《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 13: Rank One


Chapter 13

Hakuya was sleeping so peacefully when he heard an unpleasant loud voice.

“Ahem! Hakuya!!! Wake up sleeping beauty! Rise and shine! This day is the day you’re gonna start school!” (Kazuya)

Hakuya’s eyes opened and he saw Kazuya’s face so close to his that if he moves they’re going to kiss.

“Are you my mom or something?” (Hakuya)

“Just get up Hakuya.” (Rize)

“Yeah *yawn* yeah” (Hakuya)

“I have to go! Need to go to the meeting~” (Kazuya)

“So you actually work huh?” (Hakuya)

“That hurts Hakuya~ by the way, your uniform is ready and your teacher is waiting for you outside so quickly dress up.” (Kazuya)

Hakuya looked around and he saw a uniform. Its color is white with a red line on the shoulders and a red wing symbol at the pocket in front. ‘This actually looks good’ he grabbed it and put it on. There were also a black shoes ready and copies of his pants.

“I prefer my snickers than these so I’m not wearing these.”

Hakuya grabbed the black shoes and he hid it under the bed. After a few minutes he was done.

“You look good there Hakuya.” (Rize)

“Thanks. Yesterday you said that you will tell me how this academy was fixed quickly?” (Hakuya)

“You’re really curious huh? Well, in this academy, there are ten students who are called the “Ten wings” and the one that fixed this school was one of them and her name is Hokuto.” (Rize)

“Awesome! What is her relic?” (Hakuya)

“Her relic is {Chronos} and it is a relic that controls time.” (Rize)

“Holy shit! That is awesome!” (Hakuya)

“I told you so get out now. Your teacher is waiting for you.” (Rize)

“Ok thanks Rize!” (Hakuya)

Rize was writing something but Hakuya just ignored it. He went outside and he saw a girl holding a book. Her hair is gray and long and she has the “teacher aura”. ‘She is hot and look at that- no! What am I thinking? Lusting over my teacher.’ Hakuya stared at her two big mountains long enough for her to notice that he’s already outside.


“Hello there I’m Nazuki Kuchiki.” (Ms. Nazuki)

“Nice to meet you. I’m Hakuya Shinichi.” (Hakuya)

“Follow me.” (Ms. Nazuki)

She started walking and Hakuya followed her.

“Ms. Nazuki.” (Hakuya)

“What is it?” (Ms. Nazuki)

“What do you actually teach in this place?” (Hakuya)

“We teach each student on how to use their relics properly, the classifications of relics, types of relics, controlling their magic consumption which you really have to learn because I saw your battle last time and you’re leaking your magic real quick. We also teach how to use magic on students that doesn’t have a relic and we give them missions in order to know if they have learned something and we also have the ranking system but I’ll teach you that some other time. ” (Ms. Nazuki)

“I’m really starting to like this.” (Hakuya)

“Well you’re not gonna like it soon.” (Ms. Nazuki)

“Please don’t scare me like that sensei.” (Hakuya)

“I’m not scaring you. You know that the demons are after you, do you?” (Ms. Nazuki)

Ms. Nazuki stopped in front of a room and she said “We have arrived”. Ms. Nazuki came in first and he called Hakuya. He introduced himself to the class and the girls started screaming “Kyaa!”. Class started and Hakuya was given a seat at the back near the windows. He stared at the sky while Ms. Nazuki was teaching. He was getting sleepy when he suddenly felt like someone’s watching him. He looked around and saw a girl with long black hair and glasses staring at him. He smiled at her but she didn’t smile back. He tapped the girl in front of him on the shoulder and she looked at him.

“Hey. Who is that girl wearing glasses? She seems pissed for some reason.” (Hakuya)


“Oh, She’s Toka kosaki. The rank one of the ten wings. Don’t worry, she’s always like that but she’s actually kind.” (Girl)

“T-thanks.” (Hakuya)

‘Holy shit! Rank one?! And she’s pissed at me! Is she the one yesterday?’ Hakuya slammed his desk while he screamed.

“Noooooo!!!” (Hakuya)

Hakuya started panicking and Ms. Nazuki noticed him.

“Is something wrong? Mr. Shinichi?” (Ms. Nazuki)

“N-nothing I’m fine!” (Hakuya)

Hakuya looked at Toka and she was glaring at him. After a few minutes class has ended and Hakuya ran outside the room at top speed. ‘I have to get out of sight! Maybe she’s the one yesterday! Oh crap! I forgot to ask what her relic is! I’m so dumb!’ He kept running and arrived at the infirmary. He saw a note on the door and it is saying -Hakuya there’s a key inside. Take it; it’s the key for your room. There’s a paper there too and I wrote what number your room is.-

He came inside and took the key along with the paper and went outside quickly. While he was searching for his room, he saw a little three headed dog. It was staring at him and all of a sudden it started following him.

“Whose dog is this? Wait, is this even a dog?” (Hakuya)

“*stare*” (Dog)

“Why are you staring at me?” (Hakuya)

“*stare*” (Dog)

Hakuya started walking and the dog followed him. He ran and the dog ran.

“I don’t have food if that’s what you’re after.” (Hakuya)

“*Stare*” (Dog)

“Now this is awkward.” (Hakuya)

He sat on the floor and the dog came near him. It also sat near him. He touched it and the dog seems to like him touching it. It was rubbing all of its three heads against Hakuya’s hand. While he was touching the dog, he heard voices.

“Beerus! Where are you?” (Saya)

“Graa!” (Dog)

“Doggy! Where are you doggy?” (Lily)

The dog ran to the two and it ran back to Hakuya.

“Wait dogg- Hakuya?” (Lily)

“Hey Lily! How are you? I’ve been calling you yesterday.” (Hakuya)

“I’m fine and sorry if I didn’t appear because I don’t want you wasting more of your magic.” (Lily)

“Hey Lily where is Beeru- Hakuya!” (Saya)

Saya stopped running when she saw Hakuya and she went near him.

“You’re the one who tried to kill me back at the forest?” (Hakuya)

Hakuya stepped and Saya apologized to him.

“I’m sorry about that I thought that you’re the demon king but I was mistaken. I’m really sorry.” (Saya)

Saya bowed her head down.

“It’s okay! You don’t have to bow or something. A simple apology is all I need. By the way where is Zeera?” (Hakuya)

“She’s not with us right now because she’s busy interrogating her sister.” (Saya)

Saya caught the dog and she hugged it. The dog was struggling at first but it gave up after a few seconds.

“So that’s your dog?” (Hakuya)

“Yep. His name is Beerus and he’s my relic. Isn’t he cute?” (Saya)

“I don’t know about cute things. You mean that’s {Cerberus}?” (Hakuya)

“Yeah but he’s harmless when he’s in this form.” (Saya)

“Can I ask you something?” (Hakuya)

“As long as I know what the answer is.” (Saya)

“Does Toka Kosaki have a Scythe relic?” (Hakuya)

“Yes. Why do you ask?” (Saya)

“Is it a huge black scythe?” (Hakuya)

“Yeah.” (Saya)

“............I’m going to die......” (Hakuya)

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