《Unraveling Secrets》Chapter 1: The Ending of a Beginning


In the barren fields lied a man covered in blood from head to toe. His body was in a mangled mess. There were wounds ranging from claw marks, bite marks, burn marks, and areas where his body was pierced all the way through, leaving a hole in his body. His body looked as if it had gone through hell and back.

Lying there as his body turned cold, he could only think of all of his regrets. He had to many regrets to count from so he thought about the ones that bothered him the most. He wanted to know the answers to all of these questions he had but he knew he had no answer to them.

‘Why am I always so weak? Why was I betrayed? Why did it end like this? Will I die not knowing where my parents went? Will I die just like this? Why am I so weak!? Why!? Why!? WHY!?”

He started out just thinking about his regrets but he ended yelling them out into the void. He was angry and couldn’t contain it within himself. He wasn’t angry because he was betrayed, he was angry at himself. Angry at his weakness in not being able to see that he was going to be betrayed, angry at his failures in life, angry at his regrets, angry at not being able to find his parents, angry at leaving everyone precious to him behind, but most importantly angry at the fact that he was weak and not able to change or resolve anything.

After his anger was all released, he now only felt the emptiness of the world. He felt how small his existence in the world was and that he was just another story of a adventurer being killed in the wild. It didn’t matter what heroic deeds or heinous acts people have done in their lifetime; all of them will die in the end. He lost himself in his thoughts but they were interrupted by the howls and roars of the approaching monsters.


‘I guess they’re finally here. I guess all I can do is wait for my body to be torn to shreds and eaten.’

He had no hope of being saved or even being found. The place he was at was in the middle of nowhere and also known as a forbidden zone people aren’t allowed to enter. He laid there waiting slowly for death to come. He didn’t want to struggle, he didn’t want to try, he didn’t want to fight anymore, he had lost all hope.

He had felt anger, loneliness, hopelessness, but all he could feel now was sadness. Tears streamed down his face but these weren’t regular tears, he was crying tears of blood.

“I’m sorry...i’m so sorry mom, dad, aunty, my masters, my friends, my students, and my wife. I’m going to be leaving this world before all of you. I’m so sorry. All of you will be hurt knowing that I have died and all I wish for is that all of you will be able to move on. Mom, dad, if you are alive out there, i’m sorry that I had to go before. I will never understand the pain of losing a child, but I can imagine how much pain you two will be put through when you find out about my death. Aunty, please take care of my wife. I’m sorry that I have to go before you. You have always treated me like your own son and I have always seen you as another mother and i’m sorry I have to go before you. My masters, my friends, and my students, i’m thankful to all of you for the fun and hard times we had all been through. It was a good journey being with all of you and I hope every single one of you can live happily ever after. My wife, I am sorry that I wasn’t able to leave you any children behind. If I had then you would never be lonely even if I’m gone. I’m thankful for all the good times and bad times we had shared together. No matter the moment, I always enjoyed being with you.”


The man’s speech had ended. This was his will and his final moments. Even though he knew no one would be able to hear his will, he still wanted it to say. He had accepted death and was ready to disappear into the void.

The roars and the footsteps of the monsters were gradually getting louder and louder by the moment. The man laid down staring at the stars as his life flashed before his eyes. These were the most beautiful stars he had ever seen in his life. It was a light that brighten up his hopeless situation. Before he was filled with darkness but as he stared at the stars and the moon he felt something inside of him stirr. This wasn’t the first time he had ever felt this feeling, in fact it was a very familiar feeling.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I can’t die. I won’t die. I don’t want to live my life anymore with all of these regrets! I’ll get out of here and i’ll go back and resolve every regret I had! I can’t just give and let myself die here!

The man hysterically laughed. This was the hardest he had ever laughed in his life. Even though the situation was not one he could laugh at, he did anyways. He though his body was in a mess he stood up and looked around. His was completely surrounded by monsters. No matter which way he looked, all he saw was monsters.

“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! If i’m going to die then I’m going to die with one less regret. I’ll take you all out so that you will never kill another person again. If killing you means that someone will have one less regret in their lives then that is good enough for me!”

He ran towards the horde of monsters. Every time he killed a monster another would attack him. His wounded body was getting even more wounded. The only thing keeping him up was his desire to survive and the desire to save someone from regret.


In the barren fields lied a man covered in blood from head to toe but he wasn’t alone. All around him was the corpses of hundreds and hundreds of monsters. This man was Kan Lock and he had died but he had died with one less regret.

Kan Lock had died but this was not the end of his story.

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