《Better To Be Lucky Than Good.》Chapter 12
We followed Denabla and continued on our journey, although we stopped frequently the pace was much better than the previous day. She must have needed that bath worse than we thought.
When we were sleepy we slept, when we were hungry we ate and when we were tired of hearing each other's voices we were silent. We walked for another whole week and a half before we finally reached the village. During our journey Hawk and I got lots of new skills that we practiced along the way. Just kidding we didn't get any skills because all we did was walk slowly in a slightly downward trajectory for ten days. Hawk really did pick up some proficiency in several different fields of study for his Scholar profession. That lead us to discuss the whole profession system which is actually real complicated, but boils down to a few simple rules. First rule, you can only have one combat related profession at a time, so no ninja knights of wizardry. Second rule you can have as many non-combat related professions as you can maintain proficiency for, but if not used you will lose skill in that profession and eventually lose the profession all together. Third rule don't talk about professions, no seriously you aren't supposed to talk about your professions to others because it exposes your weaknesses, and allows them to exploit you. If you only have one non-combat related profession then you would be fine to tell people, because most likely that will be how you earn your money. Currency turned out to be pretty simple, and basically amounted to different sizes of coin that all have denominations of ten leading to the next tier, and apparently my bag had more coin than I would ever need. The last thing we discussed was Denabla's intentions which we actually waited on until we could see the village in front of us.
"What is going to happen when you see the elder council?" I asked her bluntly.
"I don't know." She replied then continued her shuffle down the slope, until she saw that I wasn't going to get out of her way and wouldn't relent with the people's eyebrow.
"Alright! I will confront them about my husband and try to get to the bottom of exactly what happened and why." She was starting to breath harder, not because we had walked for several days, but because she was excited and both Hawk and I knew it.
"You can't just go in there looking for someone to kill. You have to have a plan and an expected response, that way you won't be caught off guard if they jump us." I informed Denabla in my best younger brother tone.
"Look hatchling, I have been alive longer than you have, so don't start trying to give me advice! If you don't have the stomach for the slaughter that I am ‘bout to lay down, you are welcome to stay outside!" She was picking up her pace and her tone, clearly getting a little bit of adrenaline in her otherwise dust filled veins. "I have a score to settle, those monsters deserve what is coming to them!" She might as well have been brandishing a rolling pin.
"I understand your anger, but what is the plan? I know I might look imposing, and Hawk here has an arm like a howitzer, but in close combat neither of us are going to be much help. I am about as useful as nipples on a breastplate in a fight!" I turned to Hawk for support.
"I am staying out of this, but seriously he is useless in a fight!" Hawk chuckled as I punched his massive arm.
"I don't need either of you for a fight! You are both my in! All you have to do is smile and look pretty, maybe distract them so that they don't look too close at me. I want to see their faces when they realize who I am and how bad they screwed up!" She let out a maniacal laugh.
"You know she is getting a little unhinged maybe you should let her know that she is about to crumble into dust if she sneezes!" Andrea intoned prior to falling promptly asleep on my shoulders.
"Shouldn't you be getting stronger or something? I need someone to fight for me, you know how bad my stats are!"
"Not interested, besides it would take all of the fun out of the experience if you had an awesome all powerful dragon that could just defeat all of your enemies." She sunk her claws into my exposed scales as she stood, stretched, put her butt in my face, then turned around and sat in the exact same spot.
"Are you even paying attention!" Denabla shouted at me.
"Sorry I was talking to Andrea, what do you need?"
"I need you to get your head out of the clouds, we are getting close to this village and we need to look normal. Hawk you take the lead, then you lizard man, then I will bring up the rear." She instructed us.
We came into the clearing and then realized something was up. Nobody was on watch, no one greeted, or insulted us, and as we pulled closer to the long house we realized why.
There was a large gathering in front of the longhouse of all of the villagers. We could see the elders sitting in their chairs outside of the entrance, and standing in front of them was the eldest son of the chief.
"Do you accept your role as the newest elder of the Sequoia people?" The elder intoned.
"I do!"
"Do you promise to be fair and just, and never put the needs of the few over the needs of the many?"
"I do!"
"Then by my right as eldest of the council and chief of this village I name you elder!" The crowd stood and cheered, we had obviously come up after the initial pomp and circumstance.
