《Devil's daughter》Cleaning the mess before it happens
Clare finally decides to clean up the mess that was caused by her messing with the time frame. She sensed something wrong within the city. So she came to investigate.
A sigh left her as she sat on the wagon with the two girls being pulled towards the city gate. Clare stared at the grey walls of the gates. "Oh they advanced to have stone walls. It's not wooden." (She changed history what was she expecting it to look like anyway.)
"It's not as run down as father's mansion," Jenny said happily. "Hahahaha. Run down is because your father has so many wives. Speaking of which I last saw your mother she said something about using him as target practice for her bow."
"Let us pray for the peace of his soul," Kelly said. "Wait father isn't dying yet is he," Jena ask. "Who knows he has 100 or more wives all over the world now. Which do you think wouldn't kill him now," Clare asks. The old man with his horse and the wagon his horse was pulling was amazed at the conversation. "How can a man even handle that many women," the old man asked. "The old grandpa of a guy wanted to die early," Clare joked.
"True," both his daughters answered in harmonized voices. They all went silent as they entered the first gate. Within the gates they saw children harvesting the fields. Some of them were in ragged clothes, others looked like they were starving. "This is horrible," Kelly shouted. "It's how things are," the old man said. He showed his pass to the guard and said the girls were here because relatives lived in city. "Wait that's a lie right Clare," Jena said.
The only reponse they got was Clare looking away to the next gate already. "She just avoided our question," Kelly said. "Wow marble gates from here on in now that must've been expensive for even the king," Clare said. "I'm guessing this is little missy's first time seeing the strcuture of the gates and walls advance in this time era," the old man said. "Last I saw was fort cities with wooden walls. Not stones. Nor is the architectural value to go up."
"Wow Aunty you and father in dark ages," Kelly joked. "Did I tell you your father got caught for something petty. He was mistaken for another man and locked up in prison for 40 years," Clare said. Jena burst into laughter upon hearing about the situation of why her father got caught. "Alyssa was the one that caught him too," Clare said. "Where is that female knight now," the old man ask. "Who knows some say she escaped the war. Others said she died."
'Though I know she's in the same time period as Silver them now.'
"That face says it all you knew the missy then," the old man said. "Hm. Knew her isn't wrong. Saying I'm her mistress isn't wrong," Clare said. This made the old man laugh at her. Alyssa had much pride and she wouldn't submit to just anyone yet the girl joked to him. (She didn't joke though she is the vampire mistress of Alyssa)
"Think what you will," Clare said. They jumped out after passing the third gate into the city. The 2nd gate was considered the slums and home to the homeless so there was a gate leading there too but it was locked for them. "Where to now Clare," Jena said. "To visit an old friend. Rather she is older than even me," Clare said. They both looked surprise as Clare brought them to an old cathedral. "Welcome guests what can we do for you," a sweet cheery voice said. Clare stood before the twin statues of the two goddesses of wind and earth. "How about we cut to the chase Flora," Clare said. Flora slammed against Clare with full body.
She was surprised when Clare just flipped her into the air instead. "You dare to appear before me after that incident with the 3rd princess and the 1st princess. The 3rd princess was crowned in 56 ED. Elyusa empire reign was put to a end because the 1st princess killed the 3rd princess. How can you not say that 1st princess was of the elf blood line. That was why she faked her kidnap. Also the 2nd princess was my half sister. How can you not tell me any of this nor that the 1st would take over after killing her own father."
"All that happened in 60 ED. Elyusa kingdom was wiped from history. So what Irena killed those that were somehow involved with her mother's death. I couldn't predict the change after her rule." Clare points to the art outside and the building structures.
Flora tried to choke Clare but Jena pulled out her short sword and blocked the attack. "You will not kill aunty," Jena yelled. "No need to fight Jena. Flora's an old friend of mine," Clare said. "How dare you say old friend you killed the god of light Yusa," Flora said. "In 39 of Leria year. Yea the old guy finally found me after killing some vampires. So I had to finish what I started. How can you not be mad if he killed your own student in front of you. Like cannibalism in front of you," Clare said.
Her face was now disappointed at Flora for bringing up her god that she had used to serve. "Says the one that abandoned him for a human from Earth," Clare countered. Flora took out twin swords and charged at Clare. She side stepped and kicked Flora's stomach with full strength. Jena they were shocked that the impact of Flora hitting the church caused the whole church to collapse. "Aunty too much strength," Kelly said. "You lied to me last time that you'd take me seriously too," Flora said.
