《tale of a worm》Misty place


During the night

I woke up only to see myself in a place full of mists,it's cold here and I can barely see anything

"I am you,who are you??"A voice asked on the darkness

"Who are you"I asked as I look around

"You are me,Who are you!!!!"The voice shouted as I feel myself suffocated and I can barely breath

"stop,stop"I plead as I hold my neck as I can't breathe

It did not stop and it only stopped when I was about to lose my consciousness

"You ✌❒︎☜ 💣☜"The voice said in an incomprehensible language

"👎♓︎☜ 👎♓︎☜ 👎♓︎♏︎📪︎♑︎⚐ ✌⬥︎♋︎⍓︎✏︎✏︎✏︎✏︎"The voice shouted as I feel my neck tightening and the next time I opened my eyes,I'm on a field of vines with glowing blue flowers and not from from there I can see a young man standing

The young man looked at me and said something,I can't see his face as there's only lights on his face

"💧⚐ ✡□︎✞ ✌❒︎☜ ☟♓︎💧 💧□︎☠ 💣✡ ☝❒︎♋︎■︎♎︎⬧︎□︎☠"I can't understand what he said,but before I can have the time to process it.everything suddenly darken with me and the young man and his smile slowly fade away as it's replaced with sadness

"You will ☠□︎❄ ✞■︎♎︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎■︎👎 ✌■︎⍓︎⧫︎♒︎♓︎■︎☝" he said on a broken language

I tried to call him out,but I soon found out that I can't speak and soon everything fades away into nothingless,but before everything fade away,i saw a triangle with a butterfly and the same blue flowers on the middle

On the top of the triangle is a black wilting rose and on the other two lower points of the triangles are two blue flowers,each missing half of it's petals

I tried to look at it more,but I suddenly feel something slapping me and then I woke up only to see them looking at me with a concerned look


"Are you alright"Lily and Queen asked as they help me lean on the wall

"Yes,it's just a nightmare"I said as i smile

"Are you sure,it's really disturbing,just tell us if there's something ok"Lily said with concern

"I'm ok"I said as I lie down on the ground again to sleep

They tried to talk to me and forced me to tell them my nightmare as they are really concerned,and I just lied to them,telling them that it's just a dream where I saw them die and finally they let go of me

I tried to get back to my sleep,but soon found out that I can't sleep

it's really weird

Next day

we have already prepared on what we will do,I can feel it getting colder and colder as time passed by

"Are you ready???"I asked lily while sitting on the back of queen

"Yeah"She said as she carry a bag full of berries and weapons

She's not wearing her normal clothes,she's wearing some fur clothes ,where it come from??,well it's part of the equipment that she deared the most(she lost all her rations and foods but not her weapons as she always keep it with her)

"you seems to be over prepared"I said as I look at her

"Yeah hahahahaha we can't be under prepared right???"She said while laughing as she ready some daggers and crossbows

"what's your weapon??"She asked me as she stand up from her place

"Me???.I can ding through soil and attack them from under the ground"I said with a proud look

"nahhh,what if they are armored???"She asked

"well,I'll think of that later,surely they have a belly right???"I said

"You can't just rely on that!!.you need to learn the proper way to fight"She said as she slap her head


"Hahahahahahaha, are you sure,I rather craft my own style of fighting"i said

I know I'm and idiot and dumb,but I always rely on myself as I always do

"Come on,it's about teamwork"she replied

"Well you're right,I think I have to fix this behavior soon"I said,not really offended by everything she said

"Let's go now"I said as we walked towards the entrance

"Ok,"She replied as she followed us

We walked outside into the misty forest,while being wary of the surrounding and not to separate from each others

Walking further,I can hear some faint footsteps

"Can you hear it???"I asked Lily

"Footsteps???"She asked with confusion

"Don't mind it"i said as I look away

"You're becoming more weird"Lily said as she walked beside us

"Hahahahahaha"I just laugh,but soon I heard more footsteps

Ignoring this I just closed my eyes,but the next time I opened my eyes,I'm back to the same field of vines,but this time,there are a woman beside the young man

"Hahahahahahah did you ✞■︎♎︎♏︎❒︎⬧︎⧫︎♋︎■︎👎 it"He asked with a broken voice

"I-I can't,I don't know"I said

"Then 💧□︎❍︎☜ 👌♋︎♍︎😐 ☠♏︎⌧︎❄ ❄♓︎❍︎☜"The woman said as she shot me with a beam of lights and I found myself surrounded by a lot of beetles as lily and queen tried to wake me up

"Wake up!!!"Queen shouted as she bit my arm which caused me to feel a lot of pain

"Why!!"I asked as I hold my arm

"Huh,are you sure you're ok??"Lily asked with concern

"Yes,It-s,it-s just"I paused as I saw the young man behind them,smiling at me

"What??"They asked as they shake me

"No,no it's nothing"I said as I ignored the man,they tried to look behind them,but seems to saw nothing

The man said something before disappearing

"GNRAJS,DQUI,GTDKRFPWW,XQUHX"And then he disappeared after that

Hahahahahahaha good luck on decoding them,I know that it's really basic and easy to decode them,but I'm just trying

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