《Bandit don't start as Bandits》The pangs of love often times feels like a mastermind behind the scenes



The fight was a little interesting but the conclusion was obvious. The missile launcher wasn't hindered in any way. The titans as forgotten called them successfully defended them and the missiles went off without any problem. Screams rang out in the inner city which meant they didn't evacuate their people because they were confident. Rounds after round of missiles hit from two directions.

Forgotten shook his head, "what a sad fate but they should have planned a better defense. Like yourself who has those towers and anti-shield rifles. It's very hard to sneak up on them with such equipment."

I laughed, "how can anyone be bothered with building a wall when they are being harassed constantly. Plus this is not the main base for these guys. It's just a Frontline city that expanded due to refugees."

Forgotten nodded and left. Leaving his daughter to stand awkward with an embarrassed expression.

I rubbed my hands as I greedily brought her to the ramp. "What's your name, sweetheart?"

"Lunar." She said in a crystal clear voice.

"What will Izzy say about this?" Amanda poured cold water on my happiness to study a new species for science.

"She will understand that this is for science!" I said righteously.

Sophie and Amanda shared a look as they ran into the cargo plane to avoid the cold as I removed my domain.

I glanced at the two men who were cast in the darkness as clouds I was holding back blocked off the moon radiance. They made the snap decision to assist their comrades even though it was a late decision.

Sigh, lost one deal but gained another. Maybe a better deal.


It was late into the night and we still had not gotten back. Having to avoid flying directly into the path of conquest meant a longer roundabout. Things might have not been looking all that great for the humans in military owned cities but for those small collectives with their own powerhouses. Things were looking up.

There was a sprawling city hidden in the mountain valley. Their mountain pass was a paved road hidden by high trees and rough terrain. With the walkers all focused on taking down the strongest forces, these people had time to grow. Which means they had things I might want.

So we landed in a clearing and set up lights while waiting on the people inside to come greet us. It didn't take long for a four car parade to come. The men held guns like they were trained by the Taliban rather than having seen American grade movies. It was surprising when these tall slender men got down but made way for this teacup of a woman with Grey wingtip.

I couldn't help but scratch my head at how she came to be in leadership but sometimes wisdom out weighed strength.

"Thank you for coming out to greet us. We are from another settlement a little ways away and were hoping to do business with the local military but they have fallen." I said with a bit of sadness. "Unfortunately, I have ten tons of produce that needs to be sold and I couldn't help noticing the mine shafts you guys have and that very entrenched smell of iron plastered in the air. If you have extra ore available. We can set up a trade."

The woman listened to me and I noticed how her eyes took in my guards. Their stance, weaponry, the cargo plane compared to the combat helicopters which had a sleek look to them. Then back to me and my three girls. Through her eyes stayed on Lunar for a while.


"You are a trader? With food?" She said in a way that didn't make her seem bright but her accent wasn't something I was familiar with.

This area was deep inland and I was closer to the ocean where the blondes and brunettes loitered. So there could be some native Americans who managed to live off the land. Or those old world people who loath technology. Either way, I was losing faith in her.

"Yes, we have ten tons of food." I opened a crate as I spoke and tossed her an apple.

She caught it deftly and took a bite. A little juice stained her soft brown chin. She passed it to the guy a step behind her as she chewed. These guys each took a bite and passed it on. It was a little awkward to watch. There was a crate full.

"You have other things?" She asked as she stopped sucking the flavor out of that one bite.

"Of course, rice, flour, lettuce, cabbage, to spices and fruit. You can whip up a homemade meal from our variety." I said as I leaned on the crate.

The woman took a deep breath. "We didn't mine much ore as it requires strength and we have little food to work with as is. We have maybe three hundred pounds that we can fetch."

I figured they didn't have much but a cooperation starts when two parties want something. So next time, they will prepare more or try to be a little foolish.

"Okay, bring what you have and we can make an equal trade." I said as I took out an apple and bit into it.

Their eyes laser focused on the apple as I chewed slowly. It was fascinating and sad to see. The woman turned and spoke with her group in a hush tone. Or what they assumed was hush tones due to distances.

Really, they were basically yelling at me while discussing if they could take us with someone named Banks. The answer is no even on the best of days.

I wasn't overconfident or had the belief, my ability was better than others. It was a simple fact that the strongest person in their community was merely equal to any one of my normal guards. I brought the elite with me as I value my life.

"How long are we going to stay out?" Amanda asked as she rubbed her arms.

I glanced at these people still discussing and sighed. "Not much longer. I do have a date tonight and I prepared for a couple days just to surprise her."

