《Minecraft power in a strange world》Too much old men.


Walking deep into the dark cave further and further in. Sen has walked for a long time, explored many ways but finally and fortunately he only has to search one more time. It is a really Sen prosperous luck that did wonder, sarcastically so. Walking on this path, after a minute sen saw a man at the front sporting a black cloth that goes over his head. He is about 1.95 meters tall as oppose to him which is a giant 2 meter.

Sen didn’t get to check his height all the while until later on when he leans against two dirt block the places and matches up against it. His height is different, pressing ”respawn” he didn’t know the consequences on his action. Now he is a giant that has a blocky shape eye and an impregnable defense. Looking at the man in front, the unique peculiarity sen saw is that his goatee length. It is as long as a flowing river as it accumulated on the floor. The grayish color from it proves that he is almost at the end of his age.

( I saw a lot of old guys today. Not complaining but I need to see some young. Preferably a woman, however, a boy is fine. What am I saying? Don’t get the wrong idea, pls. )

After Sen walk to the front of the man, he said, ” Hello sir. Which door do I have to go through? ”

Sen is executing his plan that he strategizes with ford up at the surface. He already knows from the description provided by ford that he has to go through a stone door with gritty and rough texture. But using this line, he could bring in the zookeeper to engage in a conversation with him where he will spill many excuses for the spare key.

Yes… Sen didn’t have a spare key. What can he do? A random passerby that suddenly wanted to enter the academy after hearing about it?

What Sen failed to notice is that around the premises, there exist only one door and that door is the exact definition that Ford told him to look out for. Ford repetitive warning is because he didn’t consider Sen very bright but to his ignorance, he may still underestimate Sen. Well, anyone, not just ben will be confused if someone tells you a detail and vivid image of the door causing you to think that there is more than one door.


Absorb by his thinking and at this critical juncture, Sen failed to notice until now. Noticing the big hiccup he made, Sen instantly try to diffuse the situation, ” It is a joke by the way, hahaha. My humor is bad I know. ”

The man look at Sen, silently staring. He didn’t speak and communicate. This put Sen on the nerve, red light going off in every corner of his mind. However, after waiting for long and nothing happen, Sen relaxes.

( Code Green, mission defuse accomplish. )

Seeing that the robed man is not the guy who likes to talk, Sen think carefully for a full second and decide just to be direct. Obviously, with a bit of excuse with it.

” Sir, I kinda forget.. My key. Can you use your spare one to open up the door, please? ”, Sen asked.

He didn’t know if the magic word work but then the robed man stood up and walk to the door. At the door, he put the key in making it creak open.

The man then walks back to his original post, silently guarding the door without any complaint nor emotion.

” thanks. ”

Saying no more since he knew that it would be useless and superficial, Sen walks in.

There is a long hallway in front of him, made from mahogany wood wall and stone tile floor. The aroma of wood wash through him and relief his nose from the stench permitted in the cave. Enjoying it for a moment, Sen bravely moves on, away from the aroma of heaven onto the door at the end of the hallway.

( *Sniff* I will miss you, wood. My dear wood. My good son. My good life. My good fresh. My good. Out of word to think )

Opening the door, the first thing sen saw is a high platform supported by a wooden beam with a person on to announcing something, politician style.

He isn’t near enough to listen in on the announcement but if this place supposes to be an academy then it is probably some opening speech, nothing too important.

What sen did notice though is that everyone in here wears cloak just like him, obviously not assassin creed or as good quality as Sen.


It helps confirm that most of Ford grumbling and mumbling did, in fact, have some fact in it. It relieves Sen when he didn’t seem to look bad and fit in with the group.

He did, however, see a lot of glances his way. Probably from him coming late or his stylish cloak. Definitely not any ill intent.

Walking on he was about to line up randomly in the middle when someone pulls him and turn him around. Sen can feel a bump on his arm and a little on his chest.

Noticing the big mammoth touching him, Sen is unfazed and stare at the woman face, or the shadow underneath her head covering.

She spoke first, ”Are you lost? ”.

Her voice is so sweet and charming than anything Sen has ever heard but after a moment he realized that it may be a charms magic.

( Got to be careful. Girl and woman in this world wear charm magic as an alternative to makeup. )

Seeing Sen flinch, the woman couldn’t help but spout a small smile. ” Cute aren’t you? Never in contact with charm magic before? Tsk Tsk Tsk. We got an inexperienced person here. Well, my name is cherry. Nice to meet you. ”

( Maybe my modern ethics and morals are in the way but is she allow to say that to someone she just met? Not that I mind, maybe it bit, but you know. )

” Nice to meet you too, and yea I am lost. Lost in life. ”, Sen replied back.

” Pff. A joker aren’t you? Sister here will take care of it for you. Life and all, so what grade are you in? ” Cherry replied.

( What grade am I in? I have no idea, but she said that she is a sister meaning someone older, maybe I can make it so I am one grade lower than her. )

”Mm... Trying to recall, would take a while so maybe sister can tell me the age required for each grade and maybe It would jostle my memory. ”, Sen suggests.

” No probs little brother. In here there are 7 grade, each separated by letters from F to S. Grade one accept people from year 1-5, Grade two 6-10, Grade three 11-15 and so on. Those in grade four and five, we call Senior while on Grade six and seven they become elder that contribute and help the academy. The letter is there to separate the truly powerful people from the rest of the peers, making it so that the school will have an easier time to monitor and help them. By the way, this sister here is Grade four, B class so you can rely on me at any time. It is forbidden to know a girl age so I won’t be telling this little brother here. ”, Cherry narrated.

( So if Cherry is grade four then I should be in Grade three, but according to age and my power I should be also in grade four. The dilemma. Welp, she can help me settle in if I chose Grade four so it is good for me. )

” Ah, I remember now. I am in grade four just like you’re sister. ”, he said.

Cherry gives a suspicious glance at Sen again but replies, ” Well, that is good. Can this sister help you settle in quicker and maybe have some fun along the way? ”

Sen sweats at that but convinces himself that there is no flag there. ” Yes, sister cherry. ”

” by the way, I never get to know your name is it perhaps too late now? ”, cherry ask.

” No no, sister cherry. Sorry for being rude, my name is Cherr.. I mean Sen. ”, Sen rush to reply.

Looking at Sen, Cherry couldn’t help but laugh out loud drawing eyes from the crowd. Wiping her tears and with a smile, she spoke, ” Never saw someone stutter so bad as to forget their name and replace it with someone else. ”

”good on ya. ”

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