《Devil's daughter》chapter 5 unusual situation
They run into problems more than once. It's not like you can control the time and place that you happen on. (Hint: things go really fast in this chapter, just warning you.)
"Do You really hate him so much," Clare asked. "Yes I've had enough babysitting. That man is a lost cause. Hm maybe he doesn't count as one since he's now 15 again but then again. Even if he's a flirt he never once slept with a girl." (Silver) There was a hint of disdain in her voice. "Just wondering but you smell like a Oni," Camellia asked. "I'd say orge. But that's another term." (silver) Both her eyes went to the high schoolers in front of them in the fields. She watched unmoved as a male student's head was twisted by the Troll. The female healer was tossed like a rag doll after her stomach was cut open exposing her guts.
"Aren't you going to help them. They're wearing the same clothes as you." I am not wearing a sailor uniform was her only comment to Camellia. They watched as the party of 5 was devastated. The vanguard and the tank were two males but they were the first to go down. Then the healer which had herself severely cut up until her next. "Three down how pitiful and that troll leveled me up a lot too. Including those assassins." (Silver stated.)
"How many levels did that troll give you," asked Clare. Her face was emotionless once again as she stared back at the battle field ahead of them. Silver stared at Clare then Camellia then smiled like mischievous child. "When I came here I was level 9 but after I fought the troll I leveled to 20." (Silver confidently.)
"Show status." (Silver)
Name: Silver Yue ---------
Race: human
Class: n/a
Rank: n/a
Alignment: Neutral chaotic
Level: 20
HP: 7,000/8,000
MP: ---
Strength: 2,000
Defense: 10,000
dexterity: 9,000
Intel: 5,000
Agility: 3,000
Charm: 500
Luck: 230
Attack: 980
Magic attack: 889
magic defense: 967
Bottomless inventory- allows you to store endless weapons regardless of the laws within those worlds.
Lock smith master: open any and all locks.
Resistant to any curse or spell cast
Archery: level 1 (67%)
Void: 50%
Light: 30%
Water: 45%
Darkness: 25%,
Electric: 56%
Fire: 89%
Destruction: 98%
Earth: 15%
Gravity: 12%
Title: Sadist, bodyguard, Hero, other worlder, wanted fugitive, singing muse, #1 assassin
98,000,900,800 Cel, 5,489,900,890 rils, 8,900,500 Hei, 78,000 ceros, 56 silos
"Just what kinda pocket money are you carrying with you around," Camellia yelled. "Hmmm....I stole most of it from the fat king. That man irritated me when he said he wanted to rid themselves of the demons plaguing the lands. When it was just a excuse he wanted to make for himself." (Silver annoyed) "Is that so. So you took money from his treasury," Clare asked. Her eyes were in awe but her face was still emotionless.
"Actually no one carries as much as that around," Camellia. "It's in storage." (Silver answered. ) They turned eyes back at the finished battle as the troll walked away. "All I see are bloodied guts and body parts all over. I think that's a left arm near those flowers." Camellia sounding excited. "Was it. Oh the girl's alive," Clare. Her hand softly brushed against the red hiared girl's face to move her hair to the side. Looking at the girl she seemed to be unharmed. Clare licked the blood off of her cheeks. Then stared back at her mother as if wanting approval. Camellia sighed then gave her a go ahead and bite her than. Silver's eyes wondered around to the smell of the guts mixed with the giant troll's body ordor. She covered her nose as she looked over at the messed up guts and the grounded meat into the ground of what's left of the human remains.
"I think I won't be having meat for a while." (Silver) Camellia noded in agreement. Clare bit the girl's neck with her fangs. (They did teach her earlier about vampires instincts.) The girl winced at the pain from the bite. Her eyes opened wide in fear as she noticed something was wrong. What came into view was Silver who waved at her and whoever bit her neck had a beautiful purple hair in the moon light. 'No something is wrong here,' the girl thought. "Hello and by the way I'm not the one biting you with fangs just so you know," Camellia stated. 'Wait your a vampire.' (Silver thought) "By the way that's my daughter there," Camellia answered. The girl panicked as she tried to free herself from Clare's tight grip. Instead Clare felt excited to see her struggle to get out of her hold. Nathan walked out from the shade of the trees in shock at Yue standing there.
