《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 24: The Wait



“Where are you Claire?”

Clive had started spasming again. This time it was even more serious than the previous times. Clive’s body was now deteriorating at an astonishing rate and Jane’s healing could not completely keep up with it. Clive’s body was covered in blood from his skin tearing off and the bed was drenched in his blood.

“Hold on Jane. I’ll go get some more herbs to help you heal Clive.”

The doctor had gone off to find some more herbs to help stop Clive’s bleeding and start healing him. Doctor Frank came back with the herbs and plastered it on Clive’s body but it’s effectiveness was barely noticable.

“Shit, the effects of the herbs are to weak.”

“How long will he last Frank.”

“Clive’s already in his final phase of deterioration. The most he can last is 20 minutes.”


Everyone was losing hope after hearing the doctor’s time limit for Clive. A close friend of theirs was going to die soon and they can do nothing about it. All they could do was hold him down so he doesn’t attack other people. All they could do was hope for Claire to come back with the Blue Heart grass but as the time passed it was becoming more and more unlikely that she will come back.

In that moment when all hope was lost, the door of the clinic was slammed open. The person that just came in was Claire and in her hand was the Blue Heart grass.

“Claire!! You made it.”

“Claire hurry and give me the Blue Heart grass.”

The doctor hurried Claire to give him the grass. He only had less then 20 minutes to prepare the medicine or Clive would die for sure.


Time slowly passed as the doctor prepared the Blue Heart medicine. Every second he picked apart the Blue Heart grass, he was tense. Sweat dripped out of all of his orifices because if he messed up the process in making the Blue Heart medicine then Clive would die. The only thing he could rejoice in was that he had previous experience in making the Blue Heart medicine. After 10 minutes or so the doctor finished making the medicine.

“Claire take this medicine and directly insert it into Clive’s heart.”

There was a reason why Blue Heart grass was called Blue Heart grass. The blue in its name came from the blue hue on the grass and how it could only be found in extremely cold places. The heart in its name came from the fact that it had to be injected through the heart and how it will revitalize the heart and increase the healing of a person’s body. There was also another meaning to the name if both words are put together. If a mistake was made in the injection of the medicine into the heart then the person’s heart would turn blue along with the entire body.

The reason Doctor Frank was able to heal the mayor years ago with the Blue Heart medicine was all due to luck. The doctor had no other choice then to cut open the mayor’s chest and insert it into his heart. By the luck of the gods, the doctor had done a perfect clean cut and done the operation fast enough where the medicine started to heal the mayor before he bled to death. Now he entrusted the operation to Claire because she was a mage locksmith.

“‘Blood flows like water in one’s body. Like a stream in the mountains, it brings life to all. But now I need it to stop. [Lock].’”


Claire had stopped all blood flow within Clive’s body. She had done this so when she opened up his chest Clive would not die from blood loss. Claire then proceeded to compress a ball of air where she could put the medicine in. She also locked down the air to create a blade made of air and then pierced it through Clive’s chest. As soon as she also brought down the blade, she had also brought down the medicine right behind it. The blade pierced through Clive’s chest and now the medicine was in his heart.

“Good job Claire now we just have to wait. Considering Clive’s injuries, it’ll probably take a few hours for him to heal up to a certain extent.”



“Her body is incredibly cold. There are frostbites all over her body. Jane start healing her right away.”

Claire had suddenly collapsed right after giving Clive the medicine. Considering what she had been through the past few days, her body was clearly damaged. The only thing that kept her body up and going for the past few days was her determination to save Clive. Now that she had relaxed just a bit after giving Clive the medicine, her body had collapsed on itself.

“Doctor Frank, I have stabilized Claire’s condition. It is only frostbites on her body. I should be able to heal her completely within a few hours.”

“Ok, good job Jane.”

“FUCK!! What kind of mayor am I. In a span of a few days I let an entire family get injured and now all of them are unconscious. I am a failure of a person. I could not even protect one person. FUCCCKKKKK!!!”

The mayor was furious at himself. He was supposed to be the leading figure of the village and it was his job to protect his people but what did he do. He could do nothing to protect a single family and especially the princess he was entrusted with to protect.

“Don’t take it so hard Ranjer. No one could have predicted this entire situation.”

“Thanks Frank but I can’t forgive myself for this. Everyone who has come and helped with the situation, on behalf of the Lock family I will thank you all. We could not have helped anyone without any of your help. Now that the situation has stabilized itself you guys can go home to your families and rest.”

Everyone there for the past 7 days had little rest time. Every single person was stressed and worried so all of them were exhausted. Hearing that they can finally go rest, they were all glad to go back to their families.

“Thank you everybody, now we just have to wait for Clive, Claire, and Kan to wake up.”

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