《Grimm》Chapter 9.0 : The Waking world


Grimm PoV

I wake with a start and an impact hit my head on something. The pain sends me reeling and momentarily stuns me and I cradle my forehead protectively I start to hear noise coming from the object that hit me.

The offending party is complaining profusely clutching his head with his chubby arms, the boy seems to be age significantly taller than I am and dressed in pajamas. I take a minute to steady myself and start to order my thoughts. I was sleeping in my new dorm in the orphanage, I was..attacked by a creature..

I immediately bring up my guard and look around the room, watching every corner for the creature ready to jump out my bed at any notice and begin running. I feel my heart rate racing as I begin to observe everything in view, but so no signs of anything out of the ordinary, everything is the same like the night I got here, aside from the fact that the sun was beaming through the open curtains. I quickly check my arm and chest for any wounds , and find that there are none to be found. The clothes on my skin are undamaged but cling to my skin, wet with sweat and ruffled from a night of sleeping.

Strange , no damage to my clothes at all, I recall the creature sliding it's claws into my chest but I see no damage to me at all, my hand is the same, no wound from when the book cut into my hand. Was it all just a dream? But it seemed so real , the pain anyways. Thinking back it was a little too strange, a door to nowhere, a book with moving ink , a world of nothing. How could any of it ever be real? I'm feel myself being pushed backwards with force and fall over the other side of my bed onto the hard ground. I take the majority of the fall on my side to prevent my head getting hit and I try to get up as soon as the pain of the impact leaves my still semi-asleep body. I look at my attacker and see the same large boy looking at me with anger. Seems he's upset about something. The boy is still holding one hand to his forehead clutching it, he must have been what I hit when I woke up. But what is he doing here? The other beds are empty , do one of them belong to him? I stare at the boy trying to understand what he wants.


He moves toward me arms out and grabs my collar and then pushes me again against the wall. This time my head makes contact first and the pain causes me to be momentarily stunned. I put my hand out on the wall and use it to steady myself. Alright I think he is a bit more than just upset.

The pain in my head calms me down and jump starts my sleeping body.

"You're going to pay for that you little shit" he starts moving towards me again. Why is he so angry? I haven't said two words to him, maybe he's angry about the whole head hitting? I don’t know what else he would be mad about. But surely this reaction is a bit much? He gains closer to me and then the door flings open.

A lady dressed in the same clothes as Agatha was wearing comes in with a angry look on her face seeing the scene with me with my back against the wall and the much older, much larger ginger haired boy standing in front of me in a threatening manner. The ginger haired boy looks at the lady and then at me. "this isn't over kid" he says with a gruff voice as he leaves the room avoiding the gaze of the woman clad in black.

The woman watches him leave and then turns to face me. Her angry expression changes into a warm countenance as she sees me.

"You must be new here , I haven't seen you around before my name is sister Kate". Her appearance is much younger than Agatha and her clothing is a lot simpler if Agatha looked like a caring grandmother she looked like a youthful and caring mother figure, not that I would know much about those. A stray tuft of black hair falls from her wimple the only disorderly thing about her entire appearance. She takes a step closer and continues "what is your name child?"

The strange feeling of confliction does not happen with her as it did with Agatha. She seems to radiate warmth the say way Samantha does. She looks to be the picture of holiness.

Politeness does not cost anything and she did technically help from whatever just happened a while ago. I've been hit around my entire life by my parents, get hurt is nothing new and this much was really nothing special. I wasn’t afraid of my parents hitting me, they just did it a lot. I think my lack of fear , the unchanging expression on my face was also one of the reasons they hit me. I think I sacred them but I'm not too sure. If they feared me why did they hit me?


"My name is Grimm " I say to the Sister Kate.

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow , "Grimm ? A strange name."

Well it's the name I have so there isn't much I could do about it now. "Anyway Grimm since I haven't seen you around you must be new when did you get here?" I begin to explain that I just got here the previous night and that it was technically my first day here. She nods her head in understanding. "That explains why you're not at class but not why none of your roommates woke you up, speaking of them you haven't seen them by any chance have you? It's the main reason I came to the room and you're quite lucky I did. What every did you do to Kenneth?"

"I may have collided heads with him when I woke up, but I didn’t say a word to him. I don’t know why he was so angry", I explain to the Sister. I go over the details of my rude awakening and the sister nods her head in understanding. Her appearance changes when she hears about our little scuffle but then clears up towards the end. "Well you don’t need to worry Grimm , Kenneth knows the rules and he will be appropriately punished for his misbehavior. Anyway we need to get you to class, I don’t suppose you know the way?" I shake my head and she nods in understanding. "Alright I'll take you to your class , it would be best that you get used to the layout of this little house of ours. It is rather large but I'm sure you'll be able to learn your way about. Just ask the other sisters if you do get lost okay? You should probably change out of those clothes of yours. There are some in the closet get dressed quickly, I'll be outside."

I nod my head and move towards the washrooms, I head to the showers, quickly brush my teeth and get in the shower. I let the torrent of water encompass my body and I feel relaxed under the warm water. I wash my rather long hair quickly and clean my body before stepping in front of the mirror. Baring my thin naked body in the mirror , I study the various scars that cover my body. Some deep , some shallow the only thing that links me to my past. They will be a constant reminder of the life I've lived up until now. My thoughts wonder to the days of my past, the constant verbal and psychical abuse seem so far away now. The shouting , the fighting, the struggle to find my next meal , the moving from place to place. I close my eyes…

All of that is in the past now. This is a new chance and I won't waste a second of it. I open my eyes with a renewed resolve and a new outlook on the future and exit the bathroom. I quickly search through clothes in the closet and find a long sleeved black shirt which fits me snugly but the sleeves are too long and cover my hands and I find some grey trousers that fit surprisingly well. I'm not quite sure what do with my sleepwear so I just fold them and leave them on the bed which i make before leaving. I open the door and go to greet Sister Kate who is waiting for me outside.


More characters mo development, plot? What plot? There is no plot here

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