"How could you YUE!!!! Even this is too brutal for you," Nathan screamed. (Remember he just walked into the scene.) "Ugh I didn't even do this you baka Long. as if I'd go as far as making humans into a mesh of meat." (Silver irritated) "She didn't do it," the girl managed to get out. Nathan charged at Clare who was holding the girl. "Let Velvet go," Nathan yelled. Clare kicked into the tree that he came out from the shade from. He coughed out blood confused as to how can she be so strong with such a small body. (He hasn't noticed her fangs on Velvet's neck yet.) His whole body crumbled under him as he coughed out more blood. She had put a lot of strength into her kick towards his lungs. (She's drinking blood so of course she's gonna be offended.)
"Never attack a Vampire when they are eating. Ever. They're very easily offended if you disturb their drinking," Camellia said. Nathan winced in pain as he was having a hard time bleeding. Clare let go of Velvet then glared at him. When Nathan managed to sit up he was eye to eye with Clare whose eyes glowed golden in the moonlight.
"--wait don't eat me," Nathan managed. "Not going to your smell is bad......," Clare said. "He does smell like women's perfumes. And oh a god.......interesting it's been a while since I last seen one too," Camellia said delighted. "Vampires don't eat they drink. Also Nathan they don't seem to like you as much as normal girls or your fan girls are." (Silver annoyed) Velvet couldn't move her body no matter how hard she tried. Camellia flashed a smile as Velvet's eyes met hers. "I'll be taking her with us then," Camellia decided. "NO!!! I promised to get her safe home," Nathan said. "Oh the hero's promise to a maiden how clinche can you even be," Silver said. Nathan's eyes widen at Silver confused at her lips actually mouthing words. Her voice sounding soft and faint as if the air would carry her away any moment. It was the first time she spoke instead of using the device for her voice that his mother gave her.
"What's with that shocked face as if you just saw a ghost," Silver asked with a cold voice. A shiver went down his spine as she spoke for the first time. "What is me speaking of too much shock for even you that you can't speak Harem King. You who's existence is to flirt with every girl you see. Whom wouldn't hate you since being with childhood to watch over you and babysit you. Much less try to keep the damage of the girls whom get hurt by you to a minimal. Whom wouldn't get mad when they just turn a blind eye on you for a few minutes and we get you flirting with more girls." Her voice was sharp as if cutting into his heart. "An airhead whom isn't even aware of his own useless flirtation."
It felt like painful knives being put into him. He felt sad that the first time he actually heard her voice it sounded so gentle yet there was definite hatred within that voice. "I'm sure I haven't done anything wrong like that to you," he said. "Have you ever looked at your actions and words. Have you ever done so without restraints or tried to not flirt at all," Silver's tone dead serious. Her eyes were cold, he knew that she hated him now that he met her again but he kept trying to deny it. "I hate you," Silver said. "How dense were you to the fact that I was trying to kill you."
"Do you remember the hospital incident," Silver asked. "Yea I asked you to toss me the knife while you were pealing apples. I tossed it just as you asked but it missed my target. Your head."
'So she did throw it at me, I thought it was just my imagination,' Nathan thought. "Actually I couldn't believe you'd survive that bomb inside the limo. Tch and you didn't die even though I threw my knife at your head. (For some reason her assassinating him is a miss though she never misses most her targets. Exception is just Nathan.) But for some stupid reason it never goes through. Indirect ways are a no go. Actually I have never tried killing you with my own hands yet."
Nathan stumbled back as he looked back at her violet eyes glaring back at him. "Wait a moment you can't be thinking of killing me now are you Yue," Nathan asked. "Wait do not kill him," Velvet shouted. "Another one," sighed Silver. But Silver didn't pull out her weapon at him. "Can we leave his sorry excuse of a person now," Silver asked. He blinked in shock when Yue didn't even try to use his name when she referred to him. "Yes but we're taking the girl since who knows what your blood might do to Clare."
