《Demon Blood Chronicles: Emergence (Book 1)》Chapter 10: The Temple


Author's Note: I was feeling inspired, seeing the number of viewers and followers of this story so I wanted to post a chapter. I'm pretty ecstatic about getting my story rated so well. Please feel free to input the advanced statistics, even if you think my grammar is crap. :) I want to write a story that's fun and exciting to read, so reading your comments is really helpful (and fun).

I hope to post a couple more chapters, tomorrow.

Hope you enjoy the latest chapter!! :)


Malera still couldn’t believe what she was seeing, looking at the white monolithic structure. This was nothing like anything she could imagine, coming from a small village in the middle of nowhere. All her life she never felt like she was going to amount to anything. For a woman, all Malera had to look forward to was marrying some farmer, either from the village or a neighboring one. Looking at the Temple, she felt that now she could become something. Now she had a chance to become a Lady of Grace. Never would she be subjected to just being married off, like some cattle.

“Child, come along.” Lady Jamelia called out to her. Malera didn’t realize that she was just standing there, staring blankly.

Walking, Malera was able to see all the various business surrounding the Temple. “My Lady, why are there so many buildings around the temple?” She asked, worried about sounding like a country bumpkin.

“They provide for those in the Temple.” Lady Jamelia responded simply.

Feeling slightly confused, not understanding what the Lady was trying to say she asked, “But are there not businesses outside the fence?”

“Yes, you are correct. There are businesses surrounding the Temple, this is true, but they are businesses open for all. They welcome in anyone that is willing to pay, without considering the customer’s faith and character. For the businesses that exist within this area, they are solely for those who walk in the light. Those who own a business and are allowed to exchange goods and services know that they are serving a higher purpose. Our Order makes sure each person is pure in their intent, and, in turn, the Order provides them with customers and supporting them when times become difficult. By having businesses that we can trust, the Order can have the necessary supplies close by in case of a siege, by the forces of Dark.” Lady Jamelia answered all this in a calm manner, while maintaining a leisurely pace.


Malera was amazed at how graceful all Lady Jamelia walked. Lady Jamelia looked like a mix between a deadly wolf and beautiful swan. Walking next to her, Malera noticed how many people looked at her. They were probably wondering why a young girl was walking next to a Lady of Grace.

After some time, they made it to the Temple. Looking at the Temple, Malera was confused, especially since there was no door or opening of any kind. Before she was able to ask the Lady, Lady Jamelia placed her gloved hand on her right shoulder.


Jamelia placed her left hand on the shoulder of the girl, while lifting her right hand with the palm facing the temple. The Temple was designed to protect those fighting against the Darkness, so it was designed to close itself when needed. With night coming, the Temple would seal itself to protect the members of the Order. People forgot that there were greater dangers, than simple bandits and wild beasts within the dark. By having the Temple sealed, new members like the girl would be safe, so that they could fulfill their duties as new members of the Light.

Using a signaling method only known to the Order, the ground in front of her started to move with a moan. Jamelia was always surprised by how the entrance looked like the mouth of some mythical beast. The ground tilted, to make a ramp into an entranceway with a Lady of Grace waiting for them.

“Follow me, my child.” She told the girl, Malera, who stood there gaping. Jamelia could understand the feeling Malera was expressing, with her mouth open and eyes wide open. “Come.” Jamelia said sternly, when Malera didn’t hear her. Regardless of how mystical the Temple looked, Jamelia would not tolerate a chosen candidate not responding quickly when a Lady spoke.

The girl jerked, when she realized what she was doing and followed after Jamelia. They walked down the sloped path, towards the waiting Lady.

“Is this girl what I think she is?” The Lady asked Jamelia, with a hint of humor, maybe some contempt, in her voice after witnessing Malera’s reaction.

“Yes, sister May. This girl is not only a potential initiate, but also has the spirit within her.” Jamelia replied to the Lady, who she knew as May. May was a Lady a couple years her senior. Many didn’t realize how skilled Ladies were when it came to hearing the subtle difference in a person voice. The mask they were required to wear hid their faces from not only those not of the order but also one another, so they had to develop the skill to differentiate the voice of sisters.


Once inside the temple and the after the entrance was sealed, both Jamelia and May removed their porcelain masks. May’s face was what many would consider handsome, closer to a man’s face than a woman’s. May had brown hair, the color of the bark on a tree and equally as rough looking. The outward appearance seemed to correspond with her rough personality. Jamelia was not very close with May, but remember May from her training days at the main Temple, where all the new initiates are trained.

“I didn’t expect you to be here, May.” Jamelia conversed, lifting one of her eyebrows.

Shrugging her shoulders, May responded. “I was tasked to this Temple a couple of months after you left. I’m equally surprised to see you also. I was not expecting to see you, considering the path you were taking. Did you finish with your task so soon, with recording all those who reached their fifteenth year? The gathering the names, from each respective village, should have taken you a couple of more months and taken you to the Temple at Kath, north of here.”

“Yes. This would have been the case, if not for meeting a Daemonis at one particular village.” She casually mentioned, as if she were talking about encountering a heavy rainstorm.

“What?!!” May shouted, disbelief lacing her voice. Grabbing Jamelia’s shoulder, May asked, “Did you truly run into Daemonis in a village?!”

“Not only did I meet and kill a Daemonis, I also witness the ruins of a nearby outpost just outside Telenka. It was likely caused by a large number of Daemonises, though this is unusual behavior for them.” Jamelia replied solemnly. “I will need to speak with the Priestess in charge of this Temple. I heard that Priestess Illiana was in charge of this location?” She asked, looking at May.

Blinking her eyes, May nodded her head obviously disconcerted by this turn of events. “This is surely a sign of something ominous?” May said, to no one in particular. She stated to walk in a hurried manner away from the entrance, a straight and long corridor lighted by torches. The corridor was not designed to welcome guests, so no one was present when Jamelia mention this news to her.

Motioning Malera to follow, Jamelia walked after May down the corridor into a large room. This was where those coming into the Temple would wait to seek assistance or worship. The size of the room was enough to hold a couple hundred people. Right as you walked into the room, the true entrance, there were several rows of pews, for townspeople to wait or worship. Past the pews was an official looking stone pentagon, waist high, the center portion empty. This kiosk was for Ladies of Grace, in training, to assist those waiting for assistance.

May pointed at one of the trainees, and gesturing the trainee to approach her. “You will take this girl to the training hall, and introduce her to the inamorata of trainees.” May sternly commanded the girl, and then proceeded to make a shooing motion. Watching the two girls leave, she looked at Jamelia and the two of them headed towards to where the Priestess was.


Author's Note: What do you guys think about the length? I'm interested in knowing how long it takes for each of you to get through one of the chapters. I know with me, I enjoy going through some of the authors, on this site, and reading a chapter that takes me twenty mins (decent amount of time).

It's such a great feeling, looking back and seeing the number of views and followers of my story increasing!! Makes me feel like this community is close with one another, the way they support fellow authors (and new ones).

I'll try to keep pumping out quality (I hope quality) chapters, one after another. Thanks again, for the continuing support!!!! :D

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