"Did I say that," Clare asks. Flora lay down in the rubble but stared back at Clare. "ED is Elyusia Dreviea. They ruled for quite a while. I did expect her to kill her father though," Clare said. "You monster told us all will be known. But not what way," Flora yelled. "How about this then show status," Clare said.
Name: Clare Levita Sen Lisora
Race: Vampire/devil/angel
Class: n/a
Rank: n/a
Age: 213
Level: 890
HP: 900,000,000,000
MP: 890,800,500,000,000
Strength: 89,560,000,990
Defense: 5990,000,000,000
dexterity: 6,000,000,000,000
Intel: 87,879,900,543
Agility: 90,000,000,000
charm: 8,000,000,000
Luck: 90,000,000,000
Atk: ∞
Magic attack: ∞
Magic defense: 98,000,000,000
Devil's howl: increase morale of party
Vampire wings: used for flying
Vampire regeneration
Devil's eyes: allows to see distant lands
Vampire blood: bitten victim is not allowed to run away without permission
(It's useless for Velvet then)
Vampire contract: enslave a person to be in your control.
Ice magic: level: 90 (98%)
Devil's contract: Contractee may not void promise from contract written.
Soul magic: level 99 (99%)
Control elements at will
Hypnotism: target against will do anything against their free will as you say
slay gods: ability to kill gods
Demon possession: control a person's will
Devil's blood eye: third eye able to change your host's eyes view of things (Possessed person will be unaware of anything you make them do.)
Angel's bloodline: regardless of magic holy magic won't have any effect on you
Angel wings: holy wings given by the gods for their messenger
Blood magic: Level 59 (30%) control your own blood at will
Warp: warp to person or place.
Etiquette: level 78 (90%)
Whip: level 50 (2%)
Sword: level 62 (32%)
Body enhancement: level 45
Void: 90%
Light: 100%
Water: 90%
Ice: 100%
Darkness: 100%
Electric: 67%
Fire: 900% (error)
Destruction: 1000%
Earth: 780%
Gravity: 98%
Title: Former doll, demon princess, vampire, Devil's daughter, saintess's daughter, queen of destruction, demon slayer, Oni slayer, Revenge on the humans, Titan, Dragon slayer, Vampire empress, god mother of Jade and Tory
98,999,783,989 Releos, 987,998,878,000 Pila
god's money, titan money
"What kind of monster are you to have those titles and why do you have etiquette at such a high level," Flora said. "Don't ask I forgot I even had it," Clare said. "Aunty but when you walk in the gardens it's kinda.... weird since it's like you’re a noble or royalty going out for a stroll. Like your giving off this aura where no one should approach you," Kelly said.
"Sorry. When I reminisce I kind of seem out of it," Clare said. "Wait your also royalty. But you said you weren't from our era. How'd you end up as Empress if you said you don't want the throne," Flora asks. "I said I didn't want father's throne. As to the empress title I haven't a clue since it appeared but nothing's happened yet."
"How is your mother a Saint? She's a vampire isn't she," Flora said confused. "Her class she took is Saint," Clare answered honestly amused. She was surprised to see Clare give a lonely smile. "Why are you here," Flora asks. "Aran sent me to look above ground for issues. But I can feel magic gathering at the castle my guess is summoning magic. Unperfected too. It might be a lot of people. Chaos. Crisis and panic."
"Stop right there last time you warned me it turned ugly," Flora said. "All I said was you'll know when time was right. And I won't see the princess again. Wasn't that a good hint." No the way you said it made it look like you didn't wish to see her, they all thought. "Or did you miss me because you wish for me to bite you," Clare teased. "I don't need you to bite me."
"So you did miss it since your face is red." Flora blushed as she remembered last time Clare had humiliated her in a duel and she wasn't even serious with her. "Wait you just distracted me from a serious topic just now," Flora said. "Actually that's both the reasons why I came. The summoning’s here and to drink," Clare said honestly. "Oh Aunty Clare confessed," Kelly squeals.
"If you know it's going to be mass chaos from many people summoning why don't you go there first," Flora said. "I haven't drink for 200 years," Clare honestly said. Both the twins stepped away from Clare. 'Aunty doesn't look reasonable anymore Kelly,' Jena said telepathically. 'Yes she looks like she's about to pounce her. How about we leave for now Jena.'
