《Black and White- NOT YET DROPPED. JUST WAIT.》Chapter 10: Best Friend


Chapter 10

Natsumi’s POV

“Where is the demon I’m supposed to kill? I’ve been searching here but I didn’t saw a single demon here!” (Natsumi)

‘I’m gonna kill my brother when I come back!’ Natsumi was inside a cave because her brother asked her to kill a class b demon. She asked her brother if she could see the rumored boy but her brother didn’t let her.


Natsumi saw the fight between the boy named Hakuya and her brother. As she expected, her brother won the duel but she saw something that bothered her. The boy was holding both the {Vorpal Sword} and the {Sword of Revelation}. She went to the infirmary after the match but there was a barrier blocking her. She tried to attack the barrier but she couldn’t even make a scratch on it. She knew one person that makes strong barriers like that so she went to her brother’s room.

“Natsumi-chan! What brought you here? Did you come to congratulate me? Oh you~” (Kazuya)

“Why is there a barrier around the infirmary?” (Natsumi)

“Oh, that! Well it’s for protection!” (Kazuya)

“Undo the barrier now.” (Natsumi)

“Why would I do that? Could it be that you’re interested in Hakuya?” (Kazuya)

“Wha?” (Natsumi)

Natsumi’s face turned red. Kazuya started laughing because of this.

“Hahahahahaha! My little sister is growing up really quick! Don’t worry! Hakuya is single right now!” (Kazuya)

“.............You want to die?” (Natsumi)

“You want to see him? Then let’s make a deal, you kill a class B demon in this cave then you’re free to see him.” (Kazuya)

Kazuya lend her a map. She looked at it and put it in her pocket. She glared at Kazuya and while walking out of the door she heard him saying something.


“It’s so good to be in love~ hahahahahaha!” (Kazuya)

She closed the door and started walking.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Back to the Present

“Laevateinn! Can you sense a demon nearby?” (Natsumi)

> (Laevateinn)

“You’ve been saying no for a while now. Are you really scanning the area?” (Natsumi)

> (Laevatainn)

Natsumi stopped walking and sat beside a big rock. She looked at Laevateinn.

“I’m tired Laevateinn. Let’s leave now.” (Natsumi)

> (Laevateinn)

After a few minutes of walking they arrived outside of the cave. ‘I will definitely kill you brother!’ Was inside of Natsumi’s mind.

[Scarlet wings] (Natsumi)

Wings made out of fire appeared on Natsumi’s back and she flew all the way back to Scarlet wings Academy. She arrived and saw that the half of the school was destroyed and there were demons scattered around the area.

“Receiving the blessing of the infinite! Lend me your power and crush my enemies! Come forth! Laevateinn!” (Natsumi)

> (Laevateinn)

“I know!” (Natsumi)

After killing all of the demons, Natsumi went to the School’s arena and she saw an unfamiliar face wielding a black sword. The girl was dressed as a maid. ‘What happened here? And where is my stupid brother?’ She scanned the area and she saw where her brother is. ‘He’s with Vero-chan?’ She used her [scarlet wings] and flew to where her brother is.

“What the hell happened here brother?” (Natsumi)

Kazuya slowly turned around and he was sweating buckets. Veronica just sighed and left while Natsumi grabbed her brother’s neck. She summoned {Laevateinn} and pointed it at his throat.

“Are you gonna answer me or I’ll just you know?” (Natsumi)

“Hiiiiiii!!! I’ll answer! I’ll answer!” (Kazuya)

“Good! Now tell me what is happening and why a maid is holding the {demonic sword gram}?” (Natsumi)


“They’ve come here to retrieve the demon king.” (Kazuya)

Natsumi was about to ask more but Kazuya suddenly built a barrier. She looked at Hakuya and she noticed that the tattoo on his left arm glowed and a large blue aura covered Hakuya’s body.

“What is that?” (Natsumi)

She saw an armored blue dragon.

Hakuya’s POV

> (Drake)

“Do you think that’s enough? Twelve minutes of [Dragonic boost] isn’t enough earlier.” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

“Whoa! Let’s do it now!” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

Blue aura came out of Hakuya’s body and it covered his whole body while his tattoo glowed brightly. The blue aura that covered his body started to form blue armor parts. After a few seconds, his body was covered with thick blue armor but he felt that something changed. He punched the air testing out his strength but he was surprised that his punch destroyed the other remaining half of the academy without touching it.

> (Drake)

“.......Drake!” (Hakuya)

> (Drake)

“...............................You’re my best friend now!” (Hakuya)


“Why did you have to do that? Now my academy has really disappeared from the map.....” (Kazuya)

"I'm not done asking you things!" (Natsumi)

Kazuya fell down on his knees crying.

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