《Dungeon Academy》Chapter 23: Exit
“Thanks for diving in after me,” Gavin muttered being careful to avoid looking at Ethan. “I thought I was going to die, so I guess that makes you a hero for saving my life.”
“Yeah I really feel like a hero right now,” Ethan said dryly, squatting down at the fire next to Gavin.
They both laughed which caused Ethan to feel slightly better about the situation. Just like Quin instructed both of them had been forced to strip after the battle with The Black. Ethan hated it but he knew she was right. There was no way he could keep on those wet clothes in temperatures like this and expect to be fine.
Whenever someone did something stupid and heroic in stories they conviently left stuff like this out. The real world was different though. That line of thought caused Ethan to laugh inside his head realizing the irony. Was the dungeon even the real world? He couldn’t be sure, all he could be sure about was how much this sucked.
He just wished his clothes would dry a bit faster. It felt like they’d been squatting around the fire for hours. You never realized how vulnerable you were until you were forced to squat naked in a cave next to all of your friends. There was very little chance that any of them would let Ethan forget this. Jokes about this would be made for years.
The very small positive about this situation was that the fire seemed to be a part of the dungeon itself and it never burned down or went out. They didn’t even have to add wood too it which was a can of worms that Ethan didn’t feel like wrapping his brain around, at least until he safely had some sort of fabric wrapped around him.
“Are our clothes dry yet?” Ethan asked for only the fifth time.
“Close,” Quin answered from only a few feet away. “I’d say another five to ten minutes and we’ll be able to make for the exit.”
Thank God, Ethan thought trying to will the time to go faster.
“Isabella Tavarez,” Alex said suddenly, “are you attempting to sneak a peak?”
“No,” Bella replied quickly and Ethan could hear the embarrassment in her voice. “I was checking on the clothes.”
“Uh huh,” Alex replied clearly enjoying making her squirm. “I’m shocked. I’d have never expected something like that from you. Quin, sure. We all know that she’s that type of girl and desperately needs to work on her relationship with the lord.”
“Bella ignore him,” Quin said and Ethan could practically hear her eyes rolling. “The more embarrassed you react the more he enjoys it, but don’t worry, I'm going to drop him in the lake on our way out.”
Alex shut up quickly causing Bella to giggle. Ethan could just picture the scowl on his roommate's face and it made him smile and forget how uncomfortable he was for just a moment.
The next ten minutes or so passed in relative silence. It was really hard to hold a conversation in his current condition.
Blessedly, Quin finally said, “Alright, they feel dry.”
“Thank God,” Ethan said turning and snatching his clothes quickly.
Gavin was almost as quick and they both dressed rapidly. Putting on dry clothes was the best feeling after the frigid water of the lake and the uncomfortable lack of them for hours. Unfortunately, this also meant they had to exit the warmth of the fire and head back out onto the frozen lake and then up the mountainside.
“Alright now that everyone can focus,” Alex said leading them out of the cave, “especially you Bella, I think it’s time we discuss some of the things The Black said.
The first response to this was Quin punching him in the shoulder which caused Alex to yelp and glare at her momentarily.
“Anyways,” Alex said after a moment, “I think we can safely confirm that The Black is a man and he’s not working alone. So I was correct in my assumption there.”
“The whole if we leave the dungeon unchecked it could destroy the western United States bit was a bit scary,” Bella said.
“Yeah and it definitely is past just Misty Oaks,” Ethan added. “I saw one of those winged dogs at one of my away soccer games back in the fall.”
“So the world is going to end, awesome,” Gavin said acting more like himself now that he was clothed.
“Oh yeah, this is your first time down here,” Ethan said realizing that Gavin was probably completely confused.
“I mean I picked up on the fact that this is Narnia and that black guy is a psychopath,” Gavin said shrugging, but I would appreciate it if you’d all fill me in on what’s going on. I’m especially curious about that translucent armor you all seem to have.”
Over the next twenty minutes while they walked and climbed they did their best to explain the dungeon, how they’d found it, the spirit armor and weapons, and everything else they knew about it.
“So basically instead of a wardrobe it’s an elevator in the basement of Hinan Hall?” Gavin asked. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever heard, but considering where we are I can’t really not believe you.”
