《Trials of the Seven - Dawn of a new age》Watch the world burn - Kyle


The look on his face made me sick. Evelyn was one thing but Karen? Why would he be so excited that the goblins had caught her?

Evelyn was a top grade bitch to us ever since she was in grade school. Sure there were times that we provoked her.

The one bundle that the goblin ahead kept squirming around. Our minions were having a hard time holding onto her.

Smoke started rising from her the bed sheet that she was wrapped in.

“Since when could she use her skill?” The goblins dropped her on the ground.

Duke walked over to the bundle and started kicking it hard. Blood was pooling in the sheet.

I wanted so badly to just end her misery.

The mark on my wrist started to itch.

Neither of the two deserved What was coming to them.

Blood dropped down Evelyn’s now exposed hands as the goblins picked her back up.

I couldn’t stand the sight of it so I closed my eyes and activated my new demon skill.

Evelyn let out a glorious red glow. Karen was a faint white one.

Duke and the goblins all shared the same mixture of black with little bits of yellow moving around like fish in a pond.

My own glow looked more like lightning dancing around a cloud.

Three glows were off in the distance, we would pass them before long.

I tried to find a way to hide them from Duke. The two of them had a glow as weak as Karen, The last one had strength to it.

“Dude, I still can’t believe you are this excited.” My voice echoed off the empty streets.

“Awe poor Kyle, his girlfriend got kidnaped and impregnated by a few goblins.” I wanted to turn him into a pin cushion, but I knew that my skills would no longer work on him. His sword would still do a number on me.

“Fuck you! That is your fault too!” Duke had gotten horny and we only had the three cheerleaders with us.

“Awe common the lord said you can have her back if she agrees to follow him!” The bright light had noticed us. He was trying to conceal himself. “Plus now I can fuck the two hottest girls we know!”

I shook my head.

“I am going to fuck Evelyn until even the goblins don’t want her.” Duke was practically skipping down the road in excitement.

“I don’t think that is possible, you saw what they were screwing before.”

“Yeah that’s why I can’t believe they caught Karen!”

"Is it really something to be that excited over? I mean she is -“ The glow flashed brighter. I opened my eyes and looked up towards it.

Nothing happened.

I was sure he was about to use a skill on us but he backed off.

I was trying to signal him to follow us. He was strong enough to face Duke, stronger then the six goblins combined.

I wanted him to save the girls, save Karen at least before things went too far.

Duke was getting impatient.


Slowly I reactivated my demon skill. I wanted to see Jenny again but not in the state she was currently in.

I followed Duke like that in silence trying to see how far I could push this sight forward.

Small groups of people could be seen, people like that strange guy who had refused to leave their homes. The glows were mostly weak and faint with out any real strength to them.

I wanted to make sure she was still glowing green and still alive.

The rainbow of colours came from underground.

I could see her green colour among them still. Black objects swirled inside of her, the unborn goblins.

I could feel the smile on my face so I pulled my hood down lower covering it with the weird shadow magic within it.

Duke was trying to get his mask to stay on his face. He didn’t want his sister to know it was him.

As we got to the bottom of a stairwell something caught my eye. The heroic glow was following us.

I wanted to make it easy for him to save the girls.

The goblins were outside the door when we arrived. Duke wanted them all to watch him violate their pray.

“Why don’t we send them off to find more followers, we are never going to hit the minimum before the date the lord set otherwise.”

The goblins were smiling, there needed to be seven of us at minimum or they got to eat us.

“Fine take two of them and go ask the guys we came in with,” He had his mind on other things. “Once I finish giving them a taste I will catch up. Whomever refuses we will just kill.”

He was talking about killing our friends. They might of been the best choice in finding new recruits but still they were our friends.

I stood there watching the door as he went in. His colours blocked Jenny from sight as he moved towards Evelyn’s mighty glow.

I was also waiting for the would be hero to find a hiding spot, if me and the goblins left right away we would run into him half way up the stairs.

Evelyn’s glow started to fade down.

Hurry up hero.

Her fire went out, it was only a spark of the flame she showed earlier.

I didn’t want to come back and see a corpse.

I opened my eyes.

I could see full view of Evelyn laying on the desk bathed in the red glow of the nether portal. Her eyes held none of her usual spunk.

I turned and left the subway office.

The hero was a retard.

He thought a cardboard box could cover him. His legs head was half peeking out from behind it with his arm sticking out supporting his weight.

I smacked the goblins on the head and had them rush out of the subway before they noticed him.

I walked slowly back down the road towards the housing complex. Duke was about ready to follow behind.

