《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 5: The Competition Date


After running out of the house Clive took the path down towards the dock where he worked at as a fisherman. As he got closer to the ship he usually goes on, he heard two men in a heated argument and another man trying to stop them. One of them was a well built and burly man while the other one was a muscular and stocky man. The other man was a well toned man with a pretty boy face. These three were Clive’s childhood friends Rob, Richard, and Dylan.

“My daughter is way cuter.”

“Do you even have eyes. You can clearly see that my daughter is the cutest.”

“We get it, we get it, your daughters are cute, let’s get back to work.”

“Yo Dylan, what are Rob and Richard arguing over now. Wait, I bet they’re arguing over something dumb again.”

“Yeah, spot on Clive. Rob started telling us how cute his daughter was and Richard started fighting with him that his daughter was cuter.”

“Don’t you think my daughter is cuter Clive.”

“My daughter is clearly cuter, right Clive.”

As the two were trying to pressure Clive into giving them an answer, Clive awkwardly smiled and didn’t answer. After giving it some thought, a smile appeared on his face because he had come up with the perfect solution to their problem.

“Hey Dylan we both have newborn sons right.”

“Yeah, what about it.”

“Then why don’t we have our sons choose which of the two daughters are cuter. As they say children do not lie.”

“Can they even decide. They were both just recently born.”

“Right, so 1 year from now, all of you bring your family to my house and we can compete to see whether Rob or Richard’s daughter is cuter. While we are at it, let’s also have a small party.”

““Sounds good, you’ll see whose daughter is cuter.””


“Ok now that your quarrel is done, let’s get back to work.”

In the village of Clear View all able body men worked either of four jobs. They could either work as a miner to get materials to make locks, work as a lumberjack who goes to the forest and gets wood, a fisherman who goes out into the ocean to catch fish, or a patrolman who goes around the village and it’s outskirts to patrol. As for Clive, Rob, Richard, Dylan, and a few others they were all fishermen.

As a fishermen their jobs were sometimes easy or sometimes difficult. Fish was one of the main sources of food for Clear View so there was the pressure of procuring fish on the fishermen. Sometimes they could obtain a large harvest of fish but sometimes they could come up empty. One of the most dangerous thing that could happen to a ship crew is going to far out into the ocean. In the ocean the fishing ships of Clear View only go out a certain distance as to not go in to far in the ocean. What lies beyond that point is countless of dangerous and unknown fish or even the citizens of the Kingdom of the Sea. It was unknown territory so no ships ever go that far.

The four of them got on their ship and left the dock with their crew. At their usual area of fishing, Clive and Dylan both threw out nets while others did too. Rob steered the ship while Richard helped adjust the sails on the boat so they weren’t part of catching the fish.

“It’s quite the perfect day for fishing isn’t it, Dylan. The skies are blue and the ocean is calm.”

“Yeah it is. Let’s hope we have a bountiful harvest today.”

Time slowly passed as the crewmen started to slowly bring back the nets. Most of the nets were filled to the brim with fish. This day was clearly going to be a good harvest for them with the amount of fish they are catching.


“Damn, look at this harvest. This amount of fish can last us for months. This calls for a celebration when we get back.”

“Yeahhh!!” “Party!” “I’m going to eat all the fish I can.” “Aaaaaggghh”

At that moment when everyone was in celebration, there was a shrill scream from one of the crew members. Everyone turned their heads to see what was happening and all they saw was blood on the deck.

“Oh shit, what happened? Why is there blood?”

“Jerry had his fingers bitten off by a fish. Does anyone have any medicine.”

As everyone was panicking the fish was still trying to bite at Jerry. The fish was right next to Jerry’s leg and it was ready to bite. The fish had razor sharp teeth and would be able take a chunk of Jerry right out of him easily.

In that one moment Clive immediately grabbed a large hook and pierced it through the fish’s eye. With the hook in the fish’s eye, Clive flung the fish towards the side and away from others. The fish landed in an area where the equipment was kept. As it sporadically flopped around, Clive immediately grabbed a shovel and sliced it’s head off.

“Clive, that was amazing. Good thing we had a combat locksmith on board with us.”

“That was a close one. How is your hand Jerry?”

“Thanks Clive. That damn thing bit three of my fingers right off and it would have done more damage if it weren’t for you Clive.”

As the fish lied there everyone started to crowd around the fish. Everyone was interested in what type of fish would have done so much damage. There were the occasional aggressive fish but not a fish with razor sharp teeth and hard as iron scales. They looked at the fish but no one knew what type of fish it was. Rob walked down from the steering wheel to check on the situation and as he looked at the fish, he knew what kind it was.

“I think that is a steel-skinned fish. I have gone further in the ocean before and have seen this type of fish before. It is said that this type of fish’s scale could block almost all types of steel tool unless it was well made and that it’s bite could even cut through steel.”

“Damn ain’t that fish kind of scary. It could have bitten anyone one of us.”

“Good thing we had Clive on board.”

Everyone thanked Clive for so quickly getting rid of the fish. Just thinking about what could have happened to them if the fish was in their net gave them shivers. They could only appreciate that Clive was here to stop the fish before it could attack and injure anyone else.

Clive looked around and saw that everyone was uneasy and anxious about what just happened. Clive didn’t want the atmosphere to stay this stiff so he decided to encourage them.

“Hey what are you guys so worried about. We’ve been in these seas long enough to know that there are dangers so what are we afraid of. We just have to be ready next time and beat these fishes off.”

“Yeah, like what Clive said we’ve been here long enough to know the dangers. Look at our harvest today. When we get back we are going to party all night long with the amount of fish we have caught today.”


“All right men, bring up all the nets, let the sails down, and let’s go home and partyyy!!!”

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