"Yes that sounds very reasonable. I'm very sure it'll cause more trouble if she tried." Nathan collapsed on the spot afterwards and Clare they left him like that. "You sure you don't want to help him," Clare asked. "No," Silver answered. Her voice was very calm as if Nathan didn't involve her. Camellia was carrying Velvet over her shoulder like a baggage. "How like you mother," Clare's voice was clearly distant. "No Clare it's not what it looks like." Silver smiled at her. "Sure it isn't. IT's very clear that you have a her carried like a marionette," Silver said. "I'm not enoying this in that way. Stop grinning and explain Silver." It's your problem not mine was what her eyes said. "So where to now," Silver asked. "The beastmen are too far from here so the dwarves are the obvious choice."
"In this lonely waste land you led us to," asked Clare. She tilted her head to her mother as she asked. "I dislike how your always blunt like that," Camellia said. "You did make us run all the way here," Silver answered back. "I don't want to hear that from a Oni that can keep up with two vampires." Is that so she responded and shrugged to the comment. "I'm unusual is what they say already. No need for you to tell me that." Camellia set Velvet on the ground then healed her fractured arm. "So even though your that race you can heal," Silver asked. "Now you sound like a stereotype kind of person, what's wrong with a vampire knowing healing," she snapped back.
"Mother has the class Saint though she's a vampire," Clare answered back. "Wow, that I didn't know," answered Silver. "It sounds more like you." That girl's grinning to at me isn't she. "You and these two monsters let me go," Velvet screamed. "Hmm, how about denied. Since they want you since we haven't a choice," Silver told her. "She's the only safe option out of the group for now," Camellia answered. "Using me for a blood bag for long term is a no go," asked Silver. Clare lit the camp fire in the rock barren wasteland. "It tasted funny.......," Clare answered. "That's not funny how you can say that to my face," Silver said hurt. "Aren't you a assassin," Camellia retorted back at her. "I really don't want to hear that from the Vampire known as Saint."
Camellia winced at the words and blinked at Silver. "So we got one as a Saint and I'm guessing the girl over there that has the title 'Former Doll' is because how her father treated her." Not knowing what to say Camellia nodded to Silver. Velvet hit Clare in the chest as Clare tried to clean the dirt off her face. Clare turned her head confused. "Wait you said she was treated like a doll by her father. That's messed up even for a vampire," Velvet said. Her body shivered as Clare used her towel with a bit of water to wipe her face. "There's no use keeping it a secret now I guess Clare's father wanted her to inherit his throne as a emotionless doll. So she would make precise decisions without any hesitations."
"He made sure to keep her in a enclosed environment with little contact to the outside and make sure everyone close to her treated her coldly. But guess I messed up even that plan," Camellia answered. "I haven't a clue if the that person did that to spite me for not liking him cause the forced marriage he did to me." Both Velvet and Silver looked at her in awe. Like why were you even with him then. She gave them a wry smile as she pulled Clare's head into her lap. "No one is taking her away is what I told him. He also can't force her, but he.... didn't listen. I wasn't surprised when his own subordinate killed him without remorse."
"No, no you should be concerned on that part. Wasn't he your husband," Velvet said. "A forced marriage has no love. Plus I'm already happy with Clare," Camellia answered. In her lap pillow she ran her hand through Clare's hair. Clare stayed there listening to their surroundings. Velvet calmed down as Silver stared at the night sky. "The night sky here is different from ours. You never get this chance in the city." She took out her Nagitana and smiled sadly as she held to it as if it were a part of her soul. "I'll avenge you.........I won't let him say he's innocent for leading you by the head sister." She put it next to her Nodachi sword.
"Wait is that the reason you wished to kill Nathan," Velvet asked. "One of the reasons yes. She was his girlfriend. Her favorite sword was the Tanto which was smaller than the average sword and easy to carry and the Nagitana. She loved to practice the Nagitana in the dojo with me. What he didn't know was that she was a assassin as well. The opposing family had sent her to kill him. But rather instead of carrying out her duty she fell for him. So they erased her. This Naginata that's lost it's owner much like the me in the past that was driven by anger to try to kill him. I made a promise to her when she was dying, I'll definitely kill that bastard."
