《tale of a worm》a loli and a girl


next day

I'm outside of the hive

I found something really interesting,which is queen stopped laying eggs and from what i can see,the hive popilation is reaching the limit of what it can sustain and so the population must be controlled

I just noticed it now,but apparently the egg hatched too fast,the first egg I seen her lay just hatched in two days and is already on the stage of becoming a pupa

Sitting there on the entrance of the gate,i continue skimming through my status in hope that observe will activate and so it did after a few hours of standing here like and idiot,I've been here since the the sun rise

Observe success

+1 stage

Also know as the molting stage or enhancing stage,a stage that all monster rarely take and if one did then they will rarely survive till the last stage

It enhance the potential of a creature while still remaining at the same evolution stage

it have a total of 9 stage and every evolution stage have this

no one ever tool this path for two obvious reason

they do not have enough intilegient and the whole stage from 1-9 required 420 levels to complete and that's to much for a molting and doing it on every single evolution stage will take a lot of time

and once you take this path,there is no escape my friend,you have to do it every single evolution stage,but it's like completing all the side quests and enhancing everything to the max first before fighting the final boss

Wow that's terrifying,does that mean that I have to get 420 levels before I can evolve into another species???

If i want to evolve into something more human looking,which I don't really care if my future form will be more human or monster,but it's actually good,I now know what i will evolve her into


I will make a hive of op beetles!!!!!

Now that i remembered it.I miss listening to vocaloid song

////////meanwhile in a very far far far place//////////

Inside a palace seemingly floating in the air,the cloud here in this place have the color of gold

Inside the palace,thee figures could be seen drinking a tea

A loli with a golden crown,An old man with long white beard and a white staff,A middle aged man with a body that seems to be made up of numerous codes and constantly glitch

They are the goddess of mischef,the god of magic,the system creator

"So how is your favoured child???"The loli goddess asked while drinking some tea

"hehehehehehe About him,well I want to give him all the freedom as my future desiple,too bad,my time is limited,I have to take the ascension test soon,sigh i still have to complete my last gift to him"The middle age man said with regret in his voice

"Hmmmm never did i though that you will take a desciple hahahahahaha"The old man said while laughing

"I'm already dying,you know,i only have like a trillion years of life left"The middle aged man said

"He seems to be interesting"The loli said with a slight glint in her eyes

"Don't even think of touching him,through I allowed it if you can guide him a bit when I'm gone"The middle aged man said

"Are you joking,who the hell can touch someone the system creator is intereted in,everyone know that you can fight on par with the god father who is the strongest of all"The old man said as he slap him on the back of his shoulder

"I will prepare my priest to greet him once he visit my city"The loli said while drinking some tea


"Hahahahahaha I think my future desciple might become a trouble maker when I come back from my ascension"Th middle aged man said while laughing

"Don't fear it friend,I will teach him how to steal girl hearts"The loli said while drinking her tea

"Hahahaha some good words to hear from the one who stole my daughter's heart"the old man said

And so they continue talking merrily

///////////////back to our mc////////////////

I have been exploring the forest for something good

I have been walking for a while now and about to go home,when suddenly I smell a smell of.......blood in the air

Getting cautious because i don't want to die because of not being cautious of what i do

Digging through the ground I tacked for every single bit of vibrations and there i found a very strong vibration in the ground

Digging through the ground I can feel it getting stronger and soon I can feel the ground wet and just by the taste of it,it's blood

I can feel some strong vibration just above me

Wanting to see what's happening I dig to somewhere far away and once i'm there I can see it,There's an armored man and an unconscious young girl,the young girl is blooded while the armored man have a sword pointed at the girl while laughing maniacally

Angered at the scene I dig to the ground before jumping on is shoe squeezing myself to the tight gap before entering his feet and digging right through his flesh then above,I continuesly burrowed back to the surface of the skin for some breath,I also sent some signals to the hive through my connection to the hive and it aggravated the hive,

I burrowed to the gap in his armor then outside and the i can see him screaming with pain as he hold his feet

And now the aggravated hive appeared in the sky in form of a black cloud with the queen at the middle surrounded by the first 300 to mutate

Seeing this the armored man tried to run,but he can't,he tried to hold his sword but it's to late as the hive is already here

Most of the beetles entered through his mouth,nostril,and forcefully digging inside of his body,shreding him from the inside to outside,The exp did not go to any of us,instead it go into what's called hive exp store where the exp is stored and used to level up someone in case of emergency

And soon the man died as a poll of shredded meat,intestine,brain matter,everything is scattered around and you can no longer what kind of creature this is

The beetle tried to go to the girl next,but I stopped them and told them to carry the girl outside of the hive as we don't have a huge enough room for her,through it will protect her as the tree is pretty large

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