《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 20: Second Meeting


‘Where am I? Where is everyone? Wasn’t it just my birthday?’

“We meet again Kan.”

‘This voice. You are that voice from a few days ago. Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?’

“I’m sorry but we can not answer those questions right now. We only have a limited amount time so we will say what we need to say. Be prepared, in three years it will be the day Clear View disappears and everyone dies. You have to change the future. All of us before you have failed and you are our last hope. This one event will determine your future. If you can change the outcome for Clear View then you can change your future. Find Nicole Blaine, she should be in the village and is vital for changing the future and beware of a man named George Nice. Don’t trust George...find Nicole...be prepared.”

‘I don’t understand. Why is this happening? Who are you? Who is Nicole?’


“What’s wrong Kan? What’s happening?”

“Kan!! What’s wrong!?”

Everyone was shocked. They didn’t know what was happening to Kan. All they knew was that Kan was in incredible pain with his groans and cries. All they could do was watch in shock.

“Clive and Claire, let me check Kan.”

Jane moved Claire and Clive aside and checked Kan’s body. She tried to use heal on him but it did not work. The only thing Jane’s type of heal could heal was wounds and injuries to the body but it could not do anything against poisons or any illness. Seeing that Kan was not being healed, Jane surmised that Kan was poisoned.

“What type of cake is that?”

“It’s a peca pen cake.”

As soon as Claire clarified what type of cake it was, they then realized that a peca pen fruit could be poisonous if it was rotten. If the ingredients were rotten then the cake would be poisonous.


“Kan’s been poisoned. Clive carry him to Doctor Frank’s clinic.”

Clive did not hesitate at all. He immediately grabbed both Jane and Kan and dashed out of the door. Clive immediately unlocked 40% of his entire body without any hesitation, even if he would be injured afterwards he did not mind at all.

It had been 4 years since he had used his limits. 4 years ago the amount he could unlock was 35% but his limit has increased to 40% after only 4 years. A normal combat locksmith would usually take years to increase their limits by even 1% but with Clive’s potential being at 65% it was only a matter of time.

Now that Clive had used 40% he was running at incredible speeds. If one was to look at Clive all they could see was a blur. In a matter of seconds they had arrived at the clinic. What would usually take 5-10 minutes to get to the clinic had only been a matter of 3 seconds.

“Doctor Frank! Please help me cure Kan. He has been poisoned.”

“What type of poisoning is it Jane?”

“It’s a peca pen poisoning.”

“Ok, get him to a room.”

Both Jane and Doctor Frank got to work. Doctor Frank grabbed all the necessary tools to mix the medicine and Jane had gone to grab all the herbs needed. Peca pen was not an uncommon poisoning around the village of Clear View. Since peca pen was common to see, it was not unusual for kids to accidentally eat a rotten peca pen. The most dangerous thing is that a rotten peca pen looks exactly like a fresh peca pen and only those who knew peca pen well enough could tell the difference.

“This isn’t any regular peca pen poisoning. The fruit must have been rotten for years for this type of effect on a person.”

“Is there anything we can do for him Doctor Frank.”


“Poison if mixed correctly can become the perfect medicine. We need the original peca pen or one just as poisonous.”

When the doctor finished his sentence Clive had already ran out of the building he had gone straight for the bakery at his limit. When Clive exited, Claire and the rest had reached the clinic.

“Kan, my baby Kan. You have to be okay.”

Claire was already in tears. She was crying and praying that Kan would get better. The only thing she could do for Kan was hold his hands and pray that he would get better. At this moment Claire did not care about anything else in the world, she did not care that she was a princess, she did not care about the burdens she carried, and all she cared about was Kan’s wellbeing right now.


George was getting ready to close his shop and was smiling as he closed up. He had accomplished a mission today so he was in a good mood but his good mood was interrupted by a loud crash. George ran out towards the front and his door was broken down and in the rubble was a man.


“Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down Mr. Lock. What is the problem?”


“What!? I’m so sorry Mr. Lock. I’m so very sorry Mr. Lock. I’ll go get those peca pens this very instant.”

Seeing George be so apologetic made Clive a little less angry. He felt that George did not know that those peca pens were rotten so as soon as he brought out those peca pens, Clive immediately left instead of beating the shit out of George.

In his fit of anger Clive did not sense that George was entirely calm during their ordeal. It was like he knew this was already going to happen so he was prepared. When Clive left he also did not see that George was still smiling.

‘It’s already too late for whoever ate that cake.’



“Doctor Frank, i’ve brought the peca pens.”

Clive was exhausted, his face was pale, and blood was coming out of his nose and ears. He had unlocked his limits for far too long. Since his limits was 40% the most he could hold it was 3 seconds but he had been in this state for 6 minutes. He had truly gone beyond the limits of his body and he would definitely be injured afterwards. As soon as Clive brought in the peca pens he collapsed on the ground.

“Good job Clive. Someone take him to another room. Leave the rest to me.”

Doctor Frank began to crush the peca pens and mixed it with other herbs to make a medicine.

“Is there anything I could do Doctor.”

“Yeah, Jane imbue your healing powers into the medicine. Don’t heal the medicine, give the medicine your healing attribute. This way the medicine would be at least 3 times as effective.”

“Ok Doctor.”

Both doctor Frank and Jane got to mixing mixing the herbs together. It took them a few minutes to finish but they had completed it.

“Ok, now feed it to Kan. Open his mouth and force him to swallow it all. Don’t allow him to spit any of it out.”

“Ok Doctor.”

Jane put the paste of medicine into her mouth and fed it to Kan through mouth to mouth. In this situation Jane did not hesitate at all. Kan’s life was in danger and she needed to do what needed to be done to save his life. As she put the medicine into his mouth she also further imbued her healing attribute into the medicine.

“Now the had part comes. Surviving this ordeal all depends on Kan’s will power.”

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