《The Mountains Of Versailles》Chapter 3: Et Tu Brute


HEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYY YOUUUUUUUUUU GUYSSSSSSSSSSS! Obvious Goonies™ references aside, I thought that in my everlasting wisdom you all might appreciate another chapter? Like I said in one of the previous chapter blurbs, send your art of Bran to [email protected] and the top three, YES you heard it here folks, the top THREE will be featured in chapter twelve and get the name of their choice in the story. Again there is guidelines, no BlazIt420xXXx as a name. Anyways I'm kinda cheating here because these used to be the same chapter before my pc decided that I didn't need to actually have that chapter. Luckily I rewrote it and it is as good as before!

Waking up to being dragged on a stone floor is definitely not the best feeling. The fact that it was Red dragging me didn't help. Red was dragging me by the back of my shirt, all the way out of the garden and towards the other tunnel. Behind me Blondie was grimacing as she rubbed her quite swollen knuckles. Good. I hope it hurt when you tried to invert my face with your fist. You monster. I could feel the lump forming on the back of my head where it hit the tree already. At least it felt like the blood had stopped flowing from my nose. Ouch. Scratch that. After wiggling my nose it has started bleeding profusely, and the sharp gasp of pain made Blondie glare at me. Oh sorry, does that fist hurt? Well so does my face. Blondie said something to Red and she laughed. It was probably some witty remark about what once was my beautiful face, I'm almost happy I can't understand them.

Coming to the branch in the passageway we turned right, towards the black antechamber. As I was on my back I got an excellent view of what was behind the door in the left passageway, which happened to be a giant room for what looked like a teenage girl? No way that belongs to Blondie, her room would be packed with brass knuckles and vodka not stuffed animals and painting supplies. As we passed through the threshold into the antechamber what I could see of it was lit, of course. I was still facing the door. Blondie glared at me once more, said something to Red and stepped into the chamber, almost appearing nervous. Anything that would make Blondie lose her nerves even slightly makes me a tad terrified. That woman could probably crush an apple in her bare hand, not to mention that Red was right here with a sword. Speaking of Red she took this moment to rudely throw me into the room. Landing on my stomach I looked up at the entrance, There stood Red and Blondie, both looked behind my back, said something, and looked at me to make what I assumed to be a very rude gesture. The growl that responded to them sent shivers down my spine.




I can feel it staring at me. I think it wants me to get up. Quite frankly, it ain't gonna happen. I silently looked at Red and Blondie pleading with my eyes to come back and drag me away. They looked at me, then each other, then they turned around and promptly left. Oh what a cruel world! The thing behind me must be huge, it's breathing is making my shirt fly about. Wow, the anticipation in the room is palpable. I can feel it waiting for me to get up. Hmphh. Not today beastie, this Bran is not cereal. This is just like a horror movie, as long as I don't get up or look at it, the thing won't eat me.




How could I be betrayed like this! My rumbling stomach has made the staring even more oppressive. ET TU BRUTE! I feel as betrayed as Caeser. I can feel the pure undivided attention of the beastie on me. The jig is up. There is no way it doesn't know that I'm trying to delay now. I eye the passage, maybe two meters away. If I hurry maybe I can get out and escape. If I get in one of the trees in the orchard I may be able to hide until they check the exit. Then it is my time to escape! Perfect! I ready myself, this is probably one of the most important sprints of my life. I got this. Taking a deep breath I get up as if I'm going to turn around and look at the beast. Just as I'm about to face the beastie I sprint for the door way, for freedom!

I made it all of two steps before something swept my feet from under me, and as my head rushed towards the floor I may or may not have swore vengeance on Red, Blondie, Atropos and the mystery beastie behind me.

