《Living With Job System On Earth》Skill Glossary


Ue Yanagi :

Wild Form (10 Mana/hour) = Changes his body into any kind of animal that he knows, can't talk while using this

Shift: Arm (1 Mana/Minute) = Changes his arm into any kind of animal arm that he knows and joined them together

Shift: Leg (1 Mana/Minute) = Changes his leg into any kind of animal leg that he knows and joined them together

Shapeshift (2 Mana/Minute) = Change his body into another person, can't change if the person has weight or height over/smaller than his MAG x Cm or MAG x Kg

Shift: Eyes (1 Mana/Minute) = Change his eyes into any kind of animal eyes that he knows

Were Form (10 Mana/Minute) = Change his body into half animal and half person state, can still talk, and gain additionals skills that are related to that animal, the size will differ for each animal

Spoiler: Scorpion Form (Chapter 5)

Dermal Armor = His skin will be as hard as Diamond and muscle that as hard as Steel

Sand Tomb = Can dive and breath like normal while inside a Sand

Poison Ball (10 Mana/use) = Spew 50cm poisonous Ball from his pincers

Acid Ball (10 Mana/use) = Spew 50cm acidic Ball from his tail

Spoiler: Boar Form

Intimidate (10 Mana/use/target) = Throw a focused intimidate aura at the target, if target far weaker than him, they will pass out instantly

Paralysis immunity

Stink Body ( 10 Mana) = let out a stink green steam from his body, enough to make an average person instantly throw up

Charge! (10 Mana) = an Aura Cover his body when he's running, protect him from the collision impact, up to STR x 1 kN

Life Regeneration II = Increase his life regeneration by 2/second, a human has 1point base Life Regeneration

Mana Regeneration II = increase his mana regeneration by 2/minute, a human has 1point base mana regeneration



Ue Katsura :

Pathfinder (1 Mana/minute) = Creates a misty path on her eyes that shows the shortest and safest route to her destination

Detect Traps (1 Mana/hour) = Detecting any kind of trap around her, the radius is LUK x 1m

Unlock (1 Mana/use) = Unlocking any kind of non-magical door

Decoy (5 Mana/use) = Creates a body double, it can't move and just stand still on its position, destroyed when getting a force equal to 1/10 POW x 1kN, Last for AGI x 1 Minute or until canceled

Whip Latch (10 Mana/use) = when she strikes something with her whip, she can use this to make the thing latch into her whip, can latch an object weighed (POW+MAG) x 1 kg, Last for AGI x Second

Whip Mastery II = having this skill will give her experience like she's been training with a whip every day for 10years

Life Regeneration I = Increase her life regeneration by 1/second, a human has 1point base Life Regeneration

Mana Regeneration I = increase her mana regeneration by 1/minute, a human has 1point base mana regeneration


Ue Sakura :

Energy Bolt (10 Mana/use) = she shoots a ball of energy from her index finger, that fly at a max speed of her MAG x 10m/s, the ball is weighed 100g, it's blunt and can't pierce anything

Energy Shock (10 Mana/use) = she shoots 5 energy balls, this doesn't do any impact but it is enough to make normal adult pass out if being hit in the head

Energy Spear (12 Mana/use) = she shoots a ball of energy that pierces the target if uses on a rock, this can pierce until 1m x her MAG deep on that rock

Energy Blast (10 Mana/use) = cover her palm with an energy, and make a close-range explosion that covers a wide area, the max impact is equal to her MAG x 10kg, if uses at MAX capacity it will only fly for 1m


Magic Shield (23 Mana/use) = creates a 3x3m shield that blocks all magical force in front of her face, this can block the force at max her MAG x 1kN before destroyed, last for AGI x second

Blink (5 Mana/use) = instantly teleport for MAX (MAG+AGI/)/10 x 1m

Life Regeneration I = Increase her life regeneration by 1/second, a human has 1point base Life Regeneration

Mana Regeneration II = increase her mana regeneration by 2/minute, a human has 1point base mana regeneration


Akazukin Akari:

Craft Weapon (100 Mana/ Weapon) = Craft any kind of weapon, as long as she knows the schematic, can craft magic weapon if there's magic stone available, material required

Craft Armor (100 Mana/ Armor) = Craft any kind of armor, as long as she knows the schematic, can craft magic armor if there's magic stone available, material required

Craft Trap (10 Mana/Hour) = Can craft any kind of trap,as long as she knows the schematic, the trap will be hidden and invisible by normal eyes, doesn't need any ingredient, last for an hour

Alchemy (25/use) = can convert any substance into another substance that has the same composition, the maximum volume or weight she can convert peruse are INT x kg or INT x m

High Jump (1 Mana/ use) = Jump high to any direction, can jump up to STR x m , with the speed AGI x m/s

Combustion Field (10 Mana/use) = Creates and Explosion at her back, the explosion will have the power up to STR x 100gram of trinitrotoluene burned down at the same time

Repair (50 Mana/use) = Repair any kind of non-organic matter back to its original form, material required.

Life Regeneration IV = Increase her life regeneration by 4/second, a human has 1point base Life Regeneration

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