《Trials of the Seven - Dawn of a new age》So What If I Want More! - Evelyn


I couldn't believe Karen's story of why she suddenly had faith in Kevin. It was too much, she spent one night at his place but it was him who kissed her in her vision, him who watched everyone die before him, and him who she now loved more then chocolate cake.

"Karen calm down!" It was too much, she had to be stopped. "If you go after a guy like this you will push him away! He barely knows you and at this rate he never will!"

I slammed the words at her, tears started to roll down her cheeks. She just looked at me as if I didn't know her anymore.

"Karen she is right," Jenny and I were her best friends. We knew everything about her. "You have never been good with guys,p what makes this any different?"

Karen stormed out and closed the door behind her leaving the rest of us standing there dumb struck.

"Jenny can you watch the children?" If it was to be fate Karen would go no matter what. "I am going to follow her to keep an eye on her."

Zoey and Jane both nodded and followed me outside, with this only Jenny would be the last one watching over anybody under the age of ten.

It was up to us older kids to be brave and show everyone that things were ok.

I sighed as I opened the door, Karen almost gave her phone to Micheal.

"We are going too!" My voice rang out across the roof. Karen had looked happy to hear me speak.

Micheal just closed his eyes and started moving towards the edge of the roof.

He nodded once then lept over landing I the alleyway below.

Karen almost jumped after him but decided against it and instead grabbed the rope ladder.

"We need to hurry, the pathway was constantly moving on the map." Micheal looked panicked as he saw how long it took for the four of us girls to get off the roof.

We ran block to block, constantly stopping to confirm the route on the map Karen had. Our route back to the house had been cut off by the time we got three blocks away.

A giant grey skinned creature had started to slowly follow us. Our route changed from main streets to alleyways as much as possible.

"I need a break." Zoey, Jane and Karen all were completely out of breath. We had been running for almost four hours.

I panted, my staff supporting my weight.

"We can't stay still out here! There is too much at stake." Micheal was almost whisper yelling.

It was like fate agreed with him. The grey skinned creature that was following us caught up.

"Zoey!" My voice didn't reach her in time. The creatures massive hand wrapped around her and between its fingers a red liquid spread out.

We ran.

Karen found hidden stamina and sprinted ahead of Micheal.

I was trying my best to keep up with them.

I started feeling like we were running in circles. I was almost about to give up on running when I ran into Micheal's back.

"We-" everyone was gasping for air. "Made it." I saw Karen's smile fade away.


I looked behind me. Jane was missing. I quickly checked my phone, her name was greyed out. I scrolled down to Zoey's name and she was greyed out as well.

"I told you it was dangerous to go, but did you listen? No!" Micheal was almost pulling out his hair as he realized the truth of what had happened.

" It is just one more quick run now." Karen closed her eyes, she never got close to the other girls.

We stood there watching the map. The parking lot ahead of us was flickering between a red zone and a blue zone as a bat like creature flew up over head.

It was silent out as we watched the creatures flight.

"Weren't their goblins chanting before?" It was too silent, I moved closer to Karen and looked at her phone. A green dot was placed in the centre of a ball diamond while being surrounded by blue zone.

Unlike the other creatures there was nothing moving around the diamond.

Three white lights moved slowly from the building down towards the green light.

They stopped at the green dot.

I don't know how to explain it other then two lights, blue and black, sprouted from the stadium in front of us. The light from the two twisted the shadows and the creature that was flying near by took off.

" Now!" Karen called out and sprinted across the empty parking lot towards an entrance that was open.

The tips of the light bent and started flowing back down towards the stadium.

Ten more steps and Karen would make it inside.

I heard the shreak of the bat like creature somewhere behind me.

Is this the end?

I closed my eyes and ran, I didn't want to see my own death.

I ran face first into Micheal's chest.

I shivered at his touch and pushed him away.

I looked behind me as the giant bat like creature was standing just outside the door.

The creature had no eyes but sat there making a purring noise that reminded me of a cat. We stood still. The creature couldn't fit through the door due to its wingspan.

It suck its furry head inside the door and tasted the air. It's barbed tongue flickered before us. I wanted to backup but Micheal was still standing right behind me like he was ready to push me into the creature to save his own life.

I closed my eyes and prayed to make it through this.

"Okay, let's start searching for that bastard."

I opened my eyes, the creature was gone and Micheal and Karen were standing holding glow sticks.

I breathed in and caught my first taste of the air. The air here tasted wrong. It tasted like everything was dead around me. It smelled like somebody had used the building as a dumping ground for bodily waste.

I couldn't stand the stadium. I wanted to run away but I didn't know where that creature was.

