《The Mountains Of Versailles》Chapter 1: Hell Hath No Fury...


Heya there friends! Itsa me! Your non-Italian-plumber friend! I'm just here to let you know if you read my prologue on the day of its release some things might have changed. So if you are are a bit lost make sure to check that out! Also as a bit of clarity originally I wanted to make Bran an edgelord type of character... Nope can't do it. So If Bran seems a bit different and less like shadow the hedgehog then that is why.

Enjoy the story and remember reviews help me get my story out there so they are greatly appreciated!


It had taken exactly five seconds for my day to go off the deep end of sanity. As soon as Atropos, my newest friend had looked at me after the mini-earthquake I knew something very bad was gonna happen. She looked like a cat that has the mouse cornered. Both the cat and mouse know it, and both know the cat won't make it quick. The other patrons of the coffee shop seemed to have frozen, like a video that's buffering except there was no spinning dots, no percent loaded. It was like the world had stopped.

At this point I looked over at Atropos once more. No amount of scary stories, movies, or T.V. shows prepared me for the jolt of absolute pants-shitting terror that assaulted me at that moment. It felt like when I looked at her the world faded into black, all that was left was us, our table, and our coffees.

"U-u-m, you aren't some demon I've sold my soul to right?" I let out weakly.

"A demon? Really Bran? That is the BEST you could come up with? Frankly I'm quite disappointed in you." She sniffed and upturned her nose slightly.


"Well maybe we should go over what you want me to do now that I've been manipulated into helping you?" I said, getting quite fed up with her smug attitude.

At this she raised one brow giving me another smug smile.

"Well I guess I a should start with the basics. First of all I didn't lie to you at all, I AM a tailor, and my job is very important. How much of Greek mythology do you know?"

"Enough to start thinking that isn't a sundress, it's a toga and you are definitely not human, or something looking for "human relations"? I said.

At that moment she laughed. It wasn't the one that I'd heard earlier, this one was beautiful, almost cataclysmic in the emotion it brought. The laugh made me remember everyone I've ever lost and the bittersweet feeling of their passing.

"How cute. Too bad I work so much otherwise I might take you up on that offer." Atropos winked at me as she spoke.

"Unfortunately you have somewhere to be." She said.

"Work?" I asked, extremely confused.

Again she laughed. Nearly making me fall into the blackness that was the world around us.

"Nope. You are going to Alpochre. I guess you could call it a "whole new world"?"

Well shit. I'd always dreamed of fantasy worlds with swords and magic. Heroic deeds abound in worlds like that. Hell with my knowledge I could sell designs and make a killing off of it. I don't really have many attachments here anyway, I never really got along with my family, and my friends would survive without me. I wouldn't need to have a mountain of debt in college, and no more worrying about a nuclear war going off. The more I think about it the more I decide that it can't be all THAT bad in another world.


"Ok, but a few questions first?"

"Ask ahead" She replied, seemingly amused with my acceptance.

"Anything in this for me? Do I get any special skills or magic? Like can I fly? Or Breathe fire?" I excitedly listed off.

"Nope." Atropos replied smiling.


"What about translating the language so I can understand?" I asked hopefully.

"Nope." Her smile grew larger.

"See, I don't need you to do anything there. I just need you to go there. What you do after is up to you." The smile now reached all the way to her eyes, full of satisfaction.

"That is so bullshit though, how am I supposed to survive in a world I know nothing about, with a language I don't understand and a currency I don't know?" I asked indignantly. No matter how you looked at it this was unfair. It was like trying to swim up a waterfall, impossible...

"That's not my problem. Anyway I'm sure you will land near some sort of human settlement, after all they are everywhere." She replied.

"Maybe if you survive you can take it up with the gods in THAT world, after all they're the ones who wanted some power siphoned." She looked at me.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I guess so... Can I at least finish my coffee?"

This was probably the stupidest thing I've ever said. Atropos had pretty much said that she was a god and here I was not asking the hard hitting questions before I left. Not "why are we here?" Not "what is the purpose of life?" No. I had a cup of lukewarm coffee to finish. When I looked at her I knew she was NOT happy with my answer, in fact she looked furious. As she pushed me into the void around us I remembered something my father always used to say...

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

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