《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 10: The Cave In (Part 2)


“Rob! Rob! We brought backup.”

“Great. Hurry and dig them out.”

“What’s the situation? Do you know if Clive or Jane are alive?”

“I don’t know mayor. I’ve been calling out their names for the past hour and still haven’t gotten a response.”

“Ok got it. Combat locksmiths and mage locksmiths help sense if Clive and Jane are still alive.”

The combat locksmiths and mage locksmiths all tried there various skills but none of them could sense if Clive or Jane were alive. These locksmiths were to weak and could not sense deep into the cave. The combat locksmiths were only the weakest of their kind and their potential stop at 15% and the most they could utilize was 7-8%. For the mage locksmiths it was said that masters of their skills could control the heavens and earth with a snap of their fingers. It was a legend based on the ability that mage locksmiths could lock and unlock mana and since every part of nature is made up of mana they could control it. But these mage locksmiths were only able to control a small amount of mana.

The amount of mana a mage locksmith could control was based on the amount of mana their own bodies could withstand. The body is a vessel for nature’s mana to course through and then be converted into a mage locksmith’s own power. Unlike a combat locksmith, a mage locksmith was more difficult to train in because a regular person would virtually have no potential in training in magic. These mage locksmiths had potential of 5% but the most they could utilize was 3%.

“Mayor we can’t sense them. They are either to deep in the cave or… or they are dead.”

Everyone’s face turned grim. Clive and Jane could be dead for all they know. Clive had grown up in the village so many of those people who were present in the rescue were friends of him and for Jane she had already lived with them for the past ten years so she was basically part of the village.


“Get out of my way.”


“It’s ok Kan, SuperMommyClaire is about to save Daddy and Aunty.”

An enormous magic circle appeared in the skies which covered the entire hill from above. Unlike the other magic circles the mage locksmiths made, this magic circle was filled with thousands upon thousands of lines of complex symbols. None of the other mages were able to comprehend these types of symbols and as they looked at them longer, it started to become painful to look at. As for the others it wasn’t too painful to look at because it was all just gibberish to them because they didn’t understand any of the symbols.

“I’ve locked down all the mana in the skies and within the ground. I also locked the the hardness and strength to the rocks blocking the path to where my husband is, so hurry up and dig! The most I can lock down the mana is five hours so please hurry up!”

Everyone was confused and looked towards Claire who had planted her hands on the ground. ‘She was a mage locksmith.’ ‘How is she so strong.’ ‘She..she is controlling the heavens and earth.’ As countless questions passed through every person’s mind, there train of thought was interrupted by the mayor’s roar.

“Hurry up and DIGGG!!!!!”


“Mmmgghh, where...where am I.”

Jane rubbed her eyelids to try and see if she could see better but all around her was darkness. The only thing she saw was a silhouette of a figure standing. Her body started shaking in fear remembering that she was kidnapped. The figure then spoke in a high pitched voice.

“Rise and shine Darling. Last night was soooo much fun *wink *wink.”

“What? Who...who are you? Where am I?”

“How cruel of you Darling. We ran away to this cave so we could elope.”


The figure then dropped down to their knees and started sobbing like the love of their life just rejected them.

“Wait aren't you. Ughh. What are you doing Clive? You better stop or i’ll tell Claire.”

“Ah, i’m sorry. Please don’t tell Claire. She’ll eat me alive if she found out what I did.”


They both burst out in laughter and all the pent up tension immediately disappeared. Both Clive and Jane for the past few hours had been through high tension moments but now they each had a good laugh and relaxed.

“Hey Jane are you ok now. Why were you in so much pain earlier.”

Jane was silent for a moment and hesitant to tell Clive but then decided to tell him anyways because she could trust Clive.

“Clive can you promise me that you will never tell anyone about what I am about to say. This is a very big secret that I have never told anyone in the 36 years that I have lived.”

“Yeah, you can trust me Jane. I’ll never tell a soul.”

Jane prepared to tell Clive. She took deep breaths and calmed her mind so she could explain to Clive.

“Earlier when you were laying down over there, I saw that you were dying so I used my skill [Body Connection]. Before I came to the village of Clear View I was once a wandering healer. Healing is an uncommon skill that can’t be learned and can only be borned with. I was one of those rare existances that could use the powers of healing. In my village I was adored as a saint child that could heal all wounds but my powers were useless when I really needed. One day a plague suddenly overwhelmed my village and countless amounts of friends and families died in front of me. No matter how hard I tried to heal them they never got better. The last to die in the village besides me was my little brother. On that day I tried healing over and over and over again but it didn’t work and wished that I could carry half of his burden so he wouldn’t have to suffer so much but in the end he died. The gods laughed at my misery that day, immediately after his death they had given me the skill [Body Connection]. [Body Connection] allows to share body and soul with another person. The skill can only be used once but whoever I use it on will be able to transfer over their pain to me. The amount they transfer over can be from 1% to 100% of the pain and damage. We will also be able to detect the lifeforce of one another and if I die the other person will be fine but if the other person dies, I will die along with them.”

In the beginning of Jane’s talk she had been calm and collected but as soon as she started talking about her past and how she lost her family, tears started coming out and her voice became hoarse and sad.

“Thank you for telling me Jane. Heh, I guess we are soulmates now aren’t we.”

“Yeah I guess we are.”

Clive blushed, not expecting that Jane would agree with him. An awkward silence arose in their small cavern.

“Cough, cough. Oh, I almost forgot. Jane why were those men in black after you.”

“They weren’t after me...they were after Claire.”


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