"Let us eat and celebrate!" He yelled and then there was a large cheer, until everyone saw us walking up.
"Hawk how nice of you to join us! Given up so soon? I am surprised that you would even bother to come back!" The son said as the crowd laughed.
"We didn't give up." Hawk replied with his usual dry personality.
"Oh! Then where is the Helmet? Did you hide it behind that bag of bones behind you?" Again more laughter, is he killing it or are these people this easy to entertain?
"Odd that you should mention her," we finally reached the front of the crowd and broke through the people to the clearing in front of the longhouse where the elders sat. "she has been waiting to meet up with you for a long time. May I introduce to you Denabla of the Sequoia people Mother of Khutulun, and wife of Kaidu!" I said my voice rising with each word until I basically shouted the last word.
The elders took one look at the old bag of bones, before the blood drained from their faces, and they stared agape as she sauntered up, standing a little taller with a big smile on her wrinkled face. She patted my arm and whispered good job as she passed. Then everything froze, I don't mean everyone stood still and came to attention, I mean the air was still, the sound stopped and everyone stood eerily still around us.
"I told you that I would offer you that quest at a later time." The ominous and beautiful voice of Adelpha wrung out from the mouth of Denabla. She was standing facing me with a too wide grin on her face, fueled by the lack of teeth.
"That is pretty rude, you shouldn't just inhabit people's body like that, plus it is creepy." I told her trying to seem nonchalant, but I was clearly shaken by the show of power.
"I apologize for the confusion." She said as the old ragged woman transformed into the gorgeous goddess before my eyes. "Do you prefer this form?" She asked
"Better than last time at least you have some clothes on now. What happened to Denabla? You didn't hurt her did you, she was actually starting to grow on me like an old grumpy ally cat that hisses at you when you try to pet it, but you feed it anyway." I was suffering from a bit of word vomit and then my mouth hung open under its own volition.
"Thermo regulating? You must be very flustered! Don't worry she wasn't hurt by my hand, but since you asked I will tell you what happened." Her voices synced up more this time than they had previously. The effect was dramatic as she stood there looking like a perfect specimen.
"You see Denabla was my most loyal servant, she lived a wonderful life and prayed and sacrificed to me all of the time. Our spirits walked hand in hand as she journeyed through life. I was so excited when she got pregnant. I could hardly contain my elation, so I bestowed a blessing upon her." As she talked small figures appeared in front of her at our feet seemingly made of smoke, and played out her words. The small Denabla's belly was large and her husband came in the hut holding a massive deer over his shoulders. "We both watched the child grow and kick at her mother's stomach, she was so vigorous!" Adelpha's voice took a hard turn to sadness and she openly wept. "Her husband was a great man, and kept her happy. I was jealous of him, because he was the only one that Denabla loved more than me." More tears rolled down her face as she struggled to continue. "Then he was finally recognized for his amazing ability to provide for his people, I was so happy! You see with the weight of leadership, he wouldn't be able to spend as much time with Denabla and she would spend more time with me." Adelpha took a second to gather herself. "I watched them enter the tent with greed and knew that I had finally won! I finally beat that hunter, and won the heart of the most beautiful woman in the entire World!" The figures disappeared into an indistinct structure before the scene evaporated and then Denabla's puppet fell back out of the same flap they had entered clutching her belly that bled smoke. "Then she was stabbed! Those monsters killed our baby! They took Denabla from me, and lied about it all! They shamed Kaidu and changed the story through the elder succession. They said that he had killed his wife from jealousy finding out that the baby belonged to another. They continued to lie and change the story until something worked, and then they sat and grew fat and died passing the knowledge of their lie onto the next generation. It has been thousands of years since that day, but the people you see in front of you," she indicated the elders, "remember the events like they happened yesterday. They know what happened and haven't admitted to their crimes, they haven't known justice. They know what they did to my baby and they haven't even tried to atone!" Her melodious voice was a roller coaster of emotion and changed swiftly while she spoke. It would rise and fall and ended with an inhuman shriek of anger and malice.
"They will pay for their inaction with their lives! The only question is will you be the one that lands the blow, or will I have to find someone else to bestow the blessing upon." She asked now flipping 180 to seduction. Who does she think I am? After hearing that I am clearly not in the mood!