“Trust me, we’ve been coming down here for most of the school year and it’s still crazy to me,” Ethan said smiling. “I actually refused at first, but the dungeon doesn’t exactly let you just ignore it.”
“Yeah, it sends it’s little beasties after you until you start trying to find its heart whatever that is,” Alex added.
“The scariest thing,” Bella said thoughtfully, “is the fact that The Black mentioned that there are more than one of these things and that this one is realively young.”
“Yeah he said it was created in Showa 11,” Ethan said. “What the hell does that mean?”
“I’m almost positive that’s a Japanese year,” Alex said. “I’m not positive and I’ll have to look it up when we get back but it sounds like one.”
“Japan has a different calendar than we do?” Quin asked curious.
“They use the western calendar but they also have a calendar based off of who was emperor at the time,” Alex explained. “It’s really confusing and made things difficult every time I’ve gone to visit family over there.”
“So Showa was an emperor?” Ethan asked.
“Maybe, probably,” Alex responded. “I’m honestly not sure. Don’t look at me like that. It’s not like I’ve studied Japanese history. I’ve just picked up on a couple things.”
“In other words you’re useless and know nothing,” Gavin said. “I don’t know why they’ve kept you around all this time.”
“Oh shut up,” Alex retorted. “I helped rescue you, you know.”
“Were you the blue one standing around doing nothing while Ethan, Bella, and Quin did all the hard work? I’m sorry I can’t remember.”
He smiled as he said this to let Alex know he was teasing him which got a laugh out of the rest of the group. Despite the fact that The Black had gotten away they were all in pretty good spirits as they approached the elevator. They’d saved Gavin, cleared a floor, and no one was seriously injured or dead.
Piling into the elevator Ethan couldn’t help but smile. He didn’t think he’d ever wanted to return to school as badly as he did right now. All he really wanted to do was return to his room, crawl in his bed and sleep for the next five days or so.
Riding the elevator up and returning to the entry room of the dungeon always felt a bit like leaving a movie theater in that it was hard to keep track of time while they were inside the dungeon and he was never sure what time it would be when they got out.
This time Ethan was pretty sure it was going to be late though. They’d gone through not one but two floors and then sat around a fire waiting for clothes to dry. Finally, after what felt like a longer than usual ride the doors to the elevator opened and they walked out into the entry room in the basement of Hinan Hall.
“Oh man is it nice to be out of that cold,” Gavin said stretching out his arms. “I mean don’t get me wrong as a Minnesotan I appreciate it as much as the next person, but this is definitely better.”
“Honestly if I never see snow again I’ll be fine with it,” Bella said smiling.
“It really wasn’t that cold,” Quin muttered.
“Xena, we already know you’re tough, you don’t need to keep proving it,” Gavin said to her. “Just enjoy the comforts of this creepy basement like the rest of us.”
“I wonder what time it is,” Alex said out loud more to himself than to the group.
“Who knows,” Ethan replied. “It’s almost impossible to keep track of time while were in there, but I’d guess late since I’m feeling completely exhausted.”
“Pink,” a familiar but completely unwelcome voice said from all around them. “Now this is a taste I haven’t had in a long time.”
“It’s official I’ve completely lost it,” Gavin said looking around wildly. “Now I’m hearing a disembodied voice. Mother did always tell me to make sure I took my meds every day or something like this was bound to happen.”
“You’re not crazy,” Ethan said sourly. “That’s the dungeon and it’s never good news when it speaks.”
“Gavin Lloyd,” the dungeon continued ignoring them and causing Ethan to groan internally. “Always the jokester, you wrap yourself in humor like a shield, never letting any harm come to the boy on the inside.”
“What are you my psychologist?” Gavin asked. “Guys is this an intervention? Look I promise to lay off the drinking right after one last--Ahh!”
Dropping to the ground Gavin clutched at his ankle screaming in pain. A scream and a pain that was all too familiar to Ethan and the other three. Without a doubt Gavin was getting marked by the dungeon right now which would probably be the cherry on top for him after being kidnapped and tied up in a cave.
“Hang in there Gavin,” Bella said dropping to the ground and holding him. “It will go away in a minute.”
“What are you in on this?” Gavin spat through gritted teeth misreading her.
“No Gavin,” Bella replied calmly, “but this is something that it did to the rest of us so we’re familiar with what you’re going through right now.”