Velvet flinched when she felt the deep hatred and bloodlust that was coming from Silver. "Wait you said she was his girlfriend so why does she want him dead," she asked. "Because he had girl friends she didn't now about. So she made me promise to rid the world of that jerk." She slashed with her Nodachi cutting the rock beside Velvet in half. "But you don't have to hate him for it." Camellia smiled wryly as if she wasn't mentioning how they were close to dense men. "You can't change her mind, she's been around Nathan since childhood. Even when she spoke of him she sounded very angry. Not that you could calm her down. It's not some thing you can stop."
"Nathan's done nothing wrong though. He's kind, gentle, and smart. He listens to us and is understanding," Velvet countered. "Is he," Silver asked. Camellia handed them the salad she made for their dinner. Velvet went silent as she ate the salad. "I'm wondering where do you even get food Camellia," Silver asked. "It's better if you don't know," she answered back. Silver laughed at Camellia but she was serious about them not knowing would be better.
"It's been awhile hasn't it," Clare spoke. Camellia flinches and a shiver goes down her spine. "What do you want by showingg up," Camellia asked. "That's mean I showed up on the cornation when our body was attacked," Clare answered nonchalant. "You tore apart that human whom came into 'her' room," Camellia answered back. "I'm her with all emotions intact. No worries after this we both fuse so you won't have any problems with us anymore," Clare told her. "What is she on about," Silver asked confused. "Nothing," Camellia lied. Clare went to sleep on her lap. Silver went to sleep and Velvet stared at Camellia on guard. "You know I...don't really hate you. It's just........," Velet trialed off. "In a different world yes I know. You have issues of your own. But you shouldn't get mad at us for taking you along with us. It's not like we have a choice either. Silver's blood might have a unpredictable outcome if we tried it out for long term."
"Is something wrong with her blood," asked Velvet. "No it's because we don't drink from Oni's usually it's a different....... anyway why are you asking." Velvet stared at her in awe as if she were kidding to her. She was going to ask how can they not know since she's also a vampire. "I maybe 350 years old but I'm not that stupid nor am I going to try." From her answer we don't have anyone crazy enough to try. (Though she did kinda ask Silver to give her blood to Clare.) "So you have no clue as to what might happen to a vampire if she drinks from a Oni. Then why are you traveling with one," Velvet almost yelled. "Circumstances."
'Why am I even trying to reason with these monsters,' Velvet thought. "The green stars that appear in these parts are my favorite," Camellia said. "Why are you telling me this when those two are sleeping talk to Silver about it I haven't a clue as to constellations," Velvet said. "I know but it doesn't matter because our world is on a different plan than yours. But these stars are different here because you can only see them in this barren waste land. Speaking of which since your an other worlder I have to ask. Have any of you met Rose Jewel and Yuki Jasmine. They are other worlders like you also but they came to this world 689 years ago. But for some reason they became immortal on their journey to this world."
Are you insane was the look Velvet gave her. "I guess not since the humans don't want to mention them. Since they're famous for two different reasons. One they Liberated the beastmens from human countries. Two they helped the discrminated Elves. But the Legend of their tales of mostly of them challenging armies alone. I guess you can categorize those two as class monsters that were former humans. Since they both are considered that by our standards. But I'm guessing they wouldn't tell you new other worlders of those two would they," Camellia asked. Velvet shook her head as she stared at the night sky shining brightly with in green before her eyes. But what caught her attention was the 6 moons that shined brightly in a brillant blue color. Which she hadn't seen once since she came to that world.
"I see your in awe because the moons but you act as if it's your first time seeing it." Velvet nods to Camellia unable to grasp that they are still in a different world. Camellia drew her hand knife as she smelled a strong smell come towards them. It caught Velvet off guard as she saw what Camellia was glaring at. Distorted faces all bunched together into one big lump of body. The arm was under them as it dragged itself towards them. "Stay behind me," Camellia shouted. "WHAT IS THAT," Velvet screamed. "Ugh who disturbed my sleep," said Silver rubbing her eye. "Ugh that is disgusting."