"Are you guilty over not saving her, or at least warning her? Do you want to free yourself of a guilty conscious?" I asked her in a soft voice grabbing the hand that she was caressing my cheek with.
"I did nothing wrong!" She shouted drawing away and snatching her hand away. “Who is some poor hunter compared to me? I am a GOD!" She bellowed blowing me off my feet with the force of her words, as her mouth became unhinged and opened wide. "It was them that took her!" She screamed pointing at the elders. "It wasn't my fault." She actually shrank as she said it, slumping her shoulders and flopping down on her butt. "I would never hurt my wonderful Denabla." She said hurting and crying, cradling herself in a comforting hug.
I edged forward and laid a hand on one of her slumped shoulders. "It wasn't your fault." I told her leaning down to look at those powerful eyes and comfort her.
"It was though." She calmed suddenly and spoke in her normal voice, now holding my gaze from a few inches away. Her power evident in the infinite sea of swirling blue that she called eyes.
"I knew they intended on killing Kaidu. I knew they would banish Denabla, I knew they would hurt her by taking her true love from her, and I did nothing. I could have called upon an army; I could have put out an active quest for anyone that brought me their heads. I could have simply warned Kaidu when he was out on a hunt and alone away from prying eyes, but I did nothing. I was going to let them kill him so that I could have her all to myself and that is why I am sad." She told me as I backed away trying to gain some distance. For some reason a calm, cool and collected God was much scarier than an unhinged wrathful God, who knew?
"I want you to fix my mistake and kill them all, take the knowledge of that day and destroy it forever. Hide my shame, and tell the story to the new elders, the right story the story of love and devotion, of skill and sharing. Kaidu was a great man, and I have every right to be jealous of him, because he was kind and generous and a passionate lover. He treated Denabla better than I ever could and I can do this!" She indicated the frozen landscape. "He had more power in him than I did, and I am a god." She finished by dropping her head
I reached out with one claw under her chin and lifted her chin. "You are only guilty of loving too much, it isn't a crime. You know that you aren't supposed to interfere directly. What if you always stepped in the way when one of your subjects was threatened you wouldn't be able to do anything else. The weight of the responsibility that you bare is crushing, but you must forgive yourself." I told her as she sniffled and refused to meet my eyes. "I haven't heard enough about them to kill them for you, if the only crime that they have committed is inaction I can't in good conscious kill them. I need more motivation than that to take a life." I lowered my claw, but her head didn't slump again, instead a wide smile grew over her face, like a serial killer smile.
"Is that all that you need? A little motivation? Why didn't you say so?" She clapped her hands and we were immediately hovering over a desolate landscape with what looked like the tattered remains of a village. "This used to be a rival village, a few years ago there was a particularly cold winter that lead to a shortage of meat." She indicated the remains of several bodies as we hovered closer to the ground, they had clearly been scattered by wild animals. "You see the problem was that this village and the Sequoia village share hunting grounds." We lurched up and the two villages were highlighted below us in yellow and blue, the hunting grounds in orange spread out all around. "For generations they peacefully hunted the grounds together, ensuring that they didn't take too much and helping one another when times were tough. The elders knew that there wasn't enough food for both villages, but instead of a peaceful solution they came up with something a little more creative." She said with a sinister smile. We sank again and my stomach lurched with the decent. Just then a massive boar broke through the trees and ran into the old village before it was struck down by at least a dozen spears. Time seemingly sped up to that night and the boar was on a spit as all of the villagers celebrated the first real meal they had for a long time. "You see the elders captured a massive hog alive and fed it poison, slowly building its immunity and then dosing it with a massive dose before releasing it into the forest just outside of the rival village. It ran spooked right into the heart of the village where it was cut down. Then when every man woman and child had eaten of the boar's flesh they all got deadly sick." The scene transformed into people lying about barely moving. I could hear their moans as they lay around dying. "The elderly and the children died first, then the people that were left and not dead starved to death because they couldn't hunt." At this point all movement and sound from below had seized, and we stood in front of the longhouse surrounded by statues. "They aren't good people Xanthos, they are greedy and selfish. They ate well that whole winter while others starved and died. Your conscious should be clear." Her voice was back to normal all power and foreboding.
"I understand why you don't like them, but to kill them all in cold blood in front of their people? It just doesn't send the right message, plus I think we both know that I would have trouble killing a feisty gnat."
