《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 8: Battle in the Shadows




“That was Jane’s voice. Where is it coming from.”

“Over there towards that hill.”

“Let’s hurry.”

The four of them rushed towards the hill no longer caring in hiding their presence from the intruders. As they approached the hill they saw the cave entrance.

“Everyone slow down. I think they are in that cave.”

“What should we do.”

“Ok, I have a plan. I will go in the cave by myself and grab Jane then sprint out. When I exit the cave you guys will ambush them.”

“Clive that is way to dangerous. What can you do by yourself in there.”

“It’s ok Dylan. Don’t you know who I am. I am Clive Lock, son of Jonathan Lock, a combat locksmith.”

In the city-state of Key exists four types of locksmiths. A regular locksmith who creates locks out of any materials, a mage locksmith who uses magic to create locks and seals, a combat locksmith who can lock a person’s combat ability or skills and unlock their own hidden power, and legends say that when the Kingdom of Key still existed there was a fourth type, the Locksmith Sovereign. The Locksmith Sovereign was a titled given to those who could control all types of locksmithing.

Clive himself was a combat locksmith who learned under his father. Jonathan Lock was the best combat locksmith who had appeared within the city-state of Key within the last 1,000 years. It was said that he every punch he made on an enemy, they would die instantly because he had locked their blood flow. Jonathan Lock was also known for his elite troops of 500. They were known as the 50% Strong Corps because all of the members had 50% of all their potential permanently opened by Jonathan and composed of 50% of the nation’s strength. He and his corps became the deterrence against other kingdoms invading but he had disappeared when Clive was 14.


“Yeah, I know. Good luck then Clive.”

Clive walked into the cave but everything was pitch black. The furthest he could see was five feet in front of him. Before he walked any further he punched his chest and as soon as he punched himself, his presence had disappeared. He was still there in the cave but he was barely noticeable. Even if someone had walked past him and tried to recall his appearance or whether it was a woman or man, it would be very difficult. Clive had sealed his presence or aura just like how a lion would hide it’s killing intent before pouncing on their prey. He then rubbed his eyes and poked his ears to enhance his vision and hearing.

‘I can hear eight heartbeats. Three of them are coming from behind me so they are just Rob, Richard, and Dylan. In front of me though, four of their heartbeats are faint and calm while one is beating erratically. That must be Jane then. Those four are too calm for the situation. They must not be regular bandits then.’

Clive slowly walked towards where the intruders were with a sharp and dangerous glint in his eyes. He was ready to kill and slaughter all four of those men.


“Boss, one of the men’s presence just disappeared. He might have a concealment skill that is of a higher level then my skill, [Detect].”

“Shit. Ok, he might already be in the cave so throw some spike balls on the ground so when he steps on them we’ll hear him wince.”

“It’s already too late.”


All four of the men turned their heads to see where the voice was coming from but one of them couldn’t because he was being lifted off the ground by Clive’s arm.


“Boss. Help, help me, it hurtsssss.”

Clive had appeared behind the four men and none of them noticed him. He had walked right by them but they had not seen him. Right now Clive’s arm was inside the black clothed man who was about to throw the spike balls. He had enhanced the strength of his arm to 5% which made it as strong as steel. His arm had easily pierced through the body of the man and lifting him up was even easier.

“You can have him back.”

Clive had thrown the man’s lifeless body towards the boss and another one of the men. Clive then bent his body down and prepared to rush towards the man holding Jane. He arrived there in less than a blink of the eye. It was a speed not possible for a regular human but Clive had enhanced his legs to 10%. With his momentum Clive jumped and dropped kick the man. The man had splattered the caves of the wall in red. The man had died without even having a second to process what had happened to him.

“Fuck. Run, he’s a strong combat locksmith.”

As the last two men were running towards the exit of the cave, Clive picked up a rock the size of an adult man’s grown hand. He then enhanced his right arm to 10% of his original strength and then threw the rock. The rock flew at incredible speeds and unfortunately for the boss of the group, the rock went straight through his waist and took a large chunk out of him. The other man kept running without looking back because he knew if he stopped for a second, death would catch up with him. Clive then slowly walked towards the boss of the group.

“Why were you after Jane? Who are you guys?”

Clive roared for the man to answer his questions but instead the man laughed hysterically.

“Fuck You.”

A massive amount of energy started gathering around the man. His entire body was bloating up like a balloon and he was about to pop. Clive immediately enhanced his entire body to 35% which was the limit his body could take. He dashed back towards Jane and covered her body with his so she wouldn’t have to withstand the blast of energy coming from the explosion.


“Someone’s coming out of the cave. Prepare to fight.”

“It’s not Clive.”

As soon as the man saw the light coming from the exit of the cave, he was overjoyed that he had escaped but his view of the world suddenly changed. Everything he saw was upside down. ’What, why is the world upside down?’ He had died without knowing how it happened.

“Damn Dylan. I knew you created your own sword style but I didn’t think it was this strong.”

The man had his head swiftly cut off by Dylan’s sword. As they were admiring Dylan’s swordplay, intense rumbling could be heard and felt.

“What’s that sound.”

“Wait a minute. Isn’t this the sound and feeling of a cave in.”

“Oh shit. Clive is still in the cave with Jane.”

“Clive hurry up and get your ass out of there!!!!!”

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