《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 19: Birthday Party


“Mommy, Daddy, I’m back.”

“Welcome back Kan, did you invite everyone you wanted to invite.”

“Yeah, I did. Mommy do you need help in anything?”

“I do Kan. Can you help me prepare the food. I’ll cook but can you hand me the ingredients.”

“Ok Mommy. Mommy where’s Daddy.”

“Daddy’s on an errand right now so he’ll be back later tonight.”


Clive was in the middle of the village right now looking lost. A few days ago Claire had ordered a cake to be made and the only person who could make one was the only bakery in town. This bakery had opened up a few years ago by a man named George Nice. George had moved to the village of Clear View from the capital because his business in the capital was not going well so he decided to retire in the village of Clear View.

“Where is this place? I’ve been going around in circles for an hour and still haven’t seen it. Oh wait is that it.”

The bakery was truly in a desolate part of the village. It wasn’t close to where all the other stores were instead it was off in a corner near the forest. The only other building near it was a home and the forest. Clive walked towards the bakery and entered it.

“Welcome. Are you here to order baked goods or pick up an order.”

“I’m here to pick up a cake for Claire Lock. I’m her husband Clive Lock.”

The baker stared at Clive for a moment then smiled and left towards the back to go pick up the cake.

“Here you go. A peca pen cake. Thank you for your order.”

“Thanks George. Well I have to go now so see you later.”

A peca pen was a type of fruit that was sweet when eaten but if the fruit becomes rotten then it could become poisonous. Clive quickly left the building because he saw the stare of George and felt shivers on the back of his spine. It wasn’t a menacing stare but one of desire, so Clive was quite uncomfortable being in the store.


“I hope I don’t have to come here again.”


“I’m back with the peca pen cake Claire.”


“Ooo a peca pen cake. Can I taste it Mommy?”

“Not yet Kan. You have to wait until everyone gets here, ok.”

“Ok, Mommy.”

Claire had gently explained to Kan but as soon as she looked at Clive, she had a death stare. She was angry, incredibly angry at Clive, and as soon as Clive saw her face he knew he had messed up. He then realized that the cake was suppose to be a surprise for Kan. He stared at Claire for forgiveness but all Claire did was raise her hand and made a motion like she was crushing an apple. This was not the first time Clive had seen this gesture, it meant that when the sun went down and all the children slept, he would be dominated by Claire.

“Mommy what are you doing?”

“Oh, it’s nothing Kan. Why don’t we finish cooking?”

Kan and Claire went back to cooking while Clive put down the cake and was about to go do his own things but knocks came from the door. Clive went to go open the door and Rob, Richard, Dylan, and their families came. Each of the family holding a gift in their hands. All the men sat down at the couch and started talking but the wives and children stared in shock.

“””What!? Kan’s cooking.””””

“Wow Kan you’re helping your Mommy cook.”

“Heh, even I can help my mommy cook.”

“You probably can’t even help like Kan, Leo.”

All of the wives were shocked at Kan cooking. Although Kan wasn’t actually cooking, they were still surprised at the fact that he was helping prepare the ingredients. Knowing Claire they believed he would inherit her skills of cooking but they were wrong.

“Kan you can go play now, i’ll have Claudia, Leia, and Eliza help me cook.”


Kan went to go play with the kids while the other wives who were left in shock slowly regain their senses and helped Claire cook. While the kids were playing and the wives were cooking, the men were having a very serious conversation.

“Hey Clive do you still remember the competition 4 years ago.”

“Don’t you think this is the perfect chance to finally find out.”

Rob and Richard were both incessant on finishing the competition from 4 years ago. Due to all those events 4 years ago, everyone totally forgot about the competition until today. Just like 4 years ago everyone was gathered together so both Rob and Richard remembered the competition. As everyone was doing there own thing, Jane had entered and started helping the girls out in cooking.

“Ok, ok. We’ll finish the competition from then. Hey Kan, Jessica, Mary, and Leo, can you guys come over here for a bit.”

Hearing their names be called all of them came rushing towards the men.

“Ok kids, so this is what’s going to happen. I’m going to ask you a question and you have to answer truthfully ok.”

All 4 of them nodded their heads in acknowledgement of what they were suppose to do.

“Who in this room do you think is the cutest girl?”




“Aunty Jane.”

“Hahahaha. I guess this didn’t turn out as you guys expected it to.”

The mayor was out of control in his laughter because of the kids answers. Clive did not specify that the question was towards Kan and Leo so both Mary and Jessica also answered. Everyone was shocked at the outcome, even the wives who had just finished cooking.

Jessica did not hesitate to choose Mary and Mary also didn’t hesitate in choosing Jessica. Leo’s answer was the most normal out of all 4 of them. Leo had shyly chosen Mary as the cutest girl while Kan had chosen Aunty Jane. Kan’s answer was oddest to everyone there because the guys thought that Kan would choose one of the other little girls but he didn’t. When Kan had said his answer he had also run up towards Jane.

“Hehe. Thank you Kan. You are just too sweet.”

Jane had picked up Kan as he ran towards her but on the side Claire looked at Jane with jealousy. Claire was sad and jealous that Kan had chosen Jane but she understood it because although Jane was the oldest amongst the girls, she still looked youthful and cute. As Claire was thinking all this, Kan had also seen that Claire was feeling sad so he wiggled out of Jane’s embrace and walked towards Claire.

“Mommy, mommy. Don’t be sad. Aunty Jane is cute but Mommy is the prettiest.”

Kan’s words made Claire incredibly happy so she also picked him up and gave him all the kisses.

“Ok, now that we are done with the antics let’s eat.”

After announcing that it was time to eat, Claire went and cut out a slice of the cake.

“Since it is Kan’s birthday he will have the first slice of the cake.”

Claire handed Kan the plate of cake and a spoon to eat it with. Kan took the spoon and cut out a piece of the cake and then ate it. Kan had taken the first bite and everyone was cheering but Kan dropped his spoon and the plate. As the plate and spoon dropped so did Kan. Kan was now on the ground holding his stomach and groaning in pain.

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