Giving the slightest nod to her Gavin closed his eyes and moaned for a couple of minutes.
“Did I sound like that?” Alex asked Ethan out of the corner of his mouth.
“Nah,” Ethan replied smirking, “you were worse.”
“Xena,” Gavin said, “I need you to come here and do something for me.”
“What do you need?” Quin asked moving closer to him.
“I’m going to need you to take that sword and amputate my leg right here above my ankle,” Gavin replied. “Amputation is the only option. Bella I’m going to need you to wad up some towels or something for the blood.”
“Quit being so dramatic,” Quin replied folding her arms. “If you can crack jokes the pain’s already starting to fade. You’ll be fine.”
“Gavin Lloyd,” the dungeon said. “I congratulate you on becoming The Pink. If you’ll touch the mark on you will summon your spirit weapon and armor.”
“Sweet, I got a weapon and armor too?” Gavin said suddenly dropping his woe is me act and sitting up straight.
This startled Bella who’d been holding him and caused her to fall over backwards. Gavin didn’t seem to notice though as he was far to preoccupied pulling up his pants leg to reveal the three swirling commas mark on his ankle. Just like the dungeon said, it was pink which looked ridiculous but at least it was in a spot where he could easily hide it.
Taking two fingers Gavin pressed them against the mark. A moment later transparent pink armor manifested around him and a long straight-headed spear was clutched in one hand across his lap.
He took a long moment looking over the spear before he finally said, “Pink? I freaking hate pink. First of all it clashes horribly with my hair and second of all, it's just the worst color. Can I choose a different one?”
“You can choose the color no more than I can,” the dungeon replied in its typically calm tone. “You are the color and the color is you. I simply help you to access what is already inside by placing the mark on you.”
“You’re the most useless disembodied voice I’ve ever heard,” Gavin muttered scowling.
“You’ve heard one before this?” Alex asked raising an eyebrow.
“What do you this is always preventing me from participating in P.E. or other physical activities?” Gavin replied grinning.
“That’s not a disembodied voice that’s just your laziness,” Quin muttered.
“Ah but I do hear a voice in the back of my head that tells me I wouldn’t enjoy it and who would I be if I didn’t listen to that voice,” Gavin retorted.
“Someone respectable,” Quin said frowning.
“You must use that weapon and armor to fight your way through my floors and to claim my heart,” the dungeon said completely ignoring the banter.
“That sounds like a lot of work,” Gavin replied. “I think I’ll pass. Thanks for the gear though.”
“Once you’ve been marked you have no choice,” the dungeon said in response.
“Well as I didn’t choose this kindly remove the mark then,” Gavin said shrugging.
“I cannot,” the dungeon replied and Ethan waited to hear more but all that followed was silence.
Finally after waiting a minute Gavin asked, “What do you mean you cannot?”
“It is impossible, I cannot,” the dungeon simply said.
“Are you always this helpful?” Gavin asked sarcastically. “So what are you going to do tie me up and drag me down to your frozen wastelands? Oh wait that’s already been done to me tonight.”
“What I meant was, that the dungeon-born will be drawn to you,” the dungeon replied. “The longer you go without entering the more they will be attracted to you. As you’ve already entered and cleared a floor you have some time but eventually that will wear off and they will come for you. However, because of this I don’t see any reason to make you return to the dungeon today.”
“How generous,” Gavin said still all sarcasm. “Well this chat has been awesome just like this whole day, but now I’m going to go lock myself in my bedroom and hope I wake up back in the real world tomorrow.”
Without another word he deactivated the armor, sprang to his feet and marched towards the double wooden doors on the opposite side of the room. After another moment Ethan and the other three fell in after him.
He burst out the doors and kept walking down the dark hallway in the direction of the stairs. The lighting in the building was completely off so Ethan guessed it must be exceptionally late.
“Gavin, wait up,” Ethan called after him.
“Look I appreciate what you did for me, though I still don’t understand it,” Gavin called back starting to climb up the staircase, “but I really just want to forget this whole thing now. So if we could just pretend like this never happened that would be swell.”
I tried that already, Ethan thought quickening his pace to try and catch up. It won’t work. The dungeon doesn’t just let people go.
“I know that was messed up and confusing, but you’ll be better with us than alone,” Alex said as they all hurried up the stairs after him.
