《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 11: The King


Chapter 11

While Hakuya was thinking how cool he was in his blue armor, Rachel saw his incredible aura and she became more excited. She ran and she made a copy of her black sword.

“This is it! I’ll start attacking now!” (Rachel)

“Wait! I need a mirror! Let me see what I look like first!” (Hakuya)

“...............” (Rize)

“...............” (Saya)

“...............” (Girls)

“................” (Rachel)

Rachel, who was about to attack Hakuya stopped and she stared at him.

“What?” (Hakuya)

“I don’t have a mirror.” (Rachel)

“................” (Rize)

“ *Sigh* ” (Saya)

“I have one! Here!” (Zeera)

Zeera suddenly appeared out of nowhere and she gave Hakuya her mirror. He looked at the mirror for a minute and he gave the mirror back to Zeera.

“Thanks Zeera!” (Hakuya)

“No problem~” (Zeera)

“Finished?” (Rachel)

“Yep! I look so awesome! Drake you’re the best!” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

Hakuya entered battle mode. He charged at Rachel and she did the same. He released strong punches which she dodged easily. She slashed and slashed and the blue flames blocked all of her attacks but Hakuya’s armor cracked. Hakuya jumped back and looked at his armor. ‘All of those slashes were blocked but why are her attacks hitting me?’ He started attacking again and all of Rachel’s attack was blocked but he was getting damages.

“Drake what’s happening?” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

Hakuya didn’t understand what Drake was saying but he remembered that his eyes can reveal anything. He prepared himself for her next attack. She started attacking again and he was on defense. He looked at carefully at her while she was attacking and his eyes glowed. The first thing he saw is that Rachel was not actually attacking him in front. She was attacking him from many direction and the one that he was blocking was only an illusion. ‘So that’s it huh? An illusion so, she can attack me freely at any direction.’ He quickly turned around and claws appeared from both of his hands.


[Dragon claw] (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

“So you finally noticed? Man, that gift is really a pain!” (Rachel)

“Gift?” (Hakuya)

“Oh, sorry! You’re a newbie right? When you form a contract with a relic, you will receive a gift.” (Rachel)

> (Drake)

“That’s right! My gift is really bad! This sword drains my magic dry quickly so, my life is always in danger if I use this sword.” (Rachel)

> (Maria)

“Fighting is fun!” (Rachel)

“Then let’s finish this now.” (Hakuya)

“Nice! You’re going all out now?” (Rachel)

Hakuya’s eyes glowed and his right arm emitted a black aura. Rachel saw the aura of Hakuya and it was a Blue aura shaped like a dragon and a black aura forming on the right arm of the dragon and white aura on its wings and eyes. Sweat was running down her face and her feet trembled when she saw this. His aura was making her body numb and numb every second.

[Dragon Eye] (Hakuya)

“Hiiiiiiii!!! Wah!!!” (Rachel)

> (Drake)

Rachel fell on her knees while crying while hakuya’s armor disappeared and he fell down. Rize came near him while Saya came near Rachel and restrained her along with Maria.

“Are you alright?” (Rize)

“I’m fine but it seems that I can’t move my body again.” (Hakuya)

While Rize was healing some of Hakuya’s wounds, Kazuya has recovered from what Hakuya did to his academy and Natsumi was still pointing Laevateinn at Kazuya.

“What was that? I know that he has the {vorpal sword} and the {sword of revelation} but he was using a dragon relic. Only two relics can be contracted to one person but he has three.” (Natsumi)

“The king has returned.” (Kazuya)

“The king?! As in what the legends says?!” (Natsumi)

Kazuya nodded while Natsumi only stared at Hakuya.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In a castle

“It seems that those were defeated. That’s ok, at least I know that it was the king *giggle*.” (Alice)

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