She just chuckled, I guess imagining me getting whipped by a tiny winged demon. "You are creative, you can figure it out the only reason Hawk lives is because he's so large. He is imposing and the village puts a lot of stock in physical strength. They are proud of their large men. You think they would hesitate to kill you or sell you into slavery? They wouldn't bat an eye." She finished her last statement by whispering into my ear after blurring behind me.
"I would like to think I am a little better than that, but I will kill them. I think that the world will be a better place or at least this little village, but I am not doing it because I want to change the history, or to avenge a wrongful death. I am doing this to prevent the future deaths, and change the culture and mindset of these people. I know the damage that a small group in power that belittles others can do. It is important that leadership is held accountable by the people that they lead. Even you should have to answer for the decisions you make. I expect some reward for this though; I am not in this for charity." I finished suddenly not feeling bad for her at all.
"You shall be rewarded." She said with a wicked smile and then she was an old hunched woman again, and everyone started moving as if nothing had happened.
I should have taken one of the positions as a God. Andrea's voice rang out in my head.
my first story ^U^
author note: yaaa hurray it’s my first story ^U^ i hope you all like it! all characters belong to my special friends who submitted them!!ok heres the first chapter enjoy ^U^ TL note: Some of you may be wondering why I am translating a story written originally in English, to English. I remember reading this story many years ago, as a teen, and had since dismissed it as a bizarre fever dream. Only recently, through much Googling, did I manage to rediscover it, and as such decided to not only read it again, but fix the author’s many typing issues and share the context of what I remember from its original happening. I believe the story underneath to hold deeper meanings than its strange happenings, but at minimum I hope you will appreciate it for the sheer weirdness of it all. For the best experience, skim it for your first reading and, if you are interested, read more deeply the second time.Some typing is left as-is to preserve what I believe to be authorial intent, or at least necessary effect. If you notice any typing issues I managed to miss, please email them to me at [email protected]
8 87Frayed
Infinite universes span all of creation. Some hospitable, some hostile, many unimaginable. A young man named Luke is whisked away from his own world into another that was once not unlike his own. Now dead-eyed monsters roam the remains of civilization, and what is left of humanity is forced to split into tiny communities to avoid their attention. But the boundaries of this world have frayed, bringing new changes to an already battered land. When universes collide, the contact may threaten everything that is left. Updates every Saturday. Chapters update two weeks in advance on the main website: tethered-worlds.com.
8 62Myth of Madara Uchiha the True Legend : The Greatest Teacher Of All Time
After Madara died , he awoke in another world with powerful body and soul . He is now more powerful than ever , he is more dangerous than ever. In this world where Hidden Masters , Saints , Sages , Ancients , Overlords and Powerful Beings hides , lives and roams , Madara will learn something new . Instead of seeking peace , he will only seek greater power . But sadly , while in his journey in search for greater powers , he met lots of masters whom he became indebted , so now he has task of teaching some few brats !! Disciple 1 " master , teach me swordsmanship. I want to learn sword techniques " Madara " good , good . Do you want to become a Sword Deity ? " Disciple 1 " no master , it's just that yesterday in my neighbourhood , an uncle got beaten by his wife very badly " Madara " what has it got to do with swordsmanship ?" Disciple 1 " his wife was a swordswoman so if I ever married a girl than i need to prepare myself . You know right what i am talking about ?" Madara " .....what if you married an Alchemist in the future ?" Disciple 1 " haha... If I marry an Alchemist than be it , I will just think that I didn't learn swordsmanship but just did some exercise with a madman . Haha..... " Madara "........." Disciple 2 " master please teach me how to fly " Madara " but why ? If you breakthrough in Nascent Spirit Realm , you will naturally achieve ability to fly " Disciple 2 " no master , you don't understand anything. By learning how to fly before achieving Nascent Spirit Realm , I can train myself on how to peek a girls bathing in outdoor " Madara "*...