"Twins stay at the inn with a fork and fish sign on it. I'll come get you after I'm done." Flora tried to stand up and run but her body couldn't move. Rather she was surprised how quick the twins vanished. "Clare there are people gathering because you destroyed the church," Flora said. "I don't really care about that," Clare said. Her eyes widen as she noted that Clare was just 39 feet away but now she's in front of her face.
"How about a little more resistant this time," Clare said. "Because you weren't serious last time," Flora said. "How do you know I'm serious this time," Clare asks. "Your vampire eyes are glowing weirdly. I mean it your pupil inside is getting bigger too." A smile crossed her face as she bent down to look Flora in the eye. "Really you seem to like staring at me," Clare said.
"Ritsu said that vampires have a type they like and most of the time it's based on their like of a person. Is that true," Flora asks. "I don't know maybe. Mother did say something similar. Though she never did like my father either," Clare said. "Why do you say that? Weren't you born because of them," Flora said. "No father threaten mother with her lover's life. She hates his guts for it because once she married him. Father killed her lover. That was the reason why she was so open about her dislikes."
"Wait are you stalling so I'd pity you," Flora said. "And the angel finally realizes I'm stalling her so I'd bite her comfortably." Flora blush as she noticed a crowd gathering and whispering. Her eyes widen when she caught the words lover's fight. "We aren't lovers," Flora yelled. "Says the one that doesn't mind that I have my hand around her waist," Clare said. Clare's are was around her waist to hold Flora so that she could stand up.
"I didn't agree to this," Flora shouted. "Yea I know your body won't listen since I kicked you with full strength. There's something I should tell you about vampires. We enjoy toying with our prey," Clare said. "No I think that's just your opinion since you don't even try to hypnotist me."
"Now why would I have to when you let me do so already," Clare said. She gently bites into Flora's neck. Flora lets out a gasp and surprise that Clare wasn't biting her hard. 'Didn't she say she hasn't drink for 200 years? Wait that means the last time she drank was me.' (Flora is slow to realize even the obvious.)
"Last I ate yea that's about right," Clare answered. She went back to biting Flora. "Wait so is what Ritsu said true. That you hate men in general," Flora said. "I'm okay with my uncle, the general (minotaur), Lero, Troy and Deval."
"Why are your answer kind of vague there," Flora asks. "Wait you been biting me in between sentences which feel weird. Either drink or talk." Her eyes went to Flora saying but you started it with the lame questions during my meal. "I did not," Flora said. "It's two lovers," shouted knight a. "Flora, sister I didn't know you were like that," said the 16 year old girl. "Wait I can explain Reina. Don't give me that pitiful look."
"Hello princess Reina," Clare said. "How do you know I'm the former princess," Reina ask. "A little girl told me," Clare answered. "I'm not little Clare. I happen to be 569 this year," Flora shouted. "Old woman fits in then," Clare said satisfied. "Wait no!!!! I mean she wants to go into the castle. And she's a vampire that's insane enough to drink from me."
"Oh then your face is just tomato red cause she wanted to drink from you," Reina said. Her tone angry as she folds her arm. She got her long black hair from her father swayed in the wind. "That might be her imagination running wild about now," Clare said. "No. I wasn't expecting a kiss or a thank you hug," Flora said. Clare backed away to behind Reina. Reina clenched her fists with her iron gantlets.
Upon being hit on the head 10 consecutive times Flora was writhing in pain. "If you know she's very imaginative then don't bite her," Reina pleaded. "It's not like I had a choice Angel blood is addicting and I haven't drank for 200 years. Also aren't you 216 this year Reina," Clare said. Reina ignored Clare's comment on her age. "You said you needed into the castle but why is that," Reina asks. "Easy she warned me last time that Irena was going to cause a change but didn't say how so," Flora answered.
She was still rubbing away the pain from the 10 continuous hits made by Reina. "You two are harsh," Flora said. "How about we get in first then worry about the summoning circle they're using. I'm sensing huge irregularity of mana being gathered there."
"There might be mass chaos. Though there wasn't any last time before I changed the timeline but since I did there seems to be something wrong with their first summoning circle. If we don't hurry it might be in mass summoning and utter chaos from it. Like wide panic." Reina nodded understanding what Clare meant while Flora was looking at them like they were two aliens. "Meaning the structural system of the summoning is missing the main frame."
