《Blinker》Chapter 13: Adventurer


I stood outside of the Adventurers Guild with confidence.

‘This is the real world, I’m gonna need to find a way to make money fast.’

I entered the guild and saw Lucy behind the counter taking orders.

When Lucy saw me here eyes widened in surprise. She gave me a smile and headed over to me and gave me a big hug.

“Look at you! You’re so much bigger now! I’m guessing you must have finally become a rogue now that you’re here.”

“How did you know that I became a rogue?” I asked.

“Word gets around pretty easily around here you know? Hehe, follow me. I’ll issue you your adventurer identification card.”

It only took a few moments for Lucy to get everything finished and soon she handed me a card with my name and one star underneath it.

“Congratulations on becoming an adventurer. The job list is on the board upstairs, on the right side of the wall.”

“Okay, thanks.” I said as I walked to the stairs.

I saw about a dozen people dressed in all sorts of armor and equipped with various weapons and they were all standing in front of a huge board that was filled with paper that probably listed the jobs.

I went up to the board and no one seemed to question me or looked at my strangely. They just glanced at me and minded their own business.

There were various types of jobs listed on the board. The jobs that were one to two stars were mostly situated in the right side of the board and the higher the difficulty or the more stars a job had, then the more to the left it was.

I saw that the highest ranking job was currently a six-star mission that required troll blood to make a type of healing potion.

‘Wow, trolls must be really dangerous if it’s a six-star mission.’


I went back to the side for beginner missions and looked for a job to take on.

There were a lot of useless bullshit, like picking weeds in a garden or helping find a stray cat and the pay was horrible, several

coppers for most of the one-star missions.

I moved onto the two-star missions and that was when things started to involve more of fighting skills.

There were several that interested me but I finally decided on the goblin subjugation job. What I basically had to do was go into the western forest and kill all the goblins that I find. Each goblin is worth five coppers. I have to bring back the left ear of each goblin that I kill.

The currency in this world is very different from Earth’s. One copper coin is worth about half a loaf of bread. Ten coppers is worth one silver and ten silver is worth one gold.

Because this mission is a “marked” mission, it allows me to redo it as many times as I like and there are no penalties if I fail to kill any goblins. Apparently, in this world, goblins are kind of like rats. They are the pests that constantly breed and kill wandering humans that are lost.

Humans try to reduce their numbers as much as possible but they can hardly make a dent in their population.

I took the mission back to Lucy and told her that I was accepting this mission. She gave me a dubious look and tried to persuade me to take on an easier one-star mission but I firmly refused.

“Be careful Rane, and good luck!” said Lucy as I left the guild.

I have 21 silvers with me left. I’m pretty sure this will last me at least a week if not more. I need to start saving up money so that I can buy my own house so that I don’t have to pay rent at an inn the rest of my life.


It took me roughly 20 minutes to get out of town and another long hour of walking before I reached the forest.

I had my bag with me. Inside it was the demon beast egg. I keep it with me at all times because I never know when it’s gonna hatch. Aileen told me that I have to be there when the egg hatches so that I can imprint in order for me to become its master.

One time, I accidentally dropped the egg from a table and nearly had a heart attack. But surprisingly there were no marks on it at all. The egg is very durable and I would probably need to drop it at a height of at least ten feet to even leave a small crack.

I also have a water skin for water, five extra knives, flint and steel for fire and dried meat in case I get hungry.

Before I entered the forest I prepared myself mentally and looked over my stats and skills. I couldn’t help but praise myself for coming this far with my stats compared to how I was before.

Name: Rane Coult

Title: Snake Slayer

Class: Rogue

Level: 7

HP: 24/24 MP: 26/26

Strength: 18 Agility: 27 +1

Dexterity: 23 Stamina: 29

Intelligence: 6+1 Luck: 4

Wisdom: 7

Skills: [Throw ☆☆☆]

[Blink ☆☆☆☆]

[Dagger Arts ☆]

[Lock Picking ☆]

[Pick Pocket ☆]

[Stealth ☆☆]

The difference between me from three months ago and the me now is like heaven and earth.

Feeling confidence in myself, I activated stealth and entered the forest.

Goblins shouldn’t be much of a problem for me now. I’m now much more stronger and should be able to deal with one fairly easily. Plus, with all my training and [Dagger Arts] I should be able to overpower one without much difficulty.

The only problem lies with the fact that goblins usually hunt in groups. I’m confident that I can take on two to three goblins but if there is any more than that, then I’m gonna have to move on and find smaller groups.

I roamed through the forest for about 30 minutes before I came across a couple of goblins that were talking to each other. (not that I can understand what they’re saying. They were speaking in some guttural language that had a lot of grunts and shrieks)

I activated [Stealth] and slowly got closer to them. They were busy trying to look for stuff to eat in the bushes and haven’t noticed me.

I quietly unsheathed my knife and crept closer to them. Once I was finally in range I stabbed the goblin on the right in the side of his throat and pushed it in deep. I was on the move for the next one before it could even hit the ground.

I stabbed the other one straight into the eyes, aiming for the brain and that goblin died also.

“Whew. That wasn’t too hard. Looks like I was nervous for nothing.”

I grabbed my knife and cut off the ear of each goblin and put them into a small bag. It was bloody and messy but I went through with it.

I put the dead bodies of the goblins into a pile and left it there for some other monsters to consume.

My goal today is to kill at least ten goblins. That would make me about 50 coppers, which equals 5 silver coins.

Suddenly as I was walking through the forest, I felt my bag shake and I heard a small cracking noise coming from it.


Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

I want to thank the three people who rated my story!

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