《Minecraft power in a strange world》the introduction of an old friend


”Yes sir”, the unknown butler replied.

Then two black shirt handsome men come into my view and introduce themselves.

”Am bard”, the butler to my right.

”Am heart” the butler to my left.

Bard is a tall man with a red bow tie and a white clean polish shoes.

Heart is a medium size man with pink tie and pink shoes.

He probably had a pink panties too, I thought in my mind.

They led me out of a wooden door and into the long hallway that has an innumerable number of room.

Leading me to the room 303 with a golden door they stop.

”Here is your room, and here’s the key” Heart curtly said.

Heart hand over me a golden key with some kind of crystal in the middle of it.

”What is this?”, pointing at the crystal, I ask.

”Oh, it’s a magic crystal, you can put mana into it and the door will open for you.”, Bart answer

”Then why do you need a key then?”, I questioned.

” For extra security.”, This time heart answer.

Ok. Even I agreed that you need as much security you can for your well being, but how does having two different way to open the door consider as security?

” So if you need anything just call us, we have a tellmagic phone in the room, now have a good day. ”, harmonizing both Heart and bart said it at the same time.

They been practicing I can tell.

Then heart and bart walk away, leaving me alone in front of the room.

Let’s see here.. Now they did say something about mana, but how those even work?

Pressing on the crystal with my thumb, I expected something to happen.

When nothing did, I sigh.

” Well, the hard way I guess. ”, I mutter.

Putting in the key into the door knob, I twisted it and open the door, making a squeaking sound.

Getting inside the room I breathe in the fresh smell of perfume, a lotus kind that soothes my soul.

” Nice atmosphere, I am pretty lucky to have this room. ” I said relief.

Laying down on a two meter bed that have white blanket and bouncy surface, I contemplate about my new ability.

There is many thing I wanted to try with my new power in mind, but some of them I don’t really wanted to try, like respawn. I don’t know if I am able to respawn and even if I was able to, will I still remain in this world or will the system create a minecraft world for me to respawn to. So that idea is out.


Another one I wanted to try is custom npc mod, I wanted to know if I am able to create a conscious life being, if so then are they control by the system or are they independent? Heck! I don’t even know if I am control by the system, if my life is not the one I am living but a block of script that instructed me to.

Ok ok, lets tone it down, don’t want to be negative here. So firstly I will try the custom npc.

” Open interface npc ”, I said.

Then it open in front of me

It consist of a simple:




That’s it.

” Wait, why doesn’t it remain the same as the mod before? ” I said confused.

Maybe, the possibility to create life overwhelm the system and now the mod change. So maybe if I could respawn, there is an unlikely chance that the system could create an unlimited universe for me, making it just respawn me in this world. That’s great to know. I smirked.

So let’s see, I wanted to create a… A…. I don’t know, a dog? Ok a dog.

Let name it Pup

And it’s appearance? A cute, small zombified dog. Lol.

Function? Loyal to the owner, I am the owner. It have life, it is intelligent and smart for a dog at least. It have the power to never die, never age, never bored, never feel pain, and a system where it can evolve and grow indefinitely.

Clicking ok, a small, green and kawaii dog appear in front of me. It is the size of two foot.

Holding the dog up into my arm I introduced myself

” Hey partner, I am sen your new owner. ” I smugly said.

It replied with a wolf and lick my face.

By the way, I didn’t notice this before but it smell very badly and its lick is so disgustingly sticky and smelly making me almost puke, actually I might have to puke now. I’ll be right back.

Ten minutes later,

Getting back into my room, I saw the dog laying down at the same spot, unmoving.

Doesn’t it become bored or anything? Well, I guess not because it doesn’t have the ability to feel bored, stupid me.

”Let’s edit it’s function, don’t know if I can though. Edit!”, I said.

The interface of Pup appear in front of me, and then I added never smell to the many function the dog had. Pretty op.


Crouching down next to the dog, I rub it head and try to smell it. No smell, that’s great.

”I don’t know if people will put me in a cross and burn me because I create life, need to keep it a secret in front of other at least because when no one is present then I can enjoy this, hehehe. Which is now.”, I said gleefully.

Let’s see, what do I wanted to create, there’s a lot of option here. How about Steve? Wait! No. How about my friend from another world covert into a Minecraft player? Because when I think about it, the system doesn’t have an ability to create a universe, it just materialize because of the immense energy I use to teleport here. Energy can do anything man.. But basically I was still in the same reality as earth.

Now I can’t just randomly pull someone out of their family because of my selfishness, how about I create a body that connect to his computer in term of an game program that he have to open at least once and through that program, he can control the body.

Now with that idea, how can he control the body to a finest degree with a computer screen?


Maybe I can just added a semi life or an artificial intelligence to control all the aspect of the body that couldn’t be control by the computer, so that my friend could just use wsad key and a mouse to control everything perfectly. The Ai and the semi-intelligence depending on the situation will make the mouse activate different thing. That’s great. It should work.

Open interface!

Name: Dinarsan

Appearance: Dark-skin, have perfect body and horn, handsome, incubus.

Function: Have a semi-life and a Ai that harmonize the body and control it in a way that make it possible to control the body with any technology my friend Din is going to use, if not possible then subtlety change the technology to make it fit the purposes. The body is attach to Din spiritually, and any device he use will be able to control the body. Force Din to control the body once.

Done, I rub my hand with anticipation.

Clicking done I saw a body appear in front of me that have a some of Din trait. The difference is that the body is a million time more handsome than the original with a good body and a little big brother to boot.

” I am not homo, but I can’t stop staring at his pack. ” I said.

Looking around for a cloth to cover him, I found absolutely nothing, except the necessity.

” I can cheat this once right? Because I am lazy to find him shirt to wear. ” I said to no one in particular.

Pressing edit, I added a full gothic black shirt for Din and just like that, I fix the problem, easy.

” Now all I got to do is wait. For a second. ” I predict.

Just like what Sen said, Din suddenly opens his eyes.

” What game is this and why is the graphics so damn good? ” Din utter, awe in his voice.

” Hey man, nice to see you again. ”, I playfully said.

Hearing me, Din turn around and look.

” The heck, you been missing and I have wonder where you gone, but here you are at this game. So what is it? ”, Din asked.

” Firstly, I got teleported, secondly, this is not a game at least for the people of this world and thirdly, I make it possible for you to control this character as a Minecraft player. ”, I explain.

” Minecraft? I am quitting this then. ”, Din stately said.

” Wait wait wait, help me man! ” I shout in a hurry.

” Fine, so how do you play? ”, Din asked.

” I don’t know, I suppose it will tell you? ”, I ask.

” There is nothing. I can walk though with wsad but I don’t know other key. ” Din exclaimed.

” Try pressing Esc ” I suggest.

Din press Esc silently and check.

” Ok I understand now, but there is a lot of combination here. I needed to press H+Shift+O+Space just to jump, and trust me there is a lot more combination. ” Din replied, grim in his tone.

” Oh, sorry let me make it simple for you, Edit.” I said.

+ Added make it very simple and easy for din to play.

” It is a lot easier now, ok let’s go, I will carry you. ”, Din said.

” Nah, I got better parkour skill than you. ”, I said.

” Whatever. ”, Din replied.

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