《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 15: Having Fun


“Mommy are we done yet. It’s almost time for me to go meet Leo, Jessica, and Mary.”

“Yeah we’re done.”

Knocks on the door could then be heard as Kan stood up and put on his shirt.

“Kan are you ready to go play yet.”

“Ok Mommy, Daddy, I have to go now.”

Kan jumped up and gave both Clive and Claire a kiss on the cheeks and then left for the door.

“Stay safe Kan. Come home before it’s nighttime ok.”

“Ok. I’ll be home later Mommy, Daddy.”


“So where are we going to go playing today Kan.”

“OoOo. I know. I know. We should go play in the forest.”

“No Leo, my mommy says it’s dangerous in the forest.”

“It’’ll be ok Jessi. My daddy has started teaching me how to use a sword. I can fight off any monsters.”

“I agree with Jessi. The forest is dangerous so where are we going Kan.”

“Let’s go visit Aunty Jane. I want to ask her something.”



It was now close to noon and the sun was at its peak in brightness. On the way towards the plaza were four children side by side. The sun shined on their heads and each colored reflected off their hair was different. Kan had light brown hair, Leo had bright and shining blond hair, Mary had black hair but their was tint of blue in it, and Jessica had silvery blond hair. They now reached the front door of Doctor Frank’s clinic but they faced a problem. None of them could reach the door knob. Even Leo who was the tallest amongst them could only reach the side of the door knob. They couldn’t hold it and turn the door knob.

“Aunty Jane. Aunty Jane. Can you open the door.”

Jane was reading a book at the front desk of the clinic until she heard the calls of Kan from outside of the door. She put down her book and got up to open the door but didn’t. She stood next to the door with a smirk on her face and then she spoke.

“What’s the password?”

“Oh, umm. Ah, Aunty Jane is very beautiful, I wish she was my mommy.”

“Ok, good.”

Jane opened the door and let the four of them inside. This was clearly not the first time Kan had come over to visit Jane since Jane had set up a password for him. Every time Kan said the password it made her a little happy because it allows her to dream a little about a life where she and Claire are married and Kan is there child.


“Aunty Jane why do you have a password for the door.”

“Hmm. It’s so I know it’s Kan outside and not some dangerous person.”

“Hmmm. Ok, that makes sense.”

“So what did you guys come here for.”

“Kan said he had a question for you.”

“So what is your question Kan.”

“Mommy and Daddy were talking the other day and I heard that Aunty Jane and Mommy kissed before. Did you and Mommy kiss?”


Jane did not hesitate to answer at all. There was absolutely not a hint of embarassment or shame in her reply. When she said it, she even puffed out her chest and had a proud look on her face as she answered. She had taken pride in taking Claire’s lips four years ago.

“Ok, thanks Aunty Jane. Mommy wouldn’t tell me when I asked her.”

“Aunty Jane. Aunty Jane. Is ok for two girls to kiss?”

“I’ve only seen mommy and daddy kiss. Is it bad for two girls to kiss?”

Both Mary and Jessica curiously asked Jane for more details on two girls kissing. Jane looked at the two girls and saw that they had some fear and anxiety in their eyes. She knew that they had probably kissed each other or something like that before out of curiosity because they had seen their parents do it. But now the both of them were worried that it was a bad thing to do. On the other hand Kan and Leo weren’t interested in the topic so they were off somewhere in the clinic playing.

“Prepare to take my holy sword excali...excali... Argh, just prepare to take my sword.”

“You’ve fallen into my trap Leo. Your sword is now mine.”

Leo had attacked Kan with his holy sword but it was useless. Leo had fallen into Kan’s trap. Kan and Leo were initially fighting in the hallway but Kan had lured Leo into one of the rooms. In the room Leo had tried to slash Kan with his toy wooden sword but Kan had expertly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around the sword and taken it from him.

“Give it back Kan. That’s cheating.”

“I’ll give the sword back but that means I won.”

“NO. I’ll get it back myself then.”


“There is absolutely nothing wrong with two girls kissing each other. As long as two girls love each other they can do whatever they want with each other as long as they both agree to it. For both guys and girls it is wrong to force kisses on the other person. What I did to Claire was wrong so don’t be like me, ok. I really loved Claire and forced my kiss on her but it was wrong because Claire did not love me like that back. We are still friends now because Claire loves me as a friend but not as a husband would love a wife.”


“Ok, thank you Aunty Jane.”

“Thank you Aunty Jane.”

Both Jessica and Mary no longer had a glum or worried look on their faces. They were both relieved that it was not a bad thing for two girls to kiss. After finishing her lecture to the two girls Jane went back and started reading her book. As Jane was reading, the two girls looked at Jane’s book in curiosity.

“Aunty Jane what are you reading.”

“Hmm. The book is called How to Raise Children.”

“What!? Aunty Jane you’re having a baby.”

“Is it a boy or girl.”

“Wait...wait...I’m not…”

“Kan, Leo, Aunty Jane is having a baby.”

Both Leo and Kan stop fighting and run over towards Jane after hearing the sudden announcement.

“Aunty Jane are you going to get fat like other girls.”

“What are you going to name the baby Aunty Jane.”

“I’m going to tell my mommy and daddy.”


All four of them stop and stare at Jane in fear since she had just raised her voice on them. All four of them looked like they were going to start crying which made Jane feel guilty. Jane calmed down and held all four of them in her arms and made her voice as gentle as possible and spoke to them.

“I’m sorry for scaring you guys. Aunty Jane can’t have any babies anymore. The reason I am reading this book is because all of you are my children. No matter if you guys aren’t my real children, I will still treat you exactly the same as my own children and I hope that I can help raise all of you into fine adults. I don’t want any of you to grow up bad so I am reading this book so I can help raise all you.”

“I’m sorry Aunty Jane.”

“I didn’t mean to make you so angry Aunty Jane. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry Aunty Jane.”

“I’m sorry Aunty Jane. And thank you Aunty Jane.”

“That’s good. Good kids are able to apologize and realize their own errors. All of you are good kids.”

After calming them down Jane went back to her desk and the four decided to stay and play at the clinic. The four played together but after a while Jane was also wrapped up in having to play with them. They were now acting out the final battle between the hero’s party and the demon lord.

“Mwahahaha. You guys will never be able to defeat the great demon lord Leo. Now that I have the sword Sun Shatterer in my hands, you guys will never be able to save Princess Jane.”

“Ah. Please save me.”

“You evil person. I ,master locksmith Kan, will defeat you.”

“I ,Jessica the healer, will not allow any damage on us.”

“And I, Mary the uhh...super magical girl of the shadows sleeping in the night, will stop you.”

“Useless, useless, useless. You three will not win.”

The epic battle between the demon lord and the heroes came to a stall until Princess Jane escaped from her binds. After escaping from her binds Princess Jane had grabbed both the demon lord Leo and the hero Kan and ran away. The story then ended with Princess Jane kidnapping both the demon lord and hero.


“It’s starting to get pretty late. You guys should go home soon before it gets dark.”


It was now almost sunset. Jane had opened the door and watched them as they all walked back towards their own home. As they left Jane felt a little bit lonely now that the clinic had once again become quite.

‘I hope those kids can grow up into fine adults one day.’

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