Ten minutes passed and these guys were still discussing how to deal with me in heated tones. So I waved my hand and we boarded back up before they even noticed. The moment they yelled and raised their guns from the hip. My men opened fire, leaving only the woman behind.

I didn't pay any more attention to these small groups as we flew back home. After all, with a fresh perspective in the morning, things could start looking up.


I arrived back home and rushed straight for the manor on top of the hill. It was to the point that I didn't act like the gentleman my grandmother taught me to be. As I was only focused on flying into the house but laughter brought me up short.

You could say I was confused as the smell I was receiving was oddly different from the people who stay here. There was a hint of blood mixed with dove soap and taint of breast milk that made my nose burn.


Rubbing my nose, I walked into the living room to see the fireplace lit and five women and two guys sitting around. The TV was on one of those cheesy romance movies where the girl fucks up her life and thinks it's not her fault.

Izzy was sitting on the edge of a recliner with no stress in her features. In fact, her smile was barely contained by her cheeks. It was like she couldn't stop smiling. None of the guests were awakened except the pregnant lady and her child but it was the normal kind.

Sighing, I then realized that Izzy did remind me she put out a notice to all her friends that they could come here, to our community.

Which left me with no choice but to walk over. Luckily, she still knew I existed and stood up to wrap her arms around me. I instantly felt much better but was still slightly annoyed. This meant I wasted weeks of planning.

"You remember me telling you about my childhood friends? The one with the baby is Skylar." Then she gestured at two other girls right after that. "Anna and Chelsea. We grew up together. The rest are friends they picked up along the way."

I cast a smile at them but I felt annoyed.

"This is Kaden but some people call him Kay or the Summer God. He is the reason that this community is still in a perpetual state of summer." Izzy bragged.

Chelsea stood up and held out her hand. "Nice to meet you and thank you for letting us stay in your house."

I shook her hand while giving her the once over. She was the friendly type that every guy probably chased after in high school. Very pretty in the face with a slender build that lacked the essences of a mature woman but she was outgoing enough to make up for it.

Anna was the next to step up. She wasn't exactly pretty to me with the length of her nose and her crooked jaw line. Yet, she filled out in places that Chelsea didn't. She felt more like a background character to me. Yet, I smelled one of the men on her which meant she was somewhat smart.

"I'm Anna even though she already introduced me. Do your eyes always glow?" She had that annoying high voice or the anime cute voice.

"Yes, it stays like this all the time." I said before turning to the pregnant lady whose man was not in the room but I could smell him snooping around.

I motioned for my men to go settle the guy down before they could go home.

"Miss Skylar, it is a pleasure to see you. I have heard the most about you. Also, you should see a doctor tomorrow and please ask your baby daddy not to snoop around. I can't stand the smell of breast milk for some reason." I said with a smile but everybody froze.

Izzy hit me and gave me a sharp look. "That is rude."

I sighed, "I'm not saying I don't like her. It's just that her breast milk smells similar to a pepper. It's agitating my nose and if he spreads that smell. Well, I get miffed regardless of how innocent it seems. I'm just being frank."

Izzy had an apologetic smile on her face. "Sorry, my husband sometimes can be a bit of a douchebag even though he doesn't mean exactly as he phrased his words. I'm sure you know what I mean with Todd."

Skylar had that, 'I don't' look on her face.

"I settled down on Lunar next to your room but she went out to look at the flower garden. Think its the first time she saw a garden." Sophie said in New set of clothes.

Izzy turned to me, "Lunar?"

"Oh, I entered a marriage alliance with Forgotten. Well, that is what he calls it but he basically gave me his daughter to promote a working relationship between us." I said as I sat down on the arm of the chair.

"Marriage alliance and you didn't speak to me first?" Izzy said as pulled her hand out of mine.

"Well, I had that in mind. Ask Sophie or Amanda but he left the girl and it's not as warm out as it is here." I said as I dropped my hands on my lap.

Izzy glanced at Sophie who dropped onto a bean bag chair as she watched and ate grapes.

"He did try to put it off but we were in the middle of watching our business partners die under two waves of missiles." Sophie assisted like the angel she was.

Izzy still seemed somewhat doubtful until Amanda showed up in a nightgown.

"Amanda, mind telling me about the marriage alliance. I can't always trust what Sophie says. She is his right hand after all." Izzy as she sat back down.

Amanda was on the way to the kitchen. She glanced over and scratched her head. "The walker girl?"

Izzy turned to me, "is she safe?"

I shrugged, "for who?"

Amanda blushed, "they don't eat people apparently. First time, I actually had a chat with them. Didn't really believe what Arthur said about their leading being like us until I met him today and saw him joking with Kay." She sounded a little excited. "Oh, yeah. Your husband was totally sleeving over her. Like he has never seen a female before."

