《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 28: Memories


‘What happened? Where’s Daddy?’

Kan was once again left confused. All the events that happened to him was to much for him to process. He questioned if it was even real or not but it was to realistic to be fake. Once again he could only continue floating in the continual darkness.

‘Were those my memories?’

Those events were to realistic and it felt somewhat familiar to him. The only conclusion Kan could think of was that they were his own memories. Every person and building was the exact same ones he knew of but a little bit different.

‘It can’t be my memories. Mommy and Daddy had said that I was 8 but I just turned 5. I also saw myself and I was taller and both Mommy and Daddy looked older.’

Kan pondered over those events trying to rationalize what had occured.

‘Those memories were mine but they were also not mine. It felt like the memories of another me.’

An epiphany popped into Kan’s mind and he thought about the memories and what those mysterious voices said. Those voices had told him to be prepared for the future and the memories he saw, everyone was older.

‘Is this the future of Clear View? Is this what those voices were warning me about but how could they show such vivid images. Unless someone had actually experienced those events, would they be able to show it.’

Kan was sure that those were memories of the village of Clear View but he was unsure of whose memories they were. Kan had thought those memories were of another him but it couldn’t be. What he saw in the memories was of the entire situation that occured. The Kan of that world had not been there to witness Clive fight so it could not be him.

Now Kan was confused on whose memories he had seen and watched. He was able to roam freely in the world of memories so it was not like he was watching from someone’s viewpoint but more like that entire world was created. This left Kan even more confused because who would be able to create an entire world off of memories.


‘What is going on? Who were those voices? Who created that world of memories? And what was that bright light that ended those memories?’

‘AAAaaaaa!! What is happening!? Someone tell me please!?’

Kan was confused and frustrated. There were to many secrets around the events that happened and he didn’t know the answers to them. Kan felt hopeless in not having the answers to all of these secrets. The thing that left him the most frustrated was that he still didn’t know how to escape this darkness or whether he was alive or not.

Kan hated the feeling of not being able to resolve problems. If there was a secret given to him, he would want to find the answer to them. If there were 2 people fighting, he would want to end the fight where both sides are happy. This was an obsessive trait of his that he would never be able to contain.

When he had first met the mysterious lady he knew she was hiding something when he looked at her eyes. He had not pursue her secret because he felt that it was inappropriate but when he left, he had once turned back to look for her. He could not contain his desire to know what she was doing there or who she was, but she had disappeared. When he had to choose who was the cutest girl and he had chosen Jane, he felt Claire’s sadness. He felt that there was a problem with his answer so he resolved it by also complementing Claire.

Kan’s obsessive trait had occur many times before but no one had noticed it, not even Kan himself knew of it. Every time he couldn’t resolve a problem a stirring feeling would always occur within him and he would set out to resolve this feeling. Cause that stirring feeling within himself was another problem he wanted to resolve.

‘What should I do? How do I get out of here?’


Kan floated there thinking about how possible solutions to his predicament. He didn’t know how long he had been there for. Sometimes it felt like time passed incredibly fast and other times incredibly slow. He did not know how long he had been there for but he had been there long enough where he slowly got over the deaths he had seen. Although he still felt saddened when thinking about how so many people died, he had come to accept that he could not change anything about it. Those people had died in a different world and had not died in his. Kan swore in his heart that he would not let the villagers die in his world. A sudden flash of light enveloped Kan and the darkness.

‘It’s that light again.’

Kan’s surroundings once again changed. The darkness had disappeared and now he was surrounding by trees. Kan looked around and saw trees but as he looked up, he saw that the skies were cloudy like a downpour was about to happen. Suddenly a streak of lighting struck down and Kan could hear familiar voices nearby.

“That was some intense lighting wasn’t it Kan?”

“Yeah it was.”

‘It’s Daddy and my voice again. Is the memories repeating itself?’

After the lighting struck down somewhere in the distant, bells could be heard. It was the same 4 alarm bells Kan had heard in the other memories.

‘It’s happening again. The alarm bells are going off and Daddy will run towards the village.’

“Claire take Kan and run away.”

“But what about you?”

“Daddy what’s happening.”

“I’ll be fine don’t you worry. Kan if it ever comes to it protect Mommy. I give you permission to unlock the power in your body.”

“Ok Daddy.”

“Be safe Clive.”

Clive began running out of the forest and towards the village while Claire grabbed “Kan” and began running further into the forest. Kan stood there for a second before floating with Claire and “Kan” into the forest. Kan had decided to see what happened to Claire and “Kan”. He thought that if he knew what happened to Claire then maybe he would be able to escape these memories.

“Hahaha, who would have expected that I would find stragglers all the way out here. I guess being put on outer patrol wouldn't be so boring.”

A man in black suddenly appeared up ahead in the forest. He was now blocking Claire and Kan’s escape path. Claire stared at him thinking about what she should do. They both stared each other down but Claire decided to make the first move. She locked down the air behind The man to condense a blade. The blade of air flew silently as it flew towards the man’s heart but it did not pierce through. The man had blocked it.

“Oh, shit. What type of strength is this. My life saving item barely blocked it. This type of power, you’re a mage locksmith aren’t you and a strong one at that.”

The man immediately retreated knowing who he was up against but Claire did not let him go. She locked the air around him but it was too late, he had sent up a flare into the sky. Claire pierced him with another blade of wind and killed him. After killing him she began to run, she knew that the man had notified his allies that he had found their objective.

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