I woke up in a cage. Kinky right? At least this one was pretty posh with golden bars, a bed, an area sectioned off for the toilet, and a chair. I'm pretty sure this is a dream though because outside my new prison Red and Blondie seemed to be arguing with a huge, gold, dragon. Well, they were saying a bunch of things, the dragon just stayed quiet staring at them. They kept gesturing at me angrily however, and making what I assumed as an argument to kill me. The dragon however just seemed amused. Mirth apparent in it's eyes. From what I can guess the dragon is their boss, and it wants to keep me alive. Clearing my throat made them all look towards me. Just feeling that stare again I knew the dragon was the thing that tripped me before. I then spoke probably one of the first words I've ever said in this world.


"HI?" I called out waving my hand a little as my voice cracked.

Red and Blondie looked like I had just transformed into a dragon, the dragon however looked like I had just proved a point. As they turned to look at each other the arguing continued, with Blondie and Red gesturing as if I was some rabid dog and the dragon letting out some chortles. My stomach took this time to assert itself with another rumble. Hearing this the dragon gave both girls a pointed look before nodding towards me. It was like it was saying "Our guest is hungry, how could we not show some hospitality?" Now as a avid fantasy reader seeing that the dragon was intelligent was a godsend. An intelligent dragon could be reasoned with, or bargained with. Unfortunately for me I didn't speak the language. A hungry dragon all alone with me, separated by some thin gold bars? Not good. While the girls disappeared into one of many hallways in the semi-circular antechamber I cleared my throat again.

"BRAN." I said slowly, while pointing at myself.

This seemed to amuse the dragon and it moved closer to my cage as I sat on the chair. It stared at me intensely before I heard a beautiful woman's voice in my head, or at least it would be beautiful if it wasn't so damn loud.

"So you ARE intelligent! What a great surprise!" The voice was ecstatic, and had what seemed like a British accent?

"Wait. You can understand me? Like hear my words and translate them to a different language?" I called to what I assumed to be a her.

"Of course I can understand you. You speak the language of dragons little one, and I can quite assure you I am female." She replied, the volume of her... telepathy? Whatever it was, it wasn't loud enough for my head to feel like it's going to explode anymore.

"Then you should let me out of this cage and point me towards the nearest human settlement." I remarked, looking her in the eye. Might as well go for the Hail Mary here.

"Why ever would I do that?" She chortled as she replied. I was starting to see why Red and Blondie were angry at the dragon.

"Because it's common decency?" I flashed her my best smile. If this was gonna work I needed to turn on all my charm... what little of it I had.

"Ufufufufu an interesting proposition indeed little one, but if you want out you will have to try a bit harder than that."

What the hell. No one even laughs like that. I needed something I could trade for freedom and supplies, I don't have anything though. I mean all my stuff was stolen by that spider... That's it! If I get my backpack back I can trade that stuff for supplies and a way out. While I had been thinking, Red and Blondie were back and they had come with a bowl of steaming hot stew and a loaf of bread! Well, well, well oh how the tables have turned. I looked at the dragon as I accepted the bowl through the bars. My backpack had a few things this dragon couldn't even imagine. I guess you could say they were of an otherworldly quality. Thinking of those things gave me an Idea.

"Airplane. Motorbike. Computer. Cellphone." The dragon went from amused to intensely curious in an instant. The pupils dialating as both Blondie and Red moved off to the side as the dragon rushed closer. The dragon's head inches from my cage now she stared at me intensely.

"Well now, it appears you happen to know a few words I do not. Would you kindly explain them to me little one?" She never did anything distinctly threatening while she said those words, however a refusal seemed... to be a very bad idea. Oh well, never was any good at keeping secrets.

"Well seeing as I'll probably need to explain quite a bit, you may wanna get comfortable. You see It all started on a misty morning in a city called..."

After explaining how I heroically escaped the giant spider through the crack in it's cave the dragon immediately turned to Blondie and Red who dashed off through the hallway leading towards the crack. With the dragon still pestering me for answers like what an alarm clock is, I knew that being eaten woulda been a hell of a lot easier.

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