《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 23: Seven Days


“Did Claire come back yet?”

“She hasn’t come back yet.”

Today was already the seventh day since Claire had left to go find the Blue Heart grass. Everyone was worried about what may have happened to Claire. When Claire had left she looked calm and composed but everyone knew that she was in a rush to go find the grass. They were worried that Claire may have pushed herself to hard and got injured or in the worse case scenario she had died in the mountains.

“Haah, it’ll be fine, all three of us grew up with Claire so even when there are hard times for her she’ll break her way through it.”

Leia had tried to lighten the mood up in the room but it had little effect. Everyone was still silent and worried about the situation.

“We brought some food. You guys have been watching Clive for so many days so you guys should rest once in a while”

For the past few days everyone involved with the incident did not leave the clinic. All the guys and Jane were there to watch over Clive in case he went out of control again. The only people who left the clinic in these past few days were Claudia, Leia, and Eliza. They had to take care of their own children so they would go home and be with them. Everyday they would visit the clinic and bring them breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The wives would bring them food while the children would go watch Kan.

Kan was still in his bed and had not woken up yet. Even so, Leo, Mary, and Jessica would visit Kan and tell him about their days. Although they didn’t have much to talk about, they still talked to Kan as he lied on the bed hoping that he’ll wake up to the sound of their voices.

“Kan you have to wake up.”

“Yeah, Kan we still haven’t finished who is the fastest runner yet.”


“Please wake up Kan.”

Everyday the three of them would visit Kan and plead for him to wake up but he never should any signs of waking up. Today was no different. Kan’s eyes were still closed and he showed no signs of movement. The three of them could only cry silently as their friend lied on the bed.

“Hey doctor how many hours does Clive have left before his body is beyond repair.”

“I estimate he has 6-7 hours with Jane healing him but Jane needs to rest.”

“It’s ok doctor. I don’t need to rest yet.”

“But Jane.”

“It’s ok doctor.”

For the past few days Jane had rarely rested. When she did rest, she had only rested at most 10 minutes. She did not want to risk Clive dying any sooner so she rarely rested.

“All we can hope for is for Claire to be back with the Blue Heart grass within 7 hours.”


The days slowly passed by for Claire. The coldness had made it so every second felt painfully long. All she could do was persist in her grovelling and hope that Bal Vo would give her some Blue Heart grass.

On the first day of Claire being there on the mountain, Bal Vo had flown by once to check on her. When Bal Vo looked at Claire, there was still disdain in it’s eyes. It flew off laughing but Claire did not mind it at all.

On second day Claire’s presence had become weaker. The snow was starting to pile on top of Claire and her body became colder and colder. The temperature of her body and become incredibly low. Bal Vo once again checked on her and still felt the same about Claire, disdain for this gullible human.

On the third day more and more snow piled on top of Claire. She could not even be seen anymore. The snow was piled on so much that not even a figure could be seen in the snow. If someone was to walk by, they wouldn’t even notice that they had walked over Claire.


“Foolish human, I see that you can still persist. One more day and you’ll be dead. Hahaha, I can’t wait to enjoy myself some cold human popsicle. See you tomorrow then you human.”

On the fourth day Bal Vo once again came to check on Claire. Bal Vo was surprised at the situation. Claire was still not dead.

“How surprising human. You still aren’t dead. I guess i’ll just have to wait until tomorrow then.”

Claire did not react to any of Bal Vo’s provocations, she had only repeated what she said when she first got there.

“Please...I need...Blue Heart...My husband...dying...Please...I love...him...I...don’t want...him… to die.”

On the fifth day and sixth day, Bal Vo did not speak to Claire. Bal Vo could only stand there and watch Claire with confusion in it’s eyes.

‘How can a puny human last this long. It must be her greed. It has to be.’

On both of those days Bal Vo left confused but convinced that only Claire’s greed was driving her forwards.

On the seventh day Bal Vo decided to dig Claire out of the snow. Claire’s entire body was pale blue. If one was to see her they would think that she was just a frozen dead body but Bal Vo could sense her life force. Even though it could barely be felt, it was still there. Claire was still muttering the same words she had been saying for the past few days. Although her voice was devoid of energy, she was still speaking.

“Please...I need...Blue Heart...My husband...dying...Please...I love...him...I...don’t want...him… to die.”

Bal Vo was left in awe.

“Why do you persist human? Why are you trying so hard to get some measly Blue Heart grass? Why drives you to such extent? You’re just another selfish greedy human.”

Bal Vo had spoken directly to Claire’s mind so she decided to respond back. She could barely utter any words through her frozen lips so she thought her words to Bal Vo.

"Humans may be greedy and they may be selfish but that doesn’t matter to me at all. I am my own person and I am not those humans you met hundreds of years ago. Every single human is different. All I came here to do was save my husband. He has been with me for so many years. He has protected me, loved me, and even sacrificed so many things for me. So I will save him. I want to spend more of my future with him and my son. I don’t want him to die. Please give me some Blue Heart grass to save him.”

When Claire had spoken to Bal Vo she had stared directly at Bal Vo. Bal Vo saw the determination in her eyes and the sadness within them. Bal Vo remembered her own past and how she once had those same eyes.

When her husband was still alive he had once been severely injured and was on death’s door. She had flown to other dragons territory to ask for help but none of them would help her. In the end she had watch her husband die.

“Human, tell me your name.”

“Claire Lock.”

“I will give you some Blue Heart grass. Human. No, Claire. Do you have any children.”

“I do. Why?”

“I won’t do anything bad to them. Instead consider this a gift. Tell me their name.”

“My son is named Kan Lock.”

“Claire Lock, in the future bring your son to me and I will bestow him a blessing.”

“Thank you very much Bal Vo.”

“You may go now.”

“I sincerely thank you for helping me save my husband.”

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