《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 6: The Interruption


As one year passed for the village of Clear View nothing much happened. After the incident with a sailor getting his fingers bitten off, nothing else happened. Some sailors have seen those fishes a few times but as they were already warned about these fishes, they dealt with them quickly. On this date, there were two men arguing while two women walked besides them holding babies. As they got closer and closer to the house on the hill their argument started to heat up even more then before.

“Today is the day that we will find out whose daughter is the cutest. Are you ready to lose Richard.”

As soon as Rob blurted this line out Richard scoffed at his comment and retorted.

“Don’t you mean am I ready to win.”

Both Rob and Richard kept on ranting about how cute their daughters were, while their wives watched on with helplessness in their eyes. This was not the first time that both Rob and Richard had butted heads with each other over something petty. When all 4 of them were younger Rob and Richard would always compete with each other to see who caught the biggest fish or who could skip rocks the furthest so this sort of competition between them was normal. Rob’s wife was named Claudia and the child that was sleeping in between her arms was Mary. Richard’s wife was Leia and her daughter was named Jessica.

As they got closer to the house they saw Dylan with his wife Eliza and their son Leo in front of the house. As soon as Rob and them got closer to the house they were confused as to why Dylan and them had not gone in it yet.

“Why haven’t you guys gone in yet?”

“Well, it seems that Claire has not made the food yet, so she told us to wait outside.”

As soon as Dylan said that Claire was not done cooking yet, Claudia, Leia, and Eliza already knew what was happening inside the house. When they were younger, whenever Claire had tried to cook it was always a disaster. There were times when the pot would turn to ashes, the food being a blob of unrecognizable slime, or even burning down a house. It was only in the past few years was Claire able to learn how to cook. Even though she learned how to cook, it was only the most simplest of dishes like eggs, porridge, or a salad. Even then, when all three of them learned that she cooked these dishes and that they were edible, they all cried tears of joy for her. Claire was only able to cook simple dishes and nothing else so as they walked into the house they all thought to themselves ‘What disaster are we going to see today.’


“We’re coming in Claire.”

“Hey Claire, do you need any help cooking.”

Claudia had asked Claire if she needed any help but as they entered the house they realized that Claire didn’t need any help at all. They were all shocked at what they saw on the dinner table because there was actual food on it. Food that looked edible enough to eat and they weren’t simple dishes like eggs. There was a roasted chicken, steak, and even a stew of delicious vegetables.

“Hmph. I already know what you all are thinking. You guys all thought that I would just serve you guys plain food but behold.”

“Is it actually edible?”

“Someone punch me. Am I dreaming right now, Claire being able to cook.”

“It looks edible. Besides it’s appearance looking nice, it smells good.”

“Do you think this Claire is a fake Claire. She would never be able to cook something this good.”

“Hey stop making fun of me. Try it first before you diss me.”

All of them grabbed a fork and they all slowly approached the roasted chicken. As their forks got closer to the chicken, beads of sweat could be seen on their head. They were all clearly worried that they might lose their lives today. In the past Claire had once cooked a perfectly fine looking steak but it was not safe to digest. For the next week or so they all had internal pains in their stomachs. They had now grabbed a piece of the chicken and put it in their mouth. Everything turned silent as the only thing that could be heard were the crickets.

“”“It’s good!!!””””

“Hehehehehaahaha!!! I told you guys it was good. I am no longer the old Claire. I am now SuperMommyClaire. Since I gave birth to Kan, I have been training everyday so I can give Kan the best dishes to eat. Hahahahahahaha!!!”


“I can’t believe it. Claire can finally cook something more then just eggs.”

“This is just like seeing a child learn how to cook for the first time.”

“I can’t agree more. This is good for Claire’s level of cooking.”

“Why do I feel like you guys aren’t praising me but making fun of me instead.”

Everyone burst into laughter as Claire complained at their comments on her cooking. Clive walked into the room with Kan tightly holding onto him as everyone was laughing.

“Wow, Kan sure has grown a lot larger than the last time I saw.”

“Yeah, even though he still clings on to us like we are going to disappear or something.”

“Are you ready Kan.”

“Are you ready Leo.”

““It’s time to decide!!!””

“Wait, wait. Let’s eat first. Claire took her time in making all of this good food so we should eat it before it goes cold.”


Everyone prepared to sit down and eat at the dinner table but there weren’t enough space so the men went and ate at the living room table as the women at with the babies. As they all ate, it was full of surprises every time they ate a different dish. Each dish was actually edible. They had thought that only the chicken would be edible but all the other dishes were edible too.

“I didn’t know you were so capable at cooking Claire. All of my suffering had not gone to waste.”

“Here you go Jessica, Aunty Claire made edible food and you’re one of the first ones to try it.”

Everyone laughed at Claudia’s and Leia’s joke because all of them had once been victims to Claire’s cooking. As everyone finished eating, the wives started to take the dishes to the sink to clean while the guys took the children off of them. Rob and Richard were eagerly ready to start the competition and she which of their daughters is cuter.

“Ok. Let’s get this competition star...”

Before Clive could even finish his sentence alarm bells were going off around the village.

“Intruders.” “Intruders.” “There are intruders in the village.” “Get all the women and children inside.”

As the alarms went off Clive, Rob, Richard, and Dylan were all surprised. It was very rare for their to be intruders in their remote village. There would occasionally be the monster invading the village or a wild animal coming in the village but never intruders. Whenever it was a monster or an animal they were never described as an intruder so this occasion was a rare one.

“Let’s go see what is happening. Claire take the girls and the children into the cellar.”


“Ok, let’s go guys.”

“Yeah, ain’t nobody going to intruder in our village and leave scott free.”

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