve due to his assassination by a rival group. She has been plotting a plan for revenge ever since that day. However, while carrying out her vendetta, she finds herself near death from a bullet shot by the same man who killed her father. When she regains consciousness, she finds herself in a world that she doesn't recognize.
8 199 - In Serial32 Chapters
Her black eyes was looking at a far distant image that soon dissapered . Her once happy life has turned into a total mess.Moreover this hot ,extremeley handsome,cold man is making her life more miserable.Her so ordinary life has taken a new turn. She was once a bright ,cheerful girl. But now all it remains is far distant from what she use to be..unfolding truth about herself ,even the man who is beside her is not simple as it seems to be. Reality isnt what she sees but is a truth hidden in mystery.
8 90 - In Serial11 Chapters
Unprotected Sects
When freshly-graduated Dr. Selva Imroth accepted a short job from her former doktormutter, she had expected to interview a few PhD washouts and write a report to the Dean. Unfortunately for Selva, everything in her life has to be an ordeal. Updates every weekday, but not on the weekend. I hadn't planned on doing NaNoWriMo, but then on Halloween night I was sharing an old plot bunny with a new friend and realized, "oh shit I can actually use this." So, here we are. Thanks, friend. In true NaNoWriMo fashion, I will not be using my typical editing process here, and will instead simply vomit words onto your screen as quickly as possible, trying valiantly to avoid asking myself "oh my god who CARES" because tangents are important to wordcount. [Participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
8 105 - In Serial12 Chapters
Project : New World
HjskskwJ Year 2333, Fifty years after World War III which almost destroyed the planet. Now, earth's resources are depleted and mankind turn their eyes towards to stars. NASA has discovered an earthlike planet called G-22.Two well-known scientists, Dr. Xanovavich and Dr. Elmidor, contributed to a new project called Project: New World. Five years later the Colony ship Solum was built and landed on G-22. Unknown to them they are surrounded by various creatures and most of all magic exists ?. Will the Colony be able to survive searching for resources in this new habitable planet?. This is the story of Mankind, a specie who's thirsty for resources. ************* Sorry, if you read some of the sentences with bad grammar. My mother tounge isn't English but hopefully you still continue to read and enjoy. Please leave a Review, Comment and Vote to show support and feel free to criticize my work. Thank you
8 136