《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 14: Kan Lock


“You have to remember. Remember who you are. Remember what you need to do.”

‘Who...who are you.’

“Hurry before it’s too late.”

‘What’s going to be too late?’

“This is our last chance. All of our hopes and dreams lay on you.”

‘I don’t know what i’m suppose to do. What am I supposed to do?’

“You have to wake up and remember.”

‘What am I supposed to remember?’

“WAKE UP! WAKE UP AND REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE! ...remember who you are.”

‘Remember who I am? I don’t understand? Who...who am I?’


“Wake up. Wake up.”

“Mmgh, I don’t wanna wake up.”

“KAN! KAN! Wake up and eat breakfast.”

The rays of the sun was bright and shiny on this morning in Clear View. In a certain house the rays pierced through the open windows to shine on two people, they were Claire and Kan. Kan slowly rubbed his eyes and got up from his bed.

“Good. Now go wash your face and wake up your father.”

“Mmm. Ok, Mommy.”

Kan walked out of his bedroom and walked towards the bathroom and washed his face. After washing his face he looked towards the mirror. He slowly brought his hands up and touched his face all around.

‘Who am I?’

No longer thinking about the fading memories from his dreams, Kan walked towards his parents bedroom. As he stood outside of the door, he could hear snores as loud as thunder coming from the room. When he entered the room he saw his father sleeping soundly on the bed. Seeing that his father was still asleep Kan bent his body downwards in a running position.

‘1,2,3. Ready. Go’

“Wake up, Daddy!”

Kan had ran from the door towards the bed and jumped up, ready to bodyslam Clive to wake him up. Clive suddenly opened his eyes and dodged Kan but as he dodged Kan he also grabbed him and lifted him in the air.


“Hahaha, not today Kan.”

“Wahahaha. I’ll get you tomorrow Daddy. Oh, mommy said to go eat.”

“Ok, let’s go then.”

Clive carried Kan on his shoulders and walked towards the dinner table. Claire was bringing dishes of food and putting them on the dinner table. They all sat down and started eating. As they finished eating and Claire finished washing the dishes the atmosphere in the room became serious.

“Hey Kan do you want anything for your birthday tomorrow.”

Kan was turning 5 years old the next day. It had been a few years since the incident with the black clothed men. Nothing significant happened in the time that passed expect the increase in the frequency of occasional dangerous fishes being caught. Although times were peaceful now it was not going to last forever.

“Hmm? Oh, can we invite Leo, Jessica, and Mary over tomorrow.”

“Sure, we’ll throw a party tomorrow for you then.”

“I’ll show all of them SuperMommyClaire’s best cooking tomorrow then.”

The atmosphere had temporarily become less tense after discussing about the plans tomorrow but turned serious again after Clive and Claire looked at each other. They looked at each others eyes to confirm whether or not they were prepared to ask Kan a certain question.

“Kan do you want to become a locksmith? Now that you are turning 5 years old, Daddy and Mommy thinks it’s time for you to start learning how to be a locksmith.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I do. Isn’t that what Mommy and Daddy are. I heard from the villagers that Mommy and Daddy are really strong locksmiths. I want to be a strong locksmith too.”

“Hahaha, Daddy and Mommy are strong locksmiths but becoming this strong isn’t that easy. It took us years an years to be this strong and for you it will probably also take you years and years. Are you still willing to become a locksmith even if it is hard and will take a long time.”


“Are you sure Kan. It will be really, reallyyy hard and it could also be dangerous. Do you still want to be a locksmith.”

“Yeah I still want to be a locksmith. Daddy, Mommy, no matter how hard it is, I still want to be a locksmith just like you two.”

Kan replied to Clive and Claire with a bright and vibrant small but this smile to them was to bright. They were both happy that Kan would admire them so much but also sad because of the future Kan would have to face in being a locksmith. If Kan had chosen not to become a locksmith than the both of them would have accepted his decision and allowed him to live a normal live away from the troubles of a locksmith. Kan wouldn’t have to face people trying to kill him because of his talent or be hunted down. Now that Kan had chosen to become a locksmith, the two of them were prepared to do whatever they could to protect his future.

“Ok Kan. Starting the day after your birthday, we will start teaching you the skills of locksmiths. Let me warn you again Kan. It will be especially hard for a boy your age to learn the skills of a locksmith.”

“It’s ok Daddy. I’m ready.”

What Clive said was not a lie. It would truly be hard for a 5 year old boy to start learning locksmithing skills. There bodies have not grown yet and would not be capable of handling the strain from combat locksmiths skills nor do they have enough mana to use a mage locksmiths skills. A regular child with potential in combat or mage locksmithing would start learning at the age of 10 to 13 because this is when there growth spurt occurs. A child’s boy would grow rapidly and so would there progress in locksmithing. Since they were in a position where they won’t know when they will disappear from Kan’s life or not, they both decided to teach Kan at the age of 5.

“Alright then Kan. Let Daddy and Mommy check your potential in being a combat locksmith or a mage locksmith. Take off your shirt and lie down on the couch.”

Kan lied on the couch and both Clive and Claire put their hands on his back. As their hands were on Kan’s back they each had their own respective thoughts about Kan’s future.

‘I’m so sorry Kan. Mommy won’t be there to help you in the future.”

‘Kan’s back is so small. *Sigh. This tiny back will have to carry many burdens in the future. I’m sorry Kan. I can’t be there for and this is the only thing I can do for you.’

“Wow Kan, your potential as a combat locksmith is 20%. That’s pretty good.”

Claire looked at Clive and understood what he was doing. Clive had restricted and concealed Kan’s true potential.

“Amazing Kan, you also have a 10% potential in being a mage locksmith.”

“Mommy, Daddy, is that amazing?”

Kan had adorably tilted his head and ask Clive and Claire his question but to them it was too painful to look at him. They had to lie to their own son to keep him safe and everytime they looked at his innocent face as they lied, it was like a knife was being twisted in their hearts.

“Yeah it’s amazing Kan. You can be a combat locksmith like Daddy and a mage locksmith like me.”

“Yayyy. I’ll become a strong locksmith just like the both of you.”

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