《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 16: Energy ball


Chapter 16

Hakuya’s POV

>>”Partner! Wake up! Wake up!”

I woke up hearing Drake's voice. Wait. This isn't my room. I tried to stand up but I can't. Oh for the love of! I'm freaking tied up! I heard the sound of shower being used.

“You gotta be kidding me!” Someone's here!

>>”Do you remember what happened? You got hit on the head pretty hard.”

Wait.... Hit on the head... Oh no. Toka.. I need to freaking escape! I tried everything but I can't. The ropes are tightly tangled.

“Holy! SAVE ME! ANYONE!” (Hakuya)

The door of the bathroom inside the room opened and Toka came out. She wasn’t wearing anything but only a towel covering her body. She is soaking wet and she went in front of me.

“Shut up will you?” Toka angrily said.

My nose started bleeding. She’s really ho- WHAT AM I THINKING?! I tried summoning Zeera and Lily but the two didn’t appear. Toka threw the towel on my face and after a few seconds she took it off and she is now wearing clothes. My face showed that I'm kinda disappointed because I am disappointed and because of this Toka smiled.

“You liked me wearing only a towel huh?” She said while touching me on the face.

“That’s not true!” I tried my best to deny but she just smiled at me.

“If it’s not true then why is your nose bleeding?” Stupid nose! Why did you have to bleed?

“This is not blood! It is phlegm!” I hope she believes me.

“I haven’t seen red phlegm in my whole life.” She said and then she took a book and went to her bed. She started reading it while I stared at her.

“Can you let me go?” Please say yes!

“I’ll let you but you have to answer my questions.” She said without even looking at me.

“I should be the one asking questi-“ I haven't from finished talking and she cuts me off.

“I’ll take that as a no.” She said and flips the page of her book.

“You can stay there.” She said. I don't wanna stay here!

What questions? My life depends on this.... I looked at her.

“...........Start with the questions.” Toka smiled and she closed the book.

“You have three relics?” She asked.

“... Yeah.” I answered.

"How old are you?" What is this?

"Sixteen." I answered

Toka stared at me and then she released me.

“You can go now.” She said and she grabbed a book again.

l stood up and I went straight to the door.

Before I open the door, I turned around.

“One question. You wanted to kill me earlier, what changed your mind?” I asked while holding the doorknob.

“Because you’re not the demon king.” She answered without looking at me again.

“..........” I opened the door and went outside. It's already evening...

“My head is spinning like hell....” It feels like my brain is about to explode.


“!” What the? I just felt someone watching me.

“Drake you there? Is there someone here watching me?” I asked Drake while looking around.

>>”I felt someone's presence but it disappeared quickly.”

I'm pretty tired now. Maybe that's just my imagination. I started walking.


A man wearing a mask is standing on top of Scarlet Wings Academy.

"So that's the boy huh?" The masked man said.

“I’ll leave some warning to alarm the lightning emperor." He jumped down and disappeared


Hakuya is currently sleeping. Where's my pillow? I made my hand move to find my pillow. My hands touched something soft and I grabbed it.

“Hyaa~ Hakuya you brute~” Zeera said in a playful manner.

“Mmmmmm..... Did I just hear Zeera? Must have been my imagination.” Zeera can't enter my room. I didn't gave her my key.

I grabbed my pillow and then something came into my mind. Wait my pillow isn’t a round one and this sensation..... Oh my...... I opened his eyes and I saw the image of my hands on Zeera’s breast while Zeera is stark naked.

“Mornin sleepy head.” She said with a wink.

“Z-Zee-Zeera?! What are you doing here?!” I asked her.

“I’m here to guard you~ me and Lily sensed someone watching you yesterday.” She said normally. I can't seem to get my eyes off her naked body. It's too much for me.

“You felt that too?” I asked to make my attention go somewhere other than Zeera's body.

“Yeah. Want to do more hot things other than touching~? ” She said and she BIT MY EAR! I pulled my hand away and I stood up.

“*Sigh* Where were you yesterday? I called you two.” I need to change the subject...

“We were imprisoned in Tartaros. Huuuu! I hate Thanatos!!!” Zeera said and then she pouted. How ho- cute.

“Thanatos? As in the god of death?” I asked while wearing my uniform.

“Yeah~ {Thanatos} is that girl’s relic from yesterday. Anyway, we need you to learn to control the magic flow in your body and for you to control the consumption of your magic so we asked someone to teach you.” Training? That's fine with me.

Someone knocked on the door and I opened it. I saw Lily.

“Hey Lily!” I smiled at her.

“Hakuya do you feel hurt any where?” She asked and then she let stared at my body.

“I’m ok Lily! So who’s the one that’s gonna teach me Zeera?” I turned to Zeera and I saw her sniffing my pillows.

Someone suddenly came and guess who? Magic word is Crazy.

“Yahallo~ Hakuya how are things with Toka? Is it getting hot~? Hahahaha!” Kazuya asked me and he jumped onto my bed. I ignored him and I looked at Zeera.

“Seriously? This one?”

“Just endure it.” Zeera answered.

“We will watch over you so don’t worry.” Lily said.

I looked at Kazuya.

“Lets go~?” (Kazuya)

----------------------------------------At the Academy’s Arena

Kazuya is standing in the middle of the Arena.


“Watch this." Kazuya made a blue ball like thing come out from the palm of his hand. It was a large ball and there were these blue sparkling things.

“This is an energy ball and it is a basic spell.” He made the energy ball even bigger.

“You have to focus the flow of your magic to the palms of your hands to activate this spell.” He made the energy ball disappear.