I knew he would leave at least two goblins behind but the longer it took us to get to the complex and back the longer he would have to save them.


Duke took his time on Karen. What little light she had in her was gone already. But she was unhurt physically.

I was almost at the edge of my sight range when two of the goblins had started to run towards me. They were excited. Tonight they got to eat.

“You waited?”

Duke caught up to me fast.

“Nah, the gobs just run too fast to try and keep up with them.” That was a lie.

“True, the little buggers move good for two things, food and sex.”

“You didn’t kill her did you?”

“Who Evelyn?” I nodded. “Nah, just made it so that she shouldn’t be able to say anything for a week or so.”

The housing complex was a bloody mess when the two of us arrived. I wouldn’t of been able to tell what body part matched with what body.

I didn’t think we had this many people with us.

I closed my eyes. There were thirteen still remaining in that guys house. I pointed to it and Duke jumped up onto the balcony. The goblins were on the other side gathered around a quickly fading light.

I stood there and listened to the group as they were excited to see Duke again.

“But where are the girls?”

“They are nothing but sex toys now, the goblins caught them earlier.”

Somebody protested about using them as sex toys, the voice went quiet half way through their sentence. Twelve remained.

Duke was laughing telling them now now there was one girl for each of them. He did the math wrong and when he corrected him self another two slices were heard.


They followed Duke out the front door past the goblins who were eating someone who was still alive.

Two has tried to save him. And now their was eight.

I shot two dark arrows up into the sky and waited.

I knew Duke would attack me if I did it directly.

The arrows struck the two who had a glow like Karen’s. I really didn’t want the dark lord getting the skill barrier from them.

The arrows hit, the two fell and duke accidentally hit a third with his sword when he was looking for why they dropped. Five remained.

Duke charged towards me and slammed my back through a building. “Why?”

“Heroic glow.” I lied, everyone was a nobody. They were all insignificant.

His grip released on me and he counted everyone. Including us we were at our quota.

He was mad and he showed it while walking. Every building we passed ended up with a hole in its wall from him punching it.

His anger subsided a little when Tommy started asking for details on the girls. He wanted to know everything about them. He wanted to know if he could go in raw or if he needed a condom. He was a virgin who was going to rape his way out of it.

The guys all teased Tommy since he was tenting up with Evelyn and Karen they were sure he had been fucking one of them.

The damn hero was still behind his cardboard box. Why didn’t he move!

“Anyone even looks at Jenny and I will cut your dick off.” I distracted the guys as we passed so that they were not going to notice him in the corner.

I am lucky I am surrounded by retards.

I walked up to Jenny in the room. She was almost ready to burst. The goblins would be born soon.

Her eyes fixed on me and I bent down and covered her breasts with my hands while my feet blocked her sex from the rest of the guys.

“Are you okay?” Gently I whispered in her ear.

Her head shook a little I gently kissed her forehead before standing up and hiding her face under my shirt.

Tommy was trying to get a blowjob from Karen but was failing. Guys were using the other ones in the same matter. All but Evelyn was being used.

She was staring at me.

Tommy had started to hit Karen to try and get her to suck on him.

I told him to use her properly then and he asked for me to help move her.

Jenny was pulling on my pants with her teeth.

I waited till she nodded before I moved.

Evelyn watched me pass, I know she could see that I was flaccid.

The guys wanted more then blowjobs. Evelyn resisted when guys finally moved towards her.

Her resistance excited the guys.

She was screaming as the first one entered her. Blood flowed as if he was popping her cherry, but Duke had said that he already did that.

The guys changed after examining her. It happened again.

Tommy brought out sex toys to test out on her.

Jenny looked scared as they started forcing things inside of Evelyn.

I was about to go and cover her eyes again but she shook her head gently.

Tommy went and stuck a huge double ended dildo inside of Karen then pulled it out. He was disappointed that there was no blood and that she didn’t regain her virginity. He shoved the dildo far enough into her that she made a sound of pain before he went back to playing with Evelyn.

The guys all got in a line to fuck her.

Each went until they were spent. I was last.

Everyone was watching as my dick entered her and the blood came out on the way out. I couldn’t fake it. I had to fuck her.

Duke was smiling.

The nether portal started opening.

“Come now brothers, lets go greet our dark lord.0

I stepped through the portal first.

There were thousands of portals opening all around the circular chamber we were in.

Thousands upon thousands of people from around the world entered the room. Humanity had appeared to of joined the side of the demons in this war.

My heart felt heavy as the golden creature flapped it’s wings while spreading its arms befor us

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