《Sins of the Father》Chapter 6: To Willsborough


The days dragged by. They had untied her hands when they finally let he eat and just tied her around her waist, they never bothered to change it back, she felt freer compared to the other times when her hands were behind her back. She did not have anything to do besides plan her enemies defeat, hear snippets of their conversation, and tap her fingers on her knees until they ached. She ate jerky which was very hard to eat with the texture and taste, it was grindy and revolting…but, she had to live on it because all they needed was for her to survive-nothing extra.

A few days later it was time to leave.

“Get up!” Daxton untied Jade.

She slowly got up her body slowly un-numbing and pain shocking into her feet and legs, she felt awful as he grabbed her and pushed her into Rowdy’s side. She had not seen him in a long time and their reunion was not a joyous one. Rowdy was eager to see her though, and ready to ride.

“Come on, boy.” Jade whispered in the horse’s ear.

“Go!” Will whispered.

“Okay, okay, I am going.” Jade sneered at him.

He jeered at her, this was going to be a long day.

After an hour of riding they stopped to eat because they had started late that morning.

“Where are we headed?” Johnny asked.

“To Willsborough, it is four miles from here, it is small but lively.” Garvin replied coolly.

“Ah, I have been there. We had some fun didn’t we Johnny?” Daxton smiled at him then Jade.

“Yeah, ha-ha.” Johnny seemed to remember and went into his mind and not the real world.

Jade shook…it was a repulsing thought what they might have done. “You don’t know what they did Jade!” She stated in her mind…but, she might.


“Well, let’s go. We will head to the hotel when we get there and, uh, then we will see your father.

Jade jerked her head up to Will who had said it, and he cocked his head, he knew he had her interest.

“Yes, we have him. We caught him a little bit ago.” Garvin smirked obviously proud.

“That does not mean anything, you don’t have mother and I am sure that…well, he won’t give in.” Jade held her head high secretly trembling.

“You forget little girl, that your father owes us. The only thing we have done is try and get it in…” he paused raising his right eyebrow at his buddies, “hum, an unfavorable way.” Jade considered his eyes, all she could see was evil and death and hate.

“Let’s go,” Will said sensing the tension and pulling the rope to Jade freedom tighter.

“Yes, sir.” Daxton stretched and grabbed Jade and pushed her onto the saddle, without any warning Rowdy reared and Jade just held on for dear life as she slightly fell back. Will and Garvin tried to calm him down, but he kicked them instead, Rowdy left them wincing in the dust.

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