《Minecraft power in a strange world》The dark side


Going out of the second-floor room through the window, Din jump down and all sen can do was to stare at his friend peculiarly. You got to know that even though Sen is physically strong and his vitality is unprecedented, he will still be hurt from jumping out of a second-floor mansion because, in essence, he is a normal guy with the ability of Minecraft, that seem to be brokenly overpowered.

Steeling his resolve, Sen clenched his teeth and jump out, landing with a default Minecraft Steve ’ Oh! ’ sound that he made when damage. Looking at his health bar, it seem to knock out only half a health so with relief, Sen quickly follow his friend who find messing with him a fun activity.

However, no matter how fast or long Sen ran, he couldn’t catch up at all so he stop. Looking at the silhouette getting further and further away, Sen got out his crafting table and laid it in front of him. Using leaf to create a makeshift string and a pair of shoes then combining both to create a Nike wannabe. Putting in the torch and another piece of leaf, Sen create a jet boot and like what it sound, it act like a jet pack that spill combust air out of the shoes and effectively increases Sen speedy assault.

Equipping it on, Sen now just let the boot do all the work and leisurely pass Din who have a dumbfounded expression on his face from seeing that. What Sen didn’t consider, however when making the boot is a stop button or a break so Sen face planted into a wall that took five of his heart.

After getting up, Sen touch and rub his face to check if anything happen, but to his relief nothing happen to it. The system was just too powerful to allowed that to happen, in game or here.

Still stuck in his mind, Sen saw a smooth and fair hand reach out to him which he instinctually hold and absentmindedly did a hand shake. “ You win man, I got to go to school now so when I have time I will join, and maybe you could create a cheats for my body since you could edit it, Cya.”, said Din.

“ Ok, when are you coming? “, ask Sen.

“ In three days or so.. “, answer Din, embarrassingly.

“ But why? “ ask Sen again.

“ Because I notice that when I play, the time outside goes ten time slower, so seven times ten is seventy hour, twenty four hour is a day, meaning that it would at least take three days to come back, I am sorry. “ replied Din, voice weak and tired.


“ Don’t be, I can fix that with time, just go enjoy school. “ said Sen who doesn’t seem sad and taking pleasure in his friend trouble.

Hearing that, Din visibly brighten, knowing that what he said didn’t hurt his friend too badly. “ Ok see ya. “ said Din in a casual tone. With that he left and his avatar disappeared, leaving only a message ‘ Din has left ‘ behind.

With Din gone, Sen walk into the market he pass by earlier.

Right now I got only wood and leave that is restricting my creativity, maybe if I can get a good material, I could fixed the problem of speed and combat prowess, Sen thought. Even though Sen could punch down a tree, in a combat however, he could only do half a health worth of damage equivalent to jumping off a second story building which in truth couldn’t do much to the master out there.

Aiming to be strong and trying to fix the problem at hand, Sen enter the market nearby. What he notice surprisingly is that the market was clean and smell nice, unlike the market at his hometown. It also have a neat row of a beautifully decorate stall left and right of him, everyone seem to be rich which painted an odd logic in this broken down land. The people here seem to be high class from the dress they wear and exude arrogance and elegance every step of the way, the place is not pack nor crowded, having sufficient breathing room for everyone.

Thinking no further, Sen walk and take a peek here and there in the closest store. Sen found many painting of decent value, a statue of grandmaster and even a rock made dildo. Wait.. They use rock? To to. Never mind, I got to get out of here fast. Seeing the statue of that, Sen no longer wanted to view the shop in risk of tainting his mind and look elsewhere entirely.

Walking along the path and taking a glimpse at every stall and shop, Sen was reminiscing about the past where his now deceased mother use to take him to view the market and how he thought it to be hell on earth back then. He also remember his mother buying a live fish and releasing it out into the wild along with him for good karma and luck.

