《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 18: Invitation


“Mommy, Daddy, wake up. Wake up.”

“Mmm. What is it Kan. It’s still early in the morning.”

“It’s not though Daddy. It’s almost the afternoon.”


The day was almost noon. Both Clive and Claire had fallen asleep after what happened last night but since they were up so late, they didn’t wake up on their usual time.

“I’m so sorry Kan, Mommy will go make breakfast right now....why do you have my apron on?”

“It’s ok Mommy, I already made breakfast. Since Mommy and Daddy were so tired I made breakfast for you.”

Both Clive and Claire were shocked to here what Kan had said. He was only 5 and they hadn’t taught him how to cook yet. The most worrying thing was what he cooked. Considering the genes he had, both Clive and Claire expected a disaster in the kitchen so they immediately got up and went to the kitchen. What they saw surprised them even more.

“Kan did you cook this by yourself.”

“Yeah, i’ve seen Mommy cook a lot so I copied you. I couldn’t make the really delicious stuff Mommy makes though.”

Kan was sad that he couldn’t make any complex dishes that Claire made but both Claire and Clive were extremely proud of him and even looked like they were about to cry. Kan had made edible looking eggs. Claire used to be a terrible cook and it took her years upon years just to cook simple dishes while Clive could cook edible foods but they wouldn’t have any flavor to them, so seeing Kan cook edible looking eggs at such a young age was surprising.

“Clive. I...I think we made a genius at cooking.”

“Kan. We are so proud of you. Let’s eat then.”


The table was silent. Usually when they ate together they would have some small talk while they ate but this time there was absolute silence besides the sounds of utensils being used. Claire and Clive both savored their son’s fish dish.

‘It’s delicious.’

‘It’s so sweet and fluffy.’


After finishing up breakfast, Clive and Claire could no longer look at Kan the same way ever again. In a few more years, Kan would be better at cooking then both of them.

“Kan did you tell your friends about your birthday party today?”

“Oh, I forgot Mommy. Can I go right now and tell them.”

“Yeah go ahead but be careful of strangers, ok.”

“Ok. Bye Mommy, Daddy.”


In front of a house was three men swinging practice swords. One of them had white hair but his body was still muscular and filled with scars, the other person blond hair and refined muscles, and the last person was a young child with blond hair. This was the household of the mayor, Ranjer Light.

“Leo, Leo, Leo.”

Kan called out to Leo as he walked towards them. All three men of the Light household put down their swords as Kan walked towards them.

“Good morning Uncle Dylan and Grandpa Ranjer.”

“Good morning Kan.”

“Good morning little boy. It’s rare for you to come visit us alone. Are perhaps here to train with us?”

“Ooo. Can I Grandpa Ranjer. Oh. I’m sorry Grandpa Ranjer, I have things to do.”

“Hahahaha. It’s ok little boy, maybe next time. So what are you here for.”

“Oh, yeah. Thanks for reminding me Grandpa Ranjer. I’m having a birthday party later today and came to invite Leo and his family.”

“Grandpa, Grandpa. Can we go. Please”


“Yeah, we’ll come later little boy.”

“Ok, bye bye then. I have to go invite Mary and Jessica.”


“Leia you’re pregnant. What are you going to name him or her.”

“We just found out i’m pregnant so we haven’t thought up of a name yet.”

Claudia and Leia were both on the front porch of Rob’s house. They were both talking about each others daily lives or the gossip that has been going throughout the village. At that moment thought, their conversation was interrupted by the greetings of a young boy.

“Good morning Aunty Claudi and Aunty Leia.”

“Oh, hello there Kan.”

“Morning Kan, what’s got you in a rush.”

“I came to invite Mary and Jessica to my birthday party later today.”

“Oh, if you want we will tell them later.”

“Ok. Aunty Claudi and Aunty Leia can you guys also come with Uncle Rob and Uncle Richard too.”

“Yeah we’ll come to but why do you need us adults Kan.”

“Mommy and Daddy looked sad this morning and having friends over will make them happy.”

“Ok then Kan we’ll all come over later tonight then.”

“Ok. Bye bye.”

Both Claudia and Leia watch as Kan run off into the distance with a surprised expression still left on their faces. They were both surprised at how perceptive and kind Kan was. Kids his age usually never give any thoughts about their surroundings.

“Kan is a nice kid.”

“Yeah, I hope our kids could grow up like him.”


“Aunty Jane is very beautiful, I wish she was my mommy.”

“Oh. You’re by yourself today Kan.”

Realizing that Kan was by himself today, Jane locked all the locks on the door. Kan had innocently walked in without realizing that he had walked into the den of a hungry tiger. Jane was smiling as she looked at Kan’s tiny figure walk in. As soon as she finished locking the door she rushed towards Kan and picked him up.

“Ahhhh, i’ve missed this softness of your cheeks. When you were here yesterday, I had to hold myself back but now that you’re by yourself, i’m not holding anything back.”

Jane was holding Kan in her embrace and was rubbing her cheeks against his and kissing him on the cheeks too.

“Wahaha. That tickles Aunty Jane.”

Kan was now sitting on Jane’s lap while she rested her head on his.

“So what are you here for Kan?”

“I came to invite Aunty Jane to my birthday party.”

“Yeah, i’ll go.”

Jane had not forgotten Kan’s birthday. She had already gotten him a gift but did not want to show it to him yet.

“Ok Aunty Jane I have to go now. I’m going to help mommy prepare.”

“Ok Kan. I’ll miss you but i’ll see you later, ok.”

Jane opened the door for Kan and Kan then scurried off back home. Kan had invited everyone he wanted to invite so now he just had to wait for everyone to come.

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