“So how do I make the flow of my magic go to the palms of my hands?” That is awesome. I want to try it.

“Close your eyes.” I closed my eyes.

“And imagine me naked in your mind.” Kazuya said with a serious tone.

“Imagine you naked in my mi- ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME?!” I won't do that.

“Bwahahahaha! I can’t stop laughing!” Kazuya fell down on the floor and he started rolling over while laughing.

“I’ll just go. You’re just wasting my time.” I turned around and I started to walk away when Kazuya stopped laughing and stood up.

“Someone sent you a message.” What message? I turned around and I asked Kazuya.

“What message?” (Hakuya)

Kazuya scratched his head.

“A body was found at the entrance of the Academy moments ago, the body was slashed everywhere but the slashes were formed like letters. “Relic King” is what was written on the body.”

“Relic king.... That’s me right?” Oh man. His unlucky am I?

“Yes. I haven’t spread the word that you’re the relic king but someone managed to know.” Kazuya said while rubbing his temple.

“So that’s why you’re teaching me the basic so I can fight?” I need to prepare for battle? Well bring it on.

“Yeah. We don’t know how many is out there so we can’t relax too much.”

“Ok~ so close your eyes and feel the flow on your body.” (Kazuya)

"Then let’s continue and be serious now.” I closed my eyes. After a few seconds. I opened my eyes.

“I can’t feel anything.”

“Focus and find it.”

I closed my eyes again and focused.

“Go Hakuya~” I heard Zeera cheering for me.

“Don’t disturb him!” Lily screamed at Zeera.

Hakuya could hear their voices but it was slowly disappearing. He saw a blue fire inside him and he saw lines connecting to the blue fire. Is this the main source of my magic? He tried to make the line connecting to his left to the blue fire activate. His magic flowed to his left hand and a small energy ball appeared. He opened his eyes.

“Oh yeah! Do you see this?” I from freaking nailed it!

“Then let’s go to the next part. Make that energy ball bigger.” (Kazuya)

“How do I do that?” I new to this so make it clear Kazuya.

“Feel the flow inside you and focus it all to your left hand.” (Kazuya)

Hakuya tried to do it but the energy ball suddenly disappeared.

“What happened?” (Hakuya)

“Don’t worry that always happens at the start. Just repeat what I first taught you.” (Kazuya)

Hakuya repeated at the start and the energy ball always disappears when he tries to make it bigger.

“This is hard!” (Hakuya)

“It’s always like that at the start.” (Kazuya)

“Excuse me Mr. Kirihara. Mr. Orimura is here and he wants to talk to you.” (Girl)

A girl with caramel colored hair appear.

“Oh Jess-chan~ where is Tiki?” (Kazuya)

“He’s in the Principal’s room.” (Jess)

“Tell him I’ll be there.” (Kazuya)

The girl walked away and Kazuya turned to Hakuya.

“Keep doing it and you’ll be able to do it in no time. I have to leave now.” (Kazuya)

“Ok.” (Hakuya)

Kazuya started walking away.

---------------------------------------------------------Five hours later.............

“This is freaking hard!” (Hakuya)

“You can do it!” (Lily & Zeera)

“I’m starting to doubt if I can do this..... *Sigh*.” (Hakuya)

Hakuya started doing it again.

“This time! I’ll make sure it’ll will work.” (Hakuya)

The energy ball appeared and Hakuya closed his eyes. He saw the blue fire again and he made all the line join together. Hakuya opened his eyes and he saw that the energy ball got bigger.

“Yes! Success!” (Hakuya)

While Hakuya is celebrating, the energy ball disappeared.

“What?! What happened?!” (Hakuya)

He tried to do it again but he failed and failed.

“Noooooooooo!!!” (Hakuya)

-----------------------------------------------------principal’s room

“Hey Tiki! What brought you here?” (Kazuya)

A man is sitting on the couch and he is wearing a tuxedo. He smiled at Kazuya.

“I know that you already know why I’m here. It’s about the corpse you found on your entrance.” (Tiki)

“Oh yeah. We already know who it is and it is one of the teachers in your school.” (Kazuya)

“Yeah. He’s the leader of the group I assigned in an activity to kill a class C demon. A demonbear. They were originally five in the group but only two came back and the two survivors said that someone already killed the demon. I came to the place and I saw two students of my academy were brutally killed.” (Tiki)

“Missing hands?” (Kazuya)

“No. Hands, feet, and head were cut off.” (Tiki)

“That is...... It’s-“ (Kazuya)

“Mr. Murder (Tiki)

“Mr. Murder kills his victims and cut their body parts off.” (Tiki)

“He’s a tricky opponent and his relic is also a pain. Also he got updated.” (Kazuya)

“Updated? On what?” (Tiki)

“He knows that the Relic King is here.” (Kazuya)

Tiki laughed.

“You are screwed! You better guard the whole academy now. Mr. Murder kills anyone when he feels like it. I’ll send some of my best students here.” (Tiki)

“That’s really a big help but I think I can handle this. Want to drink?” (Kazuya)

Tiki stood up.

“Hell yeah!” (Tiki)

The two went outside.


“Ahaha....Ahahaha! At... Last! I did it” (Hakuya)

A large energy ball appeared on Hakuya’s hand and it got bigger and bigger.

“You did it!” (Zeera)

“I told you.” (Lily)

“Haaa.... I did it... Hahaha... *boogsh!*” (Hakuya)

Hakuya fell down face first.

"Hakuya!" (Lily & Zeera)

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