*" *** While standing on a Heavenly Peak , Madara , after so many years latter was questioning life . "One was a mental yet he ascend to be Sword Immortal , one was a pervert yet he ascend to be Aerial Immortal , one was a spoiled princess yet she ascend to be Sun Immortal , one was a gloomy kid yet he ascend to be Dark Immortal " With a deadpan expression , Madara murmured " Sword Immortal , Aerial Immortal , Sun Immortal , Dark Immortal , Immortal Annihilator , Divine Immortal , Immortal Emperor !!" " fuck the six sense and existing logics !!" "Wasn't Immortal Realm suppose to be only legend , a myth !!" "Wasn't this Realm only achievable by Immortal Geniuses , Luck , Fortune and efforts ?" "So why the fuck are all my students a fucking Immortals ?" That day , Madara's belief on legends died. "There is nothing such as legend , only bedtime story with nonsense " Madara , the one who is Legend and known as Legend Creator by everyone in the world. Some calls him Wise Sage , while some calls him Immortal Master. He is the one and only an existence who has trained fucking Immortals. But when someone ask him on how he manage to train not one , not two but lots of Immortals , his answers would always be the same. "First I met him / her , we took a random stroll but somehow were always rewarded with fucking overpower threats that nearly took our lives . But without no reason , my disciples would always ' luckily ' meet ' fateful 'encounter which would ' logically ' soar their Cultivation and just like that " And the reply he would meet every time was also the same. "If you don't want to tell us than say it . What nonsense are you cooking "
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Ash has spent his adult life looking for a portal off from Earth. History and mythology are filled with stories of the disappeared. Prepared as he possible can be, he finds one such portal; unfortunately, or fortunately, so does a group of collage sorority sisters. This story contains sexual situations. Trying to avoid the whole harem with this, and make it more a, sex happens thing. Any comments, reviews and ratings are welcome. They motivate me greatly to write better and figure out more well-rounded characters.
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A son, a brother, a victim, a teenager. Rex Kingsley's perfectly normal life comes to an abrupt halt when a freak road accident rent his family apart and left his body broken with injuries while his 3-yr old younger brother in a coma and in the brink of death. With no money and in a desperate need of help, Rex jumps out of the frying pan and goes straight to the fire as a deal with the devil of the underworld puts him directly on a grand adventure that defies the very nature of man and the limits of science and magic... all in a world called Terroa.Volume 7 of the Siva Light Novel SeriesA GOD'S QUEST DRAWS ITS CLIMAX!Right after the attack in Jeremiah, the world once again witnessed Siva's power. But this time, everyone is beginning to look at him differently. He has become a threat. And just as he draws closer to each of his goals, enemies are also coming straight at him with full force and intent to destroy everything he had worked for. The question is, is Siva prepared for them? This is the Seventh Volume of the epic adventure that broke all boundaries of every story and joined worlds one after another in a way nothing you ever knew existed! Siva Volume 7: Immortal Ascension.WARNING:This story is breath-takingly awesome.[PS]For advanced content, please be a Patron @www.patreon.com/reddcliffe and help our author with a donation every month.-Story Profile-Type: WebnovelGenre: #Action #Adventure #Ecchi #Fantasy #Sci-fi #FictionTags: #AggressiveMC #OPMC #Engineering #Elves #Dwarves #Magic #Swords #Siva #Revenge #Romance #ShamelessProtagonist #VirtualReality #VRMMORPG #SpicesOfLife #Wars #Aliens #Demons #Terrans #Underworld #Gods #Devils #Immortals #SevenSins #Wrath #GodsAndDevils #TimeTravel #RPG #Anime #Swordsmen #Swordswomen #TheDestroyer #Battleship #Warship #Science #Science #Technology Language: EnglishAuthor: John Ethan ReddclifffeStatus: On-GoingPresent Chapters (Volume): Volume [7]Release Frequency: 5ch/week
8 214Deku Multiverse
I do not own the characters in this story!Izuku and his class get pulled into a worm hole. And the only way to get home is to see all of Izuku's unique universes. But, will everyone find out what is wrong with Midoriya? Or will he continue to suffer in silence?Also I will mostly put sad stories in this because I'm not really a happy story type, I might do meme breaks or whatever.⚠️Warning!⚠️Contains: Gore, Suicide, Self Harm.If you are not okay with this, then so not read!.⚠️Discontinued⚠️Best rating: #1MyheroacademiaAll ratings: #10 Multiverse, #11 Multiverse, #111 Villain Deku, #14 Bakuhoe, #3 Myheroacadeima, #4 Myheroacademia, #2 Myheroacadeima, #13 Multiverse
8 63