《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 4: Everyday Life


The days in the village of Clear View were usually tranquil. In the morning there is always silence until the time the men wake up and go to work but during this season there is another sound added to the men getting ready to work. It is the sounds of crying babies all over the village.

The reason there are so many babies during the summer is because it is the season of fertility. The crops are planted during the spring and during the summer is when they all start to grow. Just like the plants act of planting seeds, humans also plant “seeds” but during the winter season. During the winter season when it is cold, men and women are at home planting “seeds” and during the summer is when these “seeds” will have grown.

This year was especially bountiful because 13 children were born in the village. Since so many children were born, every night and morning is especially noisy with the babies’ cries for food. On this morning, one house in particular was extremely loud with the cries of a baby.


“It’s ok Kan, you don’t have to cry anymore. Mommy will give you your milk right now.”

“I wish someone gave me milk when I cried.”

“Don’t you have to go to work.”

Claire irritatingly looked at Clive as he joked around about wanting to be breastfed by her.

“It’s ok if i’m late. The guys will understand me wanting to spend every second with my beautiful wife and my cute son.”

Clive laughed as quickly ran out of the house. He had teased Claire and was happy to be able to see her blushed face. She was usually a strong woman but there were times where even she acts embarrassed.


“Don’t be like your father Kan. When he was younger he was such a flirt with the ladies. It was only when I tied him down was he ever bashful. It was said he conquered countless of women but what happened in the end. I conquered him.”

Kan giggled and nodded his head as if he had understood what Claire had said to him. Seeing Kan nod his head, the smile on her face grew immense. She nudged his little nose a praised him for being such a smart little boy.

Claire went to the kitchen with Kan strapped to her chest and prepared to make breakfast. She grabbed a few eggs to cook for herself to eat and a few fruits and vegetables for Kan to eat. She smashed the vegetables and fruits into a paste like substance so Kan would be able to eat it. As she was about to cook the eggs for herself, knocks came from the front door.

“Who is it.”

“It’s me Jane, I came to check up on you and Kan.”

“Ok. Wait just a moment Jane.”

Claire began tidying up the kitchen and took off her apron. She grabbed Kan’s bowl of food and set it down at the living room table and then went to open the door. Jane walked in with a basket full of fruits ranging from apples, oranges, bananas, and many other kinds.

“Good morning Claire and good morning to you to Kan.”

“Good morning Jane. You can put that basket of fruits on the table on the living room table. Oh, can you also take Kan and feed him with the bowl of food on the table.”

Claire gave Kan to Jane and Kan didn’t resist or cry. Jane held him in her arms and Kan snuggled right in between her arm and her breast like it was the most comfortable seat in the house. Jane carried Kan and sat down on the couch and grabbed the bowl of food and began feeding him. Kan didn’t resist and accepted the spoon of fruits and vegetables. While Jane was feeding Kan, Claire finished cooking her eggs and brought it to the living room table.


“Hey Jane you want some of my eggs.”

“I’m good Claire. I already ate before getting here.”

Claire and Kan both quickly finished eating their food. Claire grabbed the dishes and went to wash them. As Claire finishing up the dishes, Jane played with Kan.

“So did you need anything Jane.”

“I just came to check on you and Kan. So how’s life as a new mother.”

“It’s been tiring but great. Waking up every night to feed Kan is tiring but it is worth it when I can see his cute little face when he is satisfied and goes back to sleep. I never knew having a child was so tiring but yet so fun.”


“Sorry Jane. I didn’t mean to...”

“It’s ok, it’s already been 8 years since I found out I couldn’t have children.”

“Well if it’s ok with you, you can come over every day and treat Kan as your own child.”

“Aren’t you just trying to make me take care of Kan for free?”

“Oh shoot, you caught me red-handed.”

They both laughed and the mood was no longer tense. Even though Claire had said that just for fun to change the mood, it made Jane honestly happy. 8 years ago while Jane had gone out to travel to another village, her caravan was attacked and robbed. She was captured by bandits because she herself was quite the beauty. In that one month that she was held captive unspeakable horrors had been done to her body.

When she was discovered by the village people who eradicated the bandits, her body was full of cuts and bruises. It was also then that the doctor told her body had been violated to the point where she would be unable to have children. Jane was depressed for many years because she knew that no man would want a women who was dirty and unable to have children. It was through the effort of Claire and Clive that helped her stand on her own two feet again. Jane was honestly happy with Claire’s words because in some ways she would now have her own child.

“Thank you Claire.”

“Hahaha. Why are you thanking me Jane. You’re going to make me blush.”

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