"Stop right there you two research idiots why don't we go there first before you two go off into your own land of unknown," Flora stated. "Ah you’re right for once Flora," Reina said. "I'll get the twins. You two go prepare."
"Meet us back here then," Reina said. "Did you two just ignore my existence," Flora ask. "Did I," Reina said as Clare left. "Yes you both ignored me without a care at all."
Clare came back within minutes of gathering the twins. Jena had silver hair and wore leave like clothing. Her pointy ears gave away she was a half elf. Kelly her twin had golden hair like her mother but her appearance was that of a normal human but she was also half vampire. "Why are you with a half elf and the other is a half vampire," Reina ask. "Grandfather's kids. Kelly is half elf and vampire and the silver haired one is her twin sister Jena. Kelly loves to play and Jena's the serious one. So Kelly talks more than needed."
"Gods your friends with angels’ aunty," Kelly shouted in excitement. "Can we throw her to the field of Glemian. (She means the lion pigs that eat about anything they see) I mean she won't stop talking," Jena said. "Let's just get into the castle first," Clare said. "Agreed," Reina said.
"Wait you two, what of my opinion," Flora asked. "Denied," Clare and Reina said in synch. "Are you two twins before this," Flora asks. They ignored her and Reina led them to the castle garden path. Flora wanted to admire the flowers since it'd been so long, Reina pulled her along. Clare led the rest of the way inside the castle since she could sense the mana fluctuations. "Should we tell the empress dowger about the summoning circle acting strange," mage A said.
"It's scary how they're all wearing those plain masks without expression over their faces," Clare said. "I don't want to hear that from you who had a straight face the whole time I saw you last time," Flora whispered back. "Almost all mages inside the castle are like that unless they are a royal mage. They wore that mask with the fake smile and blue eyes," Reina said. "How do they even see," Kelly joked.
"They get used to it," Reina answered. Jena rolled her eyes at her twin's joke. "There Reina. The middle of the summoning circle seems to be seeping out huge amounts of mana. It's like a dragon vein of mana gone wrong." Reina nodded to Clare as she did mass possession and made all 10 mages leave them be. "Ok I and Clare will try to fix the circle on the floor the rest of you girls will be on watch," Reina said.
“I’m sure that part is wrong on the right corner there,” Clare said. “Yes your right it’s supposed to be ^ not ~ with a O. And the center has a ℥ there.” Flora and the twins were weirded out by how in synch the two of them were. “Are you sure they weren’t twins,” Jena asked. “They seem so into research,” Kelly sighs. “True she’s never relaxed even at our home. It’s like she’s freed from all her stress and no longer chained down.”
Flora looked at Jena who said those words with a relieve as she stared at Clare. “Do you like your aunt that much,” Flora asks.
“If I had to say it in words she taught me how to fight with the knife and the bow,” Flora smiled. “How is that so I thought she only knew magic,” Flora said. “Sure she knows them too. She taught me magic and herb logic,” Kelly said proudly. “Actually I was surprised she knew how to use all weapons ranging from knife to spear. Clare even knows archery, dance, ethics, economy, politics and flower arrangement,” Jena said. A proud aura seemed to seep out of Jena.
“How does she even know all that. Last I saw her was 200 years ago. She can’t learn all that so fast, can she,” Flora ask. “Actually those things I learned because my circumstances with my father. I just never put them to use,” Clare answered back.
“Just how strict was your father,” Flora asked. "My father would whip me at the show of the slightest emotions such as joy for a new book. What do you think he was like,” Clare asked. Her voice and face was void of any emotions now. They all flinched as the room temperature dropped beyond cold. Everyone except Clare panicked when they heard feet coming closer.
Clare eyed around the room and noticed a balcony overlooking the summoning circle in the room. She poked Reina and pointed upwards. In understanding Reina nodded and spread out her wings. Flora looked at the two confused as if the two were insane. ‘There’s nowhere to go where to go from here. We’re trapped in,’ Flora thought.
Clare grabbed Jena and tossed her on to the balcony while Reina grabbed both Clare and Kelly by the waist and flew. Flora stared stunned for a few seconds then flew up after her sister. “Yes. Here we are Dowager,” said mage b.
The 1st princess finally gets introduced to them. Everyone else refers to her as dowager because she's a half elf and her grand children are ruling.
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