"Amanda, you're fired." I said quickly while turning to izzy. "She is lying babe. I was only interested if she could procreate given the fact that we believed them to be undead."

Amanda placed a hand on her hip. "He really wanted to procreate with her." She did the humping movement.

I opened my mouth and had a sudden desire to drink her soul.. slowly. I know my expression gave it away because Amanda hurried to change her words.

"I'm joking. Forgotten offer of a marriage alliance for a trade pact but your husband was a proper man. He declined and put off then changed the topic to what the alliance would offer. Which as you know, we need ores like iron, copper, and so on." Amanda said then ran away.

Izzy looked at me and I knew I gave myself away when I got triggered.

"So you are attracted to this Lunar, huh?" Izzy said in her miffed tone.

Thankful Todd came in with two of my men who saluted before walking away.

Todd glance at me before walking over to the pregnant lady.

"Can we talk about this later? If you aren't tired, I am." I stood up with the intention to escape prosecution.

Izzy sighed as she glance at her friends. "I was waiting on you but I'm kind of miffed right now. Especially after seeing that look you gave Amanda. You can't just threaten someone when you are in the dead wrong. Its okay to lust after someone as long as I have the final say."

I scratched my head, "it was for science."

Izzy smiled, "I'm sure you had such thoughts after thinking of me. But what kind of thoughts did you have when you made the guards pop in and check. And don't think I'm fooled if you say they were the normal patrol because I cut Nick's wife hair and I know about her complaints."

Women were really gossipy.

"Fine. You are right. I'll make it up to her but she knows how serious I take your approval. Definitely wasn't the time for that bullshit." I said and kissed my izzy head.

"Okay, off to bed." Izzy said as shoved me away.

"You're not coming?" I gave my puppy dog eyes.

"After I go see what Lunar looks like for you to think about procreating with her." Izzy pumped her hips as she laughed.

She was teasing but that fucking Amanda set thoughts of doubt in her head. I sent a glance to Sophie to remind me to punish Amanda for this.

I turned my attention to the annoying stench. "You really should remember to go to the doctor tomorrow. Just tell them it's on me."

Sophie looked at Skylar with a surprised expression but the girl had the stench that reminded me of something. I just couldn't figure out what.

"Should we call a Doctor now? Mad scientist usually hangs around the lake at this time feeding the trout." Izzy reached for her phone.

"It can wait until the morning. I don't want to pay a fortune or… wait.. call him. That stench reminds me of my first time coming in contact with walkers." The image of that guy, the black substance that stained his cheeks and jaw. "Todd, you should take your child for a bit until she is cleared. It is probably due to the fact you are an awakener and she was a normal human."

I glanced at Izzy and left after that.

"I think he's making a big deal out of nothing. He just doesn't like the smell of breast milk." Anna's voice was clear as a bell even though she spoke low.

"He can still hear you even though he walked away. And even if he doesn't like the smell of breast milk, there are signs that she is sick. That maybe you ignored due to being out in the cold for so long." Sophie snapped.

"Do you think it's bad? Could I have passed it or whatever I have down to my son?" Skylar asked.

Todd reassured her but I could tell from the following conversation that he had moved away with their child. Very smart decisions.

I made my way to Amanda's room and waited on the corner of her bed. The moment she entered, her eyes stared at me and she blushed.

"Sorry, I was just having some fun." She said quickly.

I smiled and caress the bed beside me. She set the bowl of sliced fruits on the dresser and walked towards me. I closed the door with a flick of my hand as I grabbed her hand, pulling her towards me.

"You know, women already have it tough to the point that they don't need any more doubt in their life. As a woman, who just experienced the same. Why would you put someone else through that when she considers you a close friend?" I said as I rubbed the back of her hands with my thumb.

"I didn't think it through." Amanda said after a moment of thought.

I nodded, "I know that and you know that but that doubt you just cause to form. Will she know that when she sees me interacting with other women from now on?"

I moved my hands away from hers, to her thighs. I drew circles upon them with my thumbs. Inching my way up until the fabric of her silk gown puddles upon my wrist.

"Can you just punish me and get it over with?" Amanda spit out her fears.

"I'm not going to punish you. I just wanted you to understand my dilemma." I removed my hands.

I stood up as a smirk played over my lips. I took one step towards the door and she reached out and grabbed me.

"Do you need something?" I asked gently.

"Do you mind staying with me for a bit?" She asked while hiding her flushed cheeks under her long blonde strands.

I lifted her up and laid her down in bed. Sometimes the perfect punishment is providing something they lacked or desire strongly. Then taking it away later.


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