"And that would be the black magic that the humans tried to use gone wrong. Cause they themselves haven't done anything wrong but was caught up in the mess," Clare explained. Camellia shifted uneasily as Clare stared at the faces in disentrust. "Can you get rid of it," Velvet squeaked in a small voice. "You know your voice reminds me of gentle snow melting into water," Silver mocked. "Shut it and kkill it," she screamed. "High class magic will do won't it mother," asked Clare. Camellia nodded. "OK. Then Ice Dragon Twister." Twin ice dragons danced in the air freezing everything around them all. Devouring the deformed faces as well leaving only ice fragments. "Don't even ask," Camellia said.
"But I'm curious as to why Clare turned cold all of a sudden," Silver asked. (Though at first she said that they were a pain.) "Hard to explain just don't ask about her magic it's unreasonable," Camellia stated. Her tone told them there was no discussion happening. "But can I ask this why does it look like a scaled serpent like dragon with a long body. (She's not talking about the english fairy tail one but the other kind of dragon.) I mean she never saw them before right but they look too real," Silver said. "Agreed what's with that," Velvet said. "Wait weren't you three the one that kidnapped me," yelled Velvet. 'Wow her reaction was slow on noticing even that,' thought Clare.
"You took that long to retort back," Silver asked. "You do know we're in a waste land right now right. And it took you this long to notice."
Velvet's mouth twisted, Clare smiles at them. "Wait time out did she just give just give us a warm smile," asked Silver. "It was just your imagination," she responded. "No she definitely smiled at us two arguing."
"Now that's just plain creepy I'd rather you don't respond like usual," Silver said. "That's offensive you're saying you rather want me emotionless without fusing with my other personality," Clare answered. "Are you saying I'm too much to handle." Clare laughed cause Silver said she was a pain either way.
"I only found out Silver was a Oni when she gave her blood to Clare to drink," Camellia said. "Didn't you say that might be dangerous," Velvet asked clearly shaken. "Oh before I forget are you ok in that ripped up sailor uniform. You know because that one's ripped so much that I can see your D cup breasts." (She mean's your breasts are showing.)
"KYA!! Look away!!!! WAIT DOES THIS MEAN NATHAN SAW," she screamed. Clare, they all nodded to her. "Waaaaaa I so want to die now," Velvet said. "Just so you know what I'm wearing is a blue blazer uniform from high school that I carried along with me," Silver answered. "Wait weren't you and Nathan 23 or 25," Velvet said. "I'm 27, he's 26. But not that it matters," Silver answered. "Wait what kinda person keeps a spare uniform from high school with her at all times," Velvet asked. "No you have to be prepared for any situation. By the way I have my clothes from middle school around your size maybe that'll fit."
"Why a 'WHITE BLAZER UNIFORM' isn't this one also similar to the one your wearing," Velvet asked accusingly. "It was the type of school for elementary to highschool. So what do you expect. Oh and don't even ask how the pretty boy looked." Did I give her that face she asked silently to Clare and Camellia which they both nodded to her. "Wait I didn't say I was going to change into this," Velvet said. "Request denied since Clare barely passes for a non flat chested girl. She's barely a C cup."
"Why do you even know that," Clare demanded. "I'm a girl so I can guess it." But that accuracy is scary, was what all their faces showed her. "Now just put it on with no complaints." Velvet struggled as Silver changed her clothes. "Wait that was unnecessary for you to touch me there too," Velvet complained. "It's bra and underwear," Silver countered. "You didn't need to do it for me then."
"But you were denying changing," Silver said. "You two get along so well," Clare sarcasticly said. "We do not -," Velvet started to say. Her sentence was cut off by Silver pinching both her cheeks. "Yes this reminds me so much of myself back in high school."
"That actually hurts," Velvet rubs her cheek. 'And painful too.' Clare saat down on the ground and went back to sleep. Camellia adjusted herself so Clare was back on her lap. "If I didn't know you were vampires I'd say you two make a loving mother and daughter pair," Velvet said. "But why did you mention those two other worlders. Were you concerned about them."
"No I wanted to know if you had any clue about them. That's all," Camellia said. "Also I'll watch for the rest of the night so you two can sleep."
Velvet woke up in the morning confused to see Silver so close to her face. They almost kissed and Silver's gri seemed only to be getting tighter. "That's a interesting scene to see in the morning," said Clare. Her eyes were saying she was clearly amused. A soft smile appeared on her face. "Then help me," Velvet said. "I mean I'm not into Yuri or am I lesbian so help me."
