《Living With Job System On Earth》Prologue


A man with a fancy outfit, all purple-colored, runs inside of the castle to the throne room.

" My king! eastern continent has gone! if this continue, humanity will be extinct " said the man in the purple outfit

"... no other choices, call the oracle! prepares the "heroes summoning ceremony" replied The King to man in the purple outfit

Listening to their majesty word, all of general and bishop immediately start to prepare the ritual, not even a day pass after the King speak his command, a Magic circle already drawn on top of the floor, in the middle of it, there's a figure of an old woman praying

"O... o great Yptune, hear my prayer and help us once again in our darkest hour" the magic circle shines brightly, follows the old woman prayer


At the same time, on earth, a family of 5 is having their breakfast

a young man, in his 2nd year at high school, opening his mouth, and start talking "hey, dad, mom, how much longer you two plan to become heroes?"

"what do you mean by "Heroes" Yanagi?" the woman in her early 50 replies to her son

"wearing a suit, flying around the city at night... what were people call them again Katsura?" Yanagi, the oldest kid, shifts his gaze to the woman younger than him

"hm... if I'm not wrong, it is "Dragon Knight" and "Coven Witch" The little sister called Katsura, replies to his brother question

"Is that how they call us!?" a man in his mid 50, speaks in astonishment, listening to his daughter word

"dear... you just confess to them" the mother, holding her forehead while saying this to her husband

"Sorry, well.. since my children already know about this, do you want to join us? we can start a family of hero, don't worry i can train all of you!" their father, speaks with a serious tone, followed by a loud laugh, some of his breakfast fly out from his mouth


"nope" says Yanagi, and he continues to drink his soup

"not interested~" says Katsura, while she takes another slice of bread

"Yes!!" a voice, sounds younger than both of them resonate, figures of a child, aged around 5, yelling while raises her hand

"gahaha!! that's how a hero daughter suppose to act, listen Sakura~ don't follow your elder sibling, okay?" the father, pats the young girl head, looking proudly, while the other siblings just looking at him with a straight face, the mother gives a wry smile and talks to the other two

"but i think it's not a bad idea, being a family of heroes, you know in this world there's a saying "together we stand" or something like that right? why don't you two agree with your father proposal?" says Mother

"yup! with great power, comes great responsibility!" Father adding mother word

"it's embarrassing enough to think that both of my parent flying around in a costume at night, can't imagine myself do the same thing," Katsura says her opinion to her mother

"why do i need to help a stranger? is there a reason? ah, I'm finished" says Yanagi, with a straight face, he tries to stand up and take his bag, but

Right before he stands up, a magic circle can be seen below the dining table, a bright light comes out, and figure of a woman wearing an old-fashioned outfit appear, turning the table around

"Ooh~ the mighty hero and great sage~, Otheria is in great danger, and we need your help once more" says the woman in white, Father, and Mother had a friendly smile looking at the woman in white

"Oh! Yptune, what a coincidence, now, kids lets go to the other world, i teach you how to become responsibilities with your power!" says the father and he grabs his son collar


"Oh, Yptune, long time no see" the mother bows her head to the woman figure, called Yptune, a goddess from another world

"Oh, are they the hero children? hm~.... nope, they look weak, now where was i, ah right, Otheria is in their darkest hour, please lend us your power, and i need to call others too, so i cut this short" Yptune immediately grab Father and Mother arm, while throwing out the rest of the kids from magic circle, the sound of groaning can be heard

"he?" Mother just gives a dumbfounded voice

"waitttt!!! i have children and a job right now, i was talking about responsibility! don't just take me into another world!" Protest the Father a former hero that defeats the demon lord

"Alright kids, be a good one and wait for your parents to finish their duty~" Yptune, talking to the three other kid, gives a friendly smile, waving her hand, and disappear with both of their parents, sound of scream from their parent can be heard when they get transported to the another world

"......huh?" Yanagi, know about what happened, but his brain can't process all of it

"is that Yptune? she is... somewhat different from what mom tells" Katsura, not seeing the real problem speaks her mind

".....so, who will take me to the kindergarten if mama is in another world?" Sakura, looking at her older siblings, and speaks her mind, completely ignores what was happened

"of course it's Katsura, my school is on the other way" says Yanagi

"wait~, you're the oldest, of course you need to take the responsibilities!" says Katsura

"I'm fine with either! let's go to school~" Sakura goes to her room to takes her bag

".....Katsura, do you know father bank password?" Yanagi asks Katsura after Sakura left

"how can i know?" says Katsura

"....do you know where mother hides her money?" Once again Yanagi asks Katsura

"wait don't tell me" Katsura speaks like she just realizes something, she takes her wallet and opens it, there's 3000yen

"so this means" Yanagi speaks and look at his wallet there's 8000yen

"WE DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!?" Voices of Yanagi and Katsura echoes in their apartment

" I'm done~ so who's gonna bring me to the kindergarten today? is it onii-san? is it onee-san?" Sakura comes from the living room, starts to point her finger at each one of them, like playing a game. While both of her siblings, look at her with a pale and confuse face

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