"If we split up we can search more ground, have either of you killed a goblin before?" Micheal was standing before a map of the stadium. It had been marked in what looked like blood showing only two routes open and one exit.


"No but Evelyn can use her fireballs well and I have this sword." Karen appeared to have forgotten what had happened a few days ago when we were shopping. I envied her and hoped that one day the past would no longer haunt me.

"Okay, you two take the direct route this way then," Micheal drew a line on the map with his finger. "And I will Check out the rest of the building as fast as possible and meet you back here."

Karen nodded and grabbed me by the hand dragging me down the passage way.

I wanted to yell and scream that this was stupid and that she needed to start to think things through.

I wanted to run and get away.

I wanted to go back to high school and be a normal cheerleader again.

The light at the end of the tunnel exposed a field of corpses that were missing limbs and vile had stained the grass red. My boots sucked at the ground.

I added to the vile with the contents of my stomach.

Karen ran forth from where we were to the raised part of the field where a single human lay.

Something echoed down the pathway behind me. It reminded me of the goblin attack on us before.

"Karen they are coming," I ran out into the field to get closer to her. "We can-" my voice caught as I saw the body of Kevin from afar. He moved and wrapped Karen in his arm. "Holy shit he is alive."

I looked around.

This was too much, how could one person have killed so many goblins.

I froze in place as I looked up. There was no roof here. We were exposed to the bat like creature that was hovering in the air.

It let out a cold shrill and I dived back towards the entrance way that we came in from.

"Karen." I turned to look.

The creature was standing right over top of Karen and Kevin. Micheal had disappeared from the place I saw him up I the stands a while earlier.

I watched in fear as I thought it was my best friends last moments on earth.

The creature swallowed something and I closed my eyes. Karen was dead. She had to be. That was her head that the creature swallowed. I am sure of it.

God if you are listening please let Karen still be alright. I promise to be braver from now on if she is.

I opened my eyes as the sound of the creature taking flight caught my ears.

I watched it as it flew off.

Everything was quiet again.

I listened down the passage way before moving forward back to the field.


"Clear." I called out and looked towards Karen where I was expecting her to be headless.

I smiled. She was alive.

Micheal was moving through the bleachers muttering to him self as he put his phone against corpses.

Kevin and Karen walked through the gore towards me.

Kevin was watching Micheal up in the bleachers.

"Ignore him, this amount of goblins would have him missing him self and crying for his meema."

I wanted to sound brave like this was nothing. I hoped it didn't sound like I was going to break down and cry.

Karen pulled Kevin's hand as we started to run back through the passageway. She had the map in front of her. The whole city had turned blue.

We had to run. This could be our chance to escape.

Kevin's hand slipped out of Karen's as we got outside. Kevin looked confused.

Micheal and Karen kept running.

I turned back towards the confused Kyle and thought to my self that this is the only time I would ever be able to do this.

"Come with me if you want to live!" Nailed it, my Arnold impersonation was spot on. He still looked confused. "No really come we will explain when we get to the others."

Micheal and Karen returned back while both looking panicked.

"Also pull out a weapon, even the mighty goblin slayer needs a weapon." Micheal was being sarcastic.

Karen equipped Kevin with some weird blades that she had found under his bed. They were the same ones that he was holding in a picture with his friends.

He held the blades and I watched as he moved that looked both graceful and deadly.

It was beautiful to watch.

"If you are done dancing we have to go." Micheal wanted to make sure Mia was safe.

We ran as we watched the skies.

I looked around, Karen and Micheal were ten paces ahead of me.

I cursed my short legs.

At this rate I was going to be the next to die.

Kevin smiled down at me as I looked over at him. He was right beside me matching my speed no matter how fast or slow I went.

My stomach started to hurt as I though of his smile. With just that little bit of his upturned lips I no longer felt like I was going to die.

I couldn't place this feeling.

It was like I was looking at a puppy in a window.

I watched him as he changed the way he was running.

He went from looking normal to being a weirdo.

His arms were straight out behind him as he leaned forward and kicked the ground to move forward.

He looked at me and grinned showing his teeth.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. I had to smile, he was too carefree.

Karen and Micheal were waiting for us in the alleyway panting.

I looked at Kevin. He didn't seem out of breath at all.

"You know the world has ended right?" I gave him the best angry face I could muster but even then I don't think I could of caused him to fear me.

"Meh." He shrugged and I felt my heart drop.

Micheal pushed Kevin against the wall.

I placed my hand over my heart. What is wrong with me?

Why can't I look at him with out feeling strange. Why does seeing him smile at the end of the world like this hurt.

I glanced at Karen. She stood their in the same pose as me.


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