My mom and I are a really superstition bunch, but karma prove itself too many time to disregard its existence from happening, so it was fine and we were proud to believe in it. Not to mention that in my mom hometown country, people there believe in every supernatural story and like to be involve in it. People who are a good business man exploited our behavior and culture for profit. Work out for them I guess since our culture is basically consist of countless superstition and story.


Stopping in front of a store with a sign on top reading, “ Material “ in an unknown language, Sen walk in. However, Sen retraced his step backward and look intently at the sign again. Why can I read it? So bizarre, Sen thought. Contemplating, Sen finally figure why. It seem that my setting is in English and go figure that the system will make everything readable for me, Sen thought yet again.

Figuring it out, Sen try a second time to enter the store and once he is inside, Sen could smell a faint yet arousing perfume permitted throughout the store. In the store situate a counter in the middle with a middle age male at the back rubbing his hand together absentmindedly.

Probably he don’t have anything to do other than bargaining and serving people, that he unconsciously display the trait most common found in anime business man, Stereotypical, Sen thought. Walking to the counter making of an unknown gold-red material, Sen cough twice to get the attention of the business man.

Woken up of his stupor, the merchant turn around and face Sen smilingly but once he saw that it was just a kid no older than twenty that didn’t have the air and arrogance as other wealthy individual, the merchant assume that it was probably a person trying his luck with his store. Guffawing chillingly, the merchant state, “ We don’t accept bargain for a weak kid, get your stinky butt out and try another store. “

Hearing this, Sen grew mad. He didn’t even say or do anything to this gentleman.. No a minor villain, but got judge at by him, Sen didn’t know what the man see in him to say as such but he couldn’t take this provocation lying down and he plan to resolve it in an evil sneaky way, hehehe. ‘I am going to make him regret and waste his time, Hohoho.’, Sen thought in his mind.

Pulling out the boot he create sneakily out of his back from the inventory, Sen present it in front of the merchant with a bright respectful smile. “ Sir, how about a trade? This is a high quality boot solely use to massively boost a person speed many fold. I won’t charge much, just one item I found good to my eye and you can gain a fortune later on from selling this. “ ask Sen trying to entice the merchant.

“ And why should I believe what a poor person like you have to say, I saw this tactic as much as the star in the sky, so tell me what is it that is so special about this situation that I didn’t see from countless other trying to scam me? “ ask the merchant, a frown etch to his face.

“ The thing that is different from my product is that my product is true and I am honest about it. I could even show that it work right now. “ answer Sen.

“ please do. “

Wearing the boot that was now equip with a stop button manually, Sen is set in his position and once a signal was sent from the merchant, he activated the boot and punch a hole through the store “ Accidentally “.

Seeing that it is actually is what the beggar said, the merchant put back his smiling and tame façade. Moving fast to Sen, the merchant immediately complied with the request. What he didn’t know however, is that Sen was just trying to mess with him and wouldn’t trade the boot, effectively wasting his time and hurt the merchant pride once he say that the goods doesn’t come into his eye. Then the merchant will have to think about his life choice when a man he consider poor regarded his product as trash and unworthy.

Thinking about the outcome, Sen couldn’t help but grin playfully at that and walk with the merchant to the underground where the material is supposedly place. Inside the room after closing the door, Sen notices that it get eerily silent and desolate. The merchant noticing the nervousness in his client said, “ Don’t worry, it is just a countermeasure for when the product make too much noise that it interrupted other people businesses. “

What the merchant said however, make Sen feel a chill down his back and more tense. ‘ What do he mean by loud, or they? ‘, thought Sen. ‘ I just wanted to buy more material to use, why does it seem like I am conducting an illegal transaction? ‘.

Opening the second door that lead downward, Sen could hear people moaning incessantly coming from the bottom of the stair, a moan of pleasure? That seem to be a man and a women voice. Getting the idea of what is going on and what the sign “ Material “ meant, make Sen heart turn cold. Distress he brace himself for the scene he will see down below and what will become of him from seeing the dark side of this world.

To be continued…

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