"Aw don't deny it so much..... you two were interesting to watch sleep in a way. One is a sleep talker too," Camellia said. "I mean Silver hugged the one closest to her. And your sleep talking was very amusing." Clare nodded in agreement. "Wait you two look like you aren't going to help me," Velvet said. "Sorry neither of us wants to be a sacrifice to her sleeping," Camellia answered.
Velvet's eyes widen as Silver's face was too close. Her lips were stolen by the sleeping Silver. Clare shrugged Silver awake, as if to say the deed was done so I'll help now. "Um what's wrong with Velvet," Silver asked rubbing her eyes. "Also why is she so close to me." Velvet glared at Silver but her next words stunned her. "Kiss demon." That was what she heard from Velvet. (By the way it was Velvet's first kiss.) Silver's face turned pale as she heard that. "Sorry that phrase and words I heard too many times because of my bad habit. Didn't mean to," Silver answered.
"Wait you said you were told off by someone," Velvet asked. For once she didn't answer just laughed then look away. "We should get going to the dwarf's kingdom soon," Camellia said. They walked into a green valley. All they can see were grass, herbs and other plants. Clare fidgeted and eyed her mother. "Oh you haven't seen this much green before right," asked Camellia. Clare's eyes sparkled as if to say can I touch them. (Remember she was locked up in the castle.) "This is the Yventi, the yellow leaves and the pruple flower. This is known for using in magic for acellerating one's growth in magic. That blue one is the Hekii it's the sie about 4 feet big, and it's blue light even shines at night. Magicians use the plant for mana potions."
"Did she just turn into a herb dictionary," Silver joked. "No it's cause she was not allowed to go outside I'd often get her books from our library," she answered. "Lexuiros root known for it's deadly posion that can kill even this world's most powerful creatures the dragons. Devenares named after the devil raced demon because it's red blood like leaves. This plant was created from the devils' bodies and it's legends say that if used on a devil they can cause even the ends of the human countries on this continent."
"I think we just heard some disturbing words," Velvet said. "Oh and my husband was a devil. They look like dragons but the difference is that devil's have a different kind of horns," Camellia answered. "We have it on out forehead but those may look small depending on the age of the individual." They both blinked in surprise at Clare who answered them. "Then why aren't you in your Devil form," asked Velvet. "I'm half vampire, half devil so what do you think," Clare answered.
"So your vampire form," Silver said. "Correct," she answered. "What do you know abut this Devenares root that looks like a lily from our earth but is painted in blood red and gives off a sinister aura," Velvet asked. "It was said to be created 1,000 years ago. In this valley where the devils' race waged wars against each other. This valley is known to be called the Red Mist Ruin City. Because of all the blood spilt here. Actually I'm sure most devils avoid this place. I did not hear why though," Clare said.
"Isn't that a warning that she should not be in the valley," Silver said. "Oh it's fine Clare's got my vampire gene. She'll be fine the longest it isn't a dragon, Yuki, Rose or Yun, she should be fine. By Yun I mean the Living library of spells. She's been around for as long as this world is and she's got all spells in her arsenal so if you see her run for dear life. Let's see if I remember correctly..........long wave green hair.....a unusual mask.... and she looks like what you girls refer to as shinobi in your world. But she has even spells that we have long forgotten too. AND spells that are from the future. Actually she exists on all times...last I checked with a ancient dragon. By the way Ancient dragon turns into a god in this world. SO I had them look into the future scary fact her personality doesn't ever change."
Yun: then someone needs to stop prying.
"You know you really ought to do something about that reading off the script that you made," Rose said.
"But we finally get screen time to appear," Yun pouted.
"And they call your type eccentric," said Yuki clearly annoyed. Because Yun is wearing a fox mask but they can still tell her mood. "I wanted to have fun before I meet her. Just so you know Clare isn't a Library like me but somethin' similar to a book. You'll get what I mean when you meet her."
Yun bites into the dragon's head that she was holding as she overlooked the valley.
Guess they've got no luck when it comes to chance meeting.
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