《Grimm》Chapter 14.1 : Thinking Of You


Quick poll i just want to know what you guys think, it has no importance to the story i just want to know.


Grimm PoV:

Passing through the door I feel the bizarre shift in perspective from standing vertically to waking up from a downed position.

The first sensation of waking up was the pain I felt, seems my head broke my fall and the fall in turn broke my head. The red carpet of the old library is the first thing is see as I open my heavy eyes. The light from the chandeliers overhead make it hard to see ,as my eyes strain to adjust the newfound stimulus.

I feel hands holding me and voices I can’t quite make out. The silhouettes of two people are all I can see in my groggy state. The long red strands of hair on my head constantly brush up against my eyes making it even more difficult to make out the faces of the people in front of me. My ears ring with noise further preventing me from discerning the identity of the two people in front of me.

I shake my head in an attempt to bring myself out of it and begin to organize my jumbled thoughts, as I begin to piece together the fragment shards of my memory , a voice rings in my head. One I can understand.

???: Grimm?

A familiar voice , Maraysa Umbrezha.

Grimm: Maraysa?

Maraysa: Where, is this Grimm ? It doesn't look like the dream.

Grimm: St Agatha's orphanage, we're in the library.

Maraysa: Orphange?


"y-yes?", I manage after being pulled from my thoughts from the two voices saying my name. My eyes focus and the blurry figures I once saw begin to resemble the faces of Sister Kate and Miss Samantha. I don’t know how much time has passed but their worried faces makes it clear it was lengthy enough to cause alarm.


"Are, you hurt?", "are you okay?" , "can you stand?" "what happened."

Under the barrage of questions being fired at me , if find it difficult to form a response.

"I'm okay, I just felt a bit weak", was the best excuse I could come up. It was a rather poor attempt, even I felt it was. Their faces showed their doubts and I feel Miss Samantha pull me up and onto my feet. Her arms still hang around my waist to steady me as I get my bearings.

"Maybe you should get some rest Grimm, you don't look well at all." I hear sister Kate say.

I'd like to say I am fine to re-assure them, but from the worry evident on their faces I feel that it wouldn’t help my case at all. I look at the large clock and see it is well into the evening.

"Let's get you to your room Grimm", sister Kate says as she take my hand in hers.

"But what about my books?", I ask as I stare at the pile of books that rest on the nearby desk and the books that lay strewn about during my fall.

To answer my questions Miss Samantha releases me and begins to carry my stack of books, Sister Kate goes to get her stack too. Both refuse my attempts to help.

""Let's go Grimm""

Each of them carry a stack in one hand with a free hand outstretched toward me. The two of them eye each other tensely, not breaking eye contact. I don’t quite understand, but they don’t seem to like each other much. As far as I know, this should be the first time they've met…

The silence seems to stretch as the two of them stay unmoving. I take both their hands and ask softly trying to break the silence and ease the tension.


"Shall we go?"


the way back was a little better than I thought. Sister Kate and Miss Samantha seem to be talking , but they still don’t get along too well. It was getting late, Miss Samantha had to get home, I felt a little bad we didn’t get much time to talk, even when it was me who asked her to come. I apologized for wasting her time, but she assured me it was fine and that we could meet again some-other time .

I…. may have been a little bit too happy when she said she'd come to visit , but Miss Samantha didn’t seem like she minded much, well she was a bit surprised. Sister Kate didn’t seem too happy about that, and Maraysa hasn’t spoken since the library. I can still feel her through my link though, she seems to be debating something . Unfortunately the link doesn’t quite let me read her mind her emotions are reflected on me. Though she hasn't said much I can tell she's taken aback from the house itself, the various halls and rooms are well furnished. I suppose it paints a stark contrast to what she's grown accustomed to. I remembered my first day in these hall myself, so it’s not like I don’t understand these feelings.

Sister Kate left for her chores and to find the three other roommates of mine, seems they still haven't returned yet. She seemed rather mad that the trio would miss an entire day. Id said goodbye to both of them and then went straight to bed as per their instructions, my little feinting spell seems to have worried them more than I thought.

Which brings things up to the present. I've gotten ready for a full night of rest. It'll be my second night here, I'm a little apprehensive of going to bed. If I have to go through another nightmare sequence again, I'd rather stay up all night. I lay down and stare at the ceiling, wondering what I'll be doing the day after. As my thoughts wonder about the day to come, I've already fallen asleep.


Double release in one day! Sort of...

the story is reallllllyyyy slow i get that, but it's the childhood arc so yea... maybe i should change the fantasy to slice of life at this point..

anyway if you guys have any suggestions to this story do feel free to comment!

also made a new synopsis...kinda... if any one else has a better one please post it...

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