《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 12: Black Scythe


My grade didn't go up and I'm going crazy now T.T sorry for the super super super late chapter.

Chapter 12

Right after the battle, Hakuya fainted. He woke up in a familiar room and he saw Crystal sitting on the bed.

“Hi there.” (Crystal)

“Did I die?” (Hakuya)

“Let’s say almost.” (Crystal)

“So I’m alive? Phew! I want to ask something.” (Hakuya)

“What is it?” (Crystal)

“I want to ask about the gifts.” (Hakuya)

“Drake already told you about the gifts right?” (Crystal)

“Yeah but he didn’t told me what gift my right arm has.” (Hakuya)

“That black arm of yours? It’s a gift from the Vorpal sword and it’s called {Demon’s Arm} and I know that you know the other two gifts? The {Dragon’s Arm} and the {Eyes of Revelation}.” (Crystal)

“Yeah.” (Hakuya)

“You know? There’s someone near your body and sheis about to cut you in half with a giant scythe right now.” (Crystal)

“Eh?” (Hakuya)

Hakuya sensed a really incredible huge amount of killing intent and because of that he woke up immediately. He barely dodged the attack and he saw a figure. It was holding a giant black scythe and it immediately went out of the room.

“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! What the hell?!!! I almost died because of a demonic sword and now a black scythe?! Give me a break!” (Hakuya)

‘Who the hell was that? I thought I was gonna die.’ He stood up and saw that he was in the infirmary. He walked outside and his eyes widen because of what he saw.

“What the hell?” (Hakuya)

“Hakuya! You’re awake now! But don’t overdo things. You’re still weak after that battle.” (Rize)

“Rize! How long have I been out?” (Hakuya)


“Almost a day. Why?” (Rize)

“How or who fixed this huge academy in only a day?” (Hakuya)

“Rest and I’ll tell you tomorrow. Class starts tomorrow so you have to rest.” (Rize)

Rize pushed Hakuya back to his room.

“Wait! I don’t want to sleep when I’m in danger!” (Hakuya)

“Danger?” (Rize)

“Just a while ago, there was someone with a huge scythe and according to Crystal it’s a she. She tried to kill me and I barely dodged the attack. Who would want to rest when there’s someone after you?” (Hakuya)

Rize looked surprised when she heard what Hakuya just said.

“.....Oh no...” (Rize)

She said and quickly walked out of the room.

“Hey! Rize!” (Hakuya)

“*sigh* I guess I have to summon those two for protection. Lily! Zeera!” (Hakuya)


“Lily? Zeera?” (Hakuya)

Hakuya kept calling those two but they didn’t appear nor talk to him.


“Drake? What’s up buddy?” (Hakuya)

>>“You need to rest now so that you can replenish your magic. Don’t worry about your protection I’ll take over you when something happens so rest assured. And those won’t appear even if you call them all day. Your magic is down to one percent out of a hundred percent.”

“Ok if you say so.” (Hakuya)

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Principal’s Room

Rize was in front of the principal’s office. She entered the room.

“Kazuy-“ (Rize)

“MMMMMMRGGRRG!” (Tranlation: HELP ME!) (Kazuya)

“Rize-nee!” (Natsumi)

Natsumi ran to Rize and hugged her. Rize was really shocked by what she saw. Kazuya was apparently Tied up and there were flames around him.


“Don’t mind him Rize-nee. I’m just teaching him a lesson because he kept a big secret from me. Right brother?” (Natsumi)


There was a black aura coming from Natsumi while looking at her brother. Kazuya stopped moving and all he could was nod.

“I’m really impressed Natsumi. You can actually make your brother behave.” (Rize)

“Well, I need to discipline him so he won’t do stupid things but there’s just no end to his stupidity!” (Natsumi)

“I know but can you let him go just this time? It’s really important.” (Rize)

“Kay.” (Natsumi)

Natsumi came near Kazuya and she removed the ropes and made the flames disappear. Kazuya stood up and ran behind Rize.

“Rize-chan~ Natsumi is bullying me!” (Kazuya)

“Toka is back.” (Rize)

When Kazuya heard what Rize said he stopped hiding and he looked serious.

“That is totally bad news isn’t it?” (Kazuya)

“Yes it is.” (Rize)

Natsumi stared at the two but when she heard Toka she smiled and asked.

“Where is Toka?” (Natsumi)

“I’m here.” (Toka)

The three looked at the door and they saw a girl with long black hair and she’s wearing glasses. Toka smiled at Natsumi and she tossed a pack of candy at Natsumi.

“You finished the mission I gave you Toka-chan?” (Kazuya)

“Yes.” (Toka)

“Toka! I haven’t seen you for months! By the way thanks for this.” (Natsumi)

“No problem! You missed me?” (Toka)

“Yeah! Let’s go outside! Fill me in!” (Natsumi)

“Ok. Let’s go.” (Toka)

The two went outside while Kazuya was staring into thin air. Rize stared at Kazuya.

“She hates Demon kings.” (Rize)

“Yeah, she hates all Demon kings but not heros so Hakuya will survive. I guess?” (Kazuya)

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