《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 9: The Cave In (Part 1)


In the pitch darkness were two people. One person’s back was scorched black and the other person had blood dripping down the side of their face where streams of tears were also coming out.

‘Who’s crying?’

“You can’t die. You can’t die Clive. You have a family waiting for you at home.”

‘Who’s voice is that? Ah, I can’t move my body.’

Clive’s body had been overworked through him trying to past the limits on unlocking his body and the black clothed man’s explosion was far to close. The cave was far to small for the explosion not to reach Clive and Jane. The cave was only about 80 feet deep so the blast was still strong when it reached Clive’s back.

“I have no choice then. I’m sorry Clive, this is the only way I can think of saving you [Body Connection].”

'What...what are you...'


After Jane used her skill the cave was now completely quiet. Both Jane and clive had passed out after Jane used her skill.


“Richard go back and inform the villagers about the cave in. Tell them to bring pickaxes and any locksmiths. Dylan go with him a protect him from and animals or monsters. I’ll stay here and wait for you guys.”

“Got it. Let’s hurry Dylan.”

Both Richard and Dylan rushed towards the village with the fastest speed they could usher.


“Grandfather we have an emergency.”

“Ok. Ok. Catch your breath Dylan. What is the problem.”

“A cave in happened and Clive and Jane were in it. We need pickaxes and any locksmiths available.”

“What. When did it happened. We might still have time to save them.”

“It happened about ten minutes ago or so.”

“Ok, wait just a minute. Ring the natural disaster bell! Tell every men to come back.”


Unlike the intruder alarm bell, the natural disaster bell had a loud and high pitch sound that even villagers in the forest and in parts of the sea could hear. As the bell rang all the village men and women gather towards the plaza.

“Are the intruders gone?” “Have they been captured?” “Why are they ringing the alarm bell for natural disasters?”

The more the villagers gathered in the plaza the more confusion spread around. Everyone was asking each other questions which some had no answers to. The confusion got worse and worse and people started to become worried at the current situation.


The villagers immediately quieted down in front of Dylan's grandfather, the mayor of Clear View. No one would defy the mayor’s order no matter how old he was. Although the mayor was now 85 years old, he had always been the strength and backbone in the village of Clear View. On countless of occasions he had led the village out of numerous disasters. Eight years ago when Jane was kidnapped, the mayor immediately gathered the men to go save Jane. Even Jonathan Lock could not go up against the mayor. It was not because the mayor was physically stronger than Jonathan but because when Jonathan was younger, the mayor had bailed Jonathan out of many of his reckless antics and scolded him for them. The mayor had helped raised Jonathan to be the man he was, so Jonathan would never raise his hand against him.

“The intruders have been eliminated but we have another problem. Clive and Jane are stuck within a cave. It has not been confirmed whether they are dead or not but we will try our hardest to save them. All men who have just returned from the forest or sea, stay and protect the village. Those who had been guarding the village grab pickaxes, shovels, or whatever will help with the excavation. Any locksmiths available, please help us too.”


The mayor’s speech was clearly and loudly announced where every villager could hear it. The villagers immediately got to preparing to go save Clive and Jane. In the midst of all the villagers preparation was one woman who stood still and shocked, it was Claire. The announcement had been to much of a shock to her so she only stood there, tears streaming down her face.

“It... It’ll be fine Claire. The village will definitely save Clive and Jane.”

“Yeah, they’ll be out of that cave in a jiffy.”

“Let’s go back to your house and cook a meal for Clive and Jane. They’ll be hungry when they come out.”

As Eliza, Leia, and Claudia tried to cheer Claire up, Claire just stood and didn’t hear whatever they said to her.

‘I...I need... I need to go save them.’

With determination in her eyes, Claire prepared with the other men to go save Clive and Jane.


In the pitch darkness Clive had woken up. To a normal person the tiny room would be pitch black but to Clive he could see perfectly. His enhancement through unlocking the power on his eyes had not worn off.

Every time he unlocked a certain percentage of his body, there is always a timer on it. For Clive currently, every enhancement below 15% was semi permanent. It could last a very long time because Clive had trained his body through constant usage and breaking past his limits. Every percentage after 15% would drastically have a lowered time limit to it. At 20% the limit is 1 hour but every percent after that would be a decrement of 10 minutes then when it reaches 26% the limit becomes one minute with a decrement of 10 seconds and when it reaches 32% the limit is 5 seconds with a decrement of 1 second.

Clive was now able to barely move his body. He then slowly pushed his body up against the wall to see his surroundings and he saw Jane in the corner of the room. Jane was lying on the ground rolling and writhing in pain.

“Hey Jane. What’s wrong?”


‘Shit, why is Jane in so much pain.’

“It’ll be alright Jane, i’ll help you endure the pain.”

Clive slowly crawled towards Jane. With every inch he got closer, he could see that Jane was in intense pain. Her face was pale, her body was drenched with sweat, and there was blood dripping down the side of her face.

“I’m sorry Jane. I’m not doing this because I want to but have to.

Clive then proceeded to remove Jane’s shirt and her breast were then fully exposed to him. Her voluptuous breast were now fully exposed and staring at them, Clive blushed. Clive then moved her breasts aside then proceeded to put both of his hands in between the breasts. Clive pumped both of his hands like he was giving cpr. What he was doing was enhancing her heart beat so more blood would flow and repair her body. He had only unlocked 7% more than Jane’s regular heartbeat because that is all her body could take. A regular person usually only had a 10% potential limit and on a daily based they only used 1-3% of their true strength. If Clive had increased Jane’s heartbeat even more, it would be to much of a strain on her body.

“This is all I can do for you Jane.”

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