“I don’t know, I’m pretty good alone,” Gavin replied. “It’s been working out for me so far.”
“Alone on Valentine’s day?” An angry masculine voice asked. “Oh I think not Mr. Lloyd.”
Who was that? The voice sounded so familiar to Ethan but he just couldn’t place it. That was until he reached the top of the staircase and saw Mr. Tanaka walking out of the shadows staring at Gavin angrily.
“And it looks like you are not in fact alone,” Mr. Tanaka said shifting his glare to the other four. “Do you students have any idea what time it is?”
“Uh, no sir,” Ethan stammered feeling his heart drop onto the floor.
“It is two in the morning and here I find five of my students, freshmen I believe hanging out in the school basement,” Tanaka answered. “Is that smoke I smell? Have you all been doing drugs?”
“No sir,” Alex said sounded mortified. “We have not been doing drugs.”
“We’ll see about that,” Tanaka replied. “Mr. Ishida is that you? I’d have expected better of a student of your level.”
“Yes sir,” Alex answered miserably.
“Ah Mr. Russell of course you’re behind this,” Tanaka said finally looking directly at Ethan. “I should have known from the start you’d be the ringleader getting your fellow students into trouble.”
Biting his tongue Ethan stared defiantly back at Tanaka. He probably shouldn’t have glared at the man but it was all he could do just to keep himself from shouting at him.
“Ms. Phillips I’d have expected better of you as well,” Tanaka said looking at Quin and then sliding his glance to Bella. “And who are you?”
“Isabella Tavarez,” Bella squeaked out in reply.
“Of course, another one of our scholarship students,” Tanaka said dismissively. “Well if you weren’t smoking drugs what were you doing down in the basement?”
“We were uh,” Ethan stammered trying to come up with something off of the top of his head and failing.
There was no way they could tell him about the dungeon and expect him to believe them. It was crazy who would believe something like that. The whole story from today was crazy actually. Would they all get expelled if Tanaka thought they were doing drugs? Probably.
“We were uh,” Ethan said again and Alex finished, “just hanging out.”
“Just hanging out?” Tanaka asked dryly looking like he didn’t believe them.
“You know teenagers,” Alex said shrugging and avoiding eye contact with the man.
“You’re going to have to give me more than that,” Tanaka said sighing.
“We were playing make out games,” Gavin said quickly causing Tanaka to spin on him.
“Make out games?” Tanaka asked staring down at Gavin who actually looked cool under the glare.
“Yeah, you know making out with one another,” Gavin said shrugging. “It is Valentine’s day and we’ve gotta have fun somehow. I’d just decided that I was done playing when you found us. I know it bothers some people but I don’t mind being alone of V-day.”
“Is this true?” Tanaka asked to the rest of the group.
One by one all four of them nodded in response and Ethan noticed that all of them had gone beat red. If he could see himself in a mirror his cheeks probably looked as red as his armor usually did. Still this story sounded a whole lot better than having Tanaka think they were doing drugs.
Finally after a minute Tanaka sighed and then laughed causing the tension to let up in the air.
“I should have known,” he said still chuckling. “You’re not the first set of students I’ve caught over the years romantically involved.”
“We’re really sorry sir,” Alex said with an embarrassed grin. “We won’t do it again.”
“Of course you won’t do it again Mr. Ishida,” Tanaka replied, “because the basement is off limits to you five outside of your classes now and you all have dentition for the next month.”
“But sir,” Alex pleaded mortified.
“No buts Mr. Ishida,” Tanaka replied still grinning. “If you wanted to kiss some girls, someone of your intelligence should have known there was a price to be paid. I hope it was worth it for you.”
“Yes sir,” Alex replied hanging his head.
“The five of you will report to detention straight after classes on Monday,” Tanaka instructed. “Ms. Phillips are you listening?”
“Yes sir,” Quin said coming out of the far off look she’d had on her face.
“And what did I say?” Tanaka asked her.
“We have detention for a month, the basement is off limits, and there was a price to be paid for kissing boys,” Quin replied flatly.
“Very good Ms. Phillips,” Tanaka said to her, “I certainly hope it was worth it for all of you.”
“It was,” Ethan muttered defiantly, glancing at Gavin and thinking that if saving someone's life was worth a month of